Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 13: See you again


Because of the pain in his feet, Mo Wei could justifiably take sick leave, and happily lay down, eating and drinking. Except for the pain of the feet, this painful thing, everything is so beautiful.

Nearly 11 o'clock in the noon, Yingming Shenwu's grandmother led the rune to Mo Wei's house.

Liu Xin was a little surprised when she opened the door and saw her mother-in-law brought a nice and well-behaved girl of 16 or 7 years old. She had never seen a rune, and she didn't know that this was the one who gave Mo Wei's amulet, the legendary reincarnated fairy boy.

Mo Wei was also surprised when he saw the beautiful girl brought by his grandma. Mo Wei did not recognize the beauty in front of him at first. It turned out to be the kid in the dark gray coat and hat who was playing on the ice car with him eight years ago. . Mo Wei sighed, what a big eighteen change!

The effect of beauties is infinite! The moment Mo Wei saw the rune, he had forgotten that his feet hurt.

After chatting, I found out that Fu Ling has now studied Chinese medicine at the Municipal Health School. Last night, his grandmother went to Suolong Temple to find Master Jinghui. This morning, my grandmother went to the health school to pick up Fu Ling. She has already introduced him to Fu Ling. About Wei and his classmate Zhao Xiaobo.

";I heard that you were in trouble again?!" After the courtesy, Fu Ling asked Mo Wei with a smile.

Mo Wei blushed and didn't know how to answer.

";I've grown so tall, how come my troublesome troubles haven't been changed yet."; Fu Ling continued.

";Remember what I said when I gave you the amulet? I said, don’t let people step over you, if you are disrespectful to Fu, it will leave you!";

"How can I be disrespectful, I have always been careful, it was an accident that Li Xinjie jumped over me that day."; Mo Wei blushed and mumbled softly.

In the past two days, Mo Wei has been thinking about everything that happened at the top of the mountain on the day of the grave sweeping. I also thought about the reason for the sudden disappearance of the amulet. Mo Wei felt that it was unlikely that the amulet rope would be broken. If it was because Li Xinjie accidentally stepped over him, the amulet would have disappeared, and the amulet’s temper was too violent.

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

Mo Wei just discussed it in his heart, he didn't have the courage to argue with Rune Ling. Since that year, after he learned that Fu Ling and Master Jinghui were too subdued the female ghost, when he saw the wooden comb that others casually put on the table, he would think of the broken wooden comb under the peach tree and wrapped in red cloth. , I will feel the surrounding temperature drop in an instant, and a serious psychological shadow has been formed. It has only improved in the past two years. Mo Wei had an inexplicable admiration and fear for rune spirits, and he was really fond of that amulet.

Now that Rune mentioned the amulet, Mo Wei immediately asked: "Master Rune, you can send me another amulet. I will definitely be more careful this time.";

"Don't call me a master, it sounds like a liar. You are my senior brother's grandson, how can I not take care of you!" Fu Ling blinked at Mo Wei and said with a smile.

Mo Wei was so embarrassed to see Fu Ling mentioning his seniority! Do you really want him to be called Master Fu Ling? ! The face is full of black lines in an instant!

Fu Ling saw Mo Wei's embarrassment, and said: ";Just call me a little talisman. It is not difficult to send you amulets. The trouble is that you have offended the Liuxian who is practicing on Jiguan Mountain.";

";I also had a relationship with that Liuxian. That day, she should have passed by Laoyeling. She had already avoided you, but you guys were boring, but boldly provoke her, then can she not be annoyed? On Jiguan Mountain, she has been cultivating for more than five hundred years and she is already strong. Now that you annoy her, how can she not fight with you?!";

In fact, Fuling has also experienced some ups and downs in recent years. She knows that this time the matter is difficult to understand, that Liu Yuqing also has more than 500 years of Taoism, how could she be trapped by a few children? Could it be that Mo Wei brought the amulet she painted to hold Liu Yuqing's original body at the time, if it was really caused by the amulet she painted, Liu Yuqing's careful attention should not be used forever with her. Fu Ling's head hurts a bit!

Listening to Fu Ling's words, Liu Xin's family panicked. They knew the troubles Maureen caused when she touched the wooden comb. Although Liu Xin is usually an atheist, when it is related to his son, Liu Xin would rather believe that he has it right away! Quickly ask Fu Ling to save Mo Wei, and grandma also asks Fu Ling to help.

Fu Ling said with a serious face: "When things happen, of course we have to solve them. Comparing your hearts to your heart, if someone wants to hurt you, you will become angry. Now we need to prepare to make a compensation for others, please forgive them. ";

After everyone had lunch, according to Fu Ling's arrangement, Liu Xin went out to buy incense, candles, 10 catties of eggs and two bottles of white wine. Everything was ready, took a taxi, and a group of four ran directly to Jiguan Mountain. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)