
Chapter 99


Everyone, you are welcome, take a seat! "The kind old man showed his hospitality and greeted them warmly, then turned and went into the inner room. After a short while, he brought out two jars of wine, "Brother Qiu, you are the best cook, can you make some [Songxiachu

Qiu Ziling took off his white outer coat and said with a smile: "Brother Kong, I am going to make a fool of myself again. Www,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,CoM"

The five elders had no restrictions on food and were regularly supplied by the military. There was a cellar behind the hut where they stored daily necessities.

Listening to the sizzling sound of cooking coming from the kitchen, the Chen brothers' salivary glands secreted faster, and waves of fragrance wafted by, making everyone swallow their saliva anxiously.

The four elders and Han Xiaohan sat down, and the kind old man asked, "Xiaohan, what did you do to be sent to Longcheng?"

Han Xiaohan no longer concealed the truth and recounted in detail how he had killed more than a hundred people from Heaven and how he was sent to Longcheng by Guan Yuxuan.

After hearing this, the four elders sighed and shook their heads. The old man with eagle eyes said, "We had heard of the name of Heaven before we arrived in Dragon City. But it was not well-known at that time. It acted in a low-key and mysterious way, often engaged in assassinations, and was despised by the people in the martial arts world. I didn't expect that in just ten years, it would grow so powerful. It is puzzling.

The yellow-faced old man said, "It's a bit ridiculous for Elder Han to send Xiaohan to Dragon City. Even if it's for training, Dragon City is still a very dangerous place. If you're not careful, you can lose your life."

Han Xiaohan hurriedly shook his head and said, "Grandpa is right. Dragon City is dangerous, but I have learned a lot here. I feel much more mature than before. The most important thing is," he turned around and looked at Luo Kai and others with a smile, "I also made a group of very good friends!"

His words made Luo Kai and others feel warm in their hearts, while Chen Hai and Chen Shi scratched their heads embarrassedly.

Han Xiaohan asked again: "I have been in Longcheng for quite some time, but there is one thing I still don't understand. Why did the country build Longcheng, and why did you, Laowu, willingly stay in such a place?"

The kind old man said, "Dragon City was established by the top military officials. Even in the central government, not many people know about it. We don't know why either. But I think there must be a big secret hidden in Dragon City that has not been discovered. As for the five of us staying here, it is entirely because of our original promise."

Han Xiaohan was stunned. He was not surprised that Dragon City was established by the military, but he was puzzled by the fact that Dragon City had secrets. Dragon City was only five miles in radius. How could there be any secrets that even the Five Elders didn't know? He couldn't ask, so he smiled casually and said, "What did the Five Elders promise?"

The old man with eagle eyes sighed and smiled bitterly, "More than ten years ago, the five of us were the guardians of the Dragon Order. Later, we had a dispute with the Tang Sect. The two sides fought with swords and knives. There were more than ten battles, big and small, and countless casualties. I won't go into details about the tragedy. Later, the leader of the Tang Sect, 'Old Lady' Tang Ting, personally attacked us with the Tang Sect's secret weapon, 'Rain of Pear Blossom Needles', which seriously injured the five of us. The Tang Sect is known for its two unique skills, one is hidden weapons, and the other is poison. We are not afraid of the Rain of Pear Blossom Needles.

However, it was coated with Tang Sect's unique poison, which the five of us were unable to detoxify. Just as we were surrounded by Tang Sect disciples and the poison was taking effect, a highly-ranking military figure arrived in time and rescued us from the tiger's mouth. Later, he asked Tang Ting for the antidote, and the five of us were able to return to the world from the gates of hell.