Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 101: Style


Mo Wei also thought about how he felt about runes. Mo Wei feels that Fu Ling is the kind of beauty that will make you think about it the first time you meet, just like when Liu Chuan met Fu Ling for the first time, Mo Wei could feel it even stupid, Liu Chuan opposed Fu Ling’s attitude is different, but after getting along for a long time, Fu Ling will make you forget your original thoughts until one day, "; go! Let’s eat skewers together."; You will suddenly doubt that you had it before. What's the idea? !

Mo Wei asked Fu Ling: "Sister Fu, do you have anyone you like?";

";Of course, I liked a little novice monk back then, but I didn't know that I liked it at the time. It took me many years to understand, but unfortunately I missed it!";

Mo Wei only noticed three words: ";Little novice monk?!";

Fu Ling smiled a little shyly: ";I was young then!";

This topic is a bit embarrassing, and Mo Wei hurriedly changed the topic: "Sister Fu, my master seems to think that the fee you set is a bit low. Just now Master said that you can see up to ten or eight patients in a day, let alone We don’t have that many patients now.";

";It's okay Mo Wei, sister found a good way to make money, didn't I say, we will not open for half a year, we will open for half a year. Don't worry!"; Rune patted Mo Wei's shoulder confidently.

At this time Xuanwu walked down from the upper floor, Xuanwu saw that they were still sitting at the bar, and asked: "Are you two not going to go home?";

";Go, let's go.";Fu Ling went to get her coat as he said.

Xuanwu glanced at the messy bar and said: "Fu Ling, throw away the jelly box you finished eating and go home.";

";Clean up tomorrow!"; Fu Ling shouted.

Xuanwu said seriously: "No, please pack up quickly.";

Mo Wei hurriedly packed up.

Xuanwu glanced at Fu Ling: "You hurry up and pack up, don't always let Mo Wei work for you.";

Mo Wei tidied up and said: "Master, just this little thing, I just throw it away, you can go first!";

Fu Ling said with a smile: "Thank you Mo Wei!";

Xuanwu frowned: "Fueling!";

Seeing that Xuanwu was upset, Fu Ling had to take the rubbish that Mo Wei cleaned up, walked out the door, threw the rubbish into the trash can outside, and then stood at the door and shouted: "Why don't you come out yet?";

Xuanwu walked to the door and said to Fu Ling: "Go in and wash your hands!";

Fu Ling said indifferently: ";My hands are not dirty, they are clean! Let's go!";

";Hurry up and wash your hands."; Xuanwu said again.

Fu Ling knew that now Xuanwu was in a bad mood, so let's do something.

Fu Ling had to run in to wash his hands. When he came out, Xuanwu had already started the car. Only Mo Wei stood at the door, and locked the door when she came out.

Xuanwu drove the car and got Mo Wei in the car. Xuanwu sent Mo Wei home first, and then the two men returned to the villa.

Xuanwu didn't say anything on the road, and when he walked into the house, Xuanwu said: "Fu Ling, you are not young anymore, you can't always be so headstrong! Mo Wei just works in the medical clinic, you can't let him do the work for you. For foreign matters, he is not obligated to serve you personally.";

Fu Ling said dissatisfied: ";Isn't he just trying to throw rubbish for me!";

";Not only this one, I find that you are becoming more and more lazy now, and you don’t have the style of a cultivator at all.";

Seeing Fu Ling's dissatisfaction, Xuanwu said again: "Don’t think I won’t go downstairs. You don’t know that Mo Wei will help you run errands and help you with work. He is also a family accustomed treasure at home, if his parents I know, he didn't learn the craftsmanship in the medical hall, what would it be like to be supported by you to do this and that?! Compare your heart to your heart, think about it for yourself!";

Hearing Xuanwu's words, Fu Ling really felt ashamed.

Fu Ling took Mo Wei as her friend. She never thought about doing this by herself, whether she was bullying Mo Wei. This question is a bit complicated. Fu Ling knows that he can't talk about Xuanwu. Since Xuanwu has proposed it, she will go shopping tomorrow. It's no big deal!

Thinking of this, Fu Ling said to Xuanwu: "I know, I will pay attention to it in the future.";

Having said that, the two simply ate dinner, and Fu Ling returned to the room, suddenly remembering that the two jade pendants he had picked from under Gujing's bed had not been shown to Xuanwu.

Fu Ling pulled out the jade pendant from his bag, walked to the door of Xuanwu's room, and asked: "Xuanwu, can I come in?";

";Come in!"; Xuanwu's voice came from the door.

Fu Ling walked into the room, shook the jade pendant in front of Xuanwu, and asked: "Xuanwu, you can help me see, how about the two jade pendants I picked?";

Xuanwu glanced at the Dielianhua Ruyi Lock in Fu Ling's hand and the small jade pendant with five blessings.

";Good condition, who are you going to give it to?"; Xuanwu asked.

Fu Ling looked disdainful: ";Who give it to someone! I plan to sell it. Like you said, there is no one hundred thousand or eighty thousand, I can't make a deal.";

Xuanwu sneered: "You tell me, who would spend a hundred thousand or eighty thousand for a Ruyi lock of Dielianhua? Give it to a lover?";

Fu Ling explained: "My dear, I want to sell it as an amulet.";

";Don't tell me, you plan to tell the buyer that your Dielianhua was worn by a mage!";

Fu Ling asked in surprise: "Have you never worn it?";

Xuanwu's heart burst into flames: "Will I wear this kind of jade pendant? Why don't you use your brain? This kind of carvings are gifted by husband and wife or lovers. You take a safe button without any carvings to make people feel better than it. Reliable.";

Fu Ling said with a good temper: "Oh, I chose the wrong one. If I make a mistake, I am wrong. Why are you angry!";

Xuanwu Xin said: I don’t understand if I choose a jade pendant, how can I get mixed up with this IQ in the future!

Fu Ling took the jade pendant and looked at it again, how beautiful it is! It's not suitable, it's not suitable, what's the big deal.

Fu Ling said to Xuanwu: "Okay, don't be angry, I will go back and change two simple ones, don't disturb you, I'm leaving!";

As soon as Fu Ling turned around, he suddenly realized that this jade pendant was a gift between husband and wife or lover. Who gave Xuanwu? !

Fu Ling returned to Xuanwu and asked with a grin: "Xuanwu, who gave you this?";

Xuanwu was too lazy to deal with Fuling: "I don't remember, it may be a bargain I bought on the roadside.";

Fu Ling looked disbelief: "Huh! Who believes it, your eyes can buy bargains? You never forget, don't you remember who gave such a beautiful jade pendant? Or who you want to give it to?" ;

";Everything is divided into important and unimportant. I will remember the important things. Do I still need to remember things like this that are thrown under the bed by you? If I even remember all these miscellaneous things, my mind No need to do anything else, it's already full of garbage.";

Fu Ling's face was suspicious: "; Wouldn't it be important to have such exquisite things?";

Xuanwu asked: ";Will important things be under your bed?"; (to be continued) (end of this chapter)