Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 39: Welcome guests


"Which beauty was your friend just now? Why haven't I seen it?"; Rune's gossip heart began to become active again.

";You haven't seen so many! I can't talk about being friends, just the same clan.";

";Is it a relative? Why haven't you heard that she called you Brother Xuanwu, which is really sweet.";

";She calls everyone brother.";

"Really, why don't you let me ask her, who is the driver that Fox Fairy cleans up?!"; Fu Ling was puzzled.

";If I can find out, why should I ask her!"; Xuanwu was a little disdainful.

"If she can tell you, why do you have to check it yourself, how troublesome!";

";She told me, can I believe it? Seeing may not be true, let alone a person with unpredictable intentions told you.";

";Unpredictable? Who is she?";Fu Ling asked curiously.

";The farther you are, the better you are, and you will talk less when you see her."; Xuanwu was a little impatient.

"You tell me, what did she do? How did she offend you?";Fu Ling was pleased, and wanted to hear Xuanwu say some gossip.

";Before Zhou Hei Ya, do you still buy a duck neck?"; Xuanwu asked.

";Buy, buy, buy, stop on the right!"; Fu Ling immediately gave up the gossip.

Before Xuanwu stopped the car, Fu Ling opened the door and got out of the car and went straight to Zhou Hei Ya.

Xuanwu thought it was funny, and a deli could distract Rune Ling from all his attention.

When the two returned to the Chinese Medicine Hall, Fu Ling was almost finished eating a catty of duck necks, with duck necks in his mouth, Fu Ling did not care about Xuan Bing's gossip, and Xuan Wu also fell silent.

Two people walked in to see that Mo Wei was cleaning with a rag, Fu Ling greeted Mo Wei quickly, "Mo Wei will eat duck neck and duck wings. It's quite clean. No need to wipe it.";

Xuanwu sighed, the good boy can really learn from Fu Ling.

";Don't bother me by going upstairs.";After that, Xuanwu ignored the two foodies and went to the second floor alone.

";You ignore him, we will eat ours."; Fu Ling was afraid that Mo Wei would not adapt to the basaltic tone, so he hurriedly pulled Mo Wei to eat duck neck.

";I’ll take the rag to the bathroom first."; Mo Wei actually didn’t want to care about the runes. Mo Wei sighed that the gods can only be used to admire and yearn. Don’t get close. When you get closer, the halo is gone, the gods My sister has become a foodie!

Through recent contact with Fuling, Mo Wei wondered if Liu Chuan really knew Fuling, would he still like it

Regardless of the happy runes downstairs and the tangled Mo Wei, Xuanwu meditated cross-legged, listening to what happened in the past two days.

After a long time, Xuanwu opened his eyes and began to think.

There is no oil and salt shop that does not open, and of course there is no traditional Chinese medicine restaurant that does not enter customers. When Fu Ling and Mo Wei ate the last two duck wings, Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Hall walked into the first batch of guests.

The two aunts who were over 60 years old came in by pushing the door. The two aunts were out for a stroll. They watched the newly opened Chinese medicine clinic at the gate of the community. They wanted to enter the door to get insights, but they didn’t expect to see two sitting on the sofa. Young man, holding duck wings in his hand, eating happily.

Seeing this scene, the two aunts were taken aback, thinking that they had gone to the wrong door. When they were embarrassed, Fu Ling said, "Welcome!";

Fu Ling threw away the duck wings, wiped his hands with a tissue, and greeted him with a smile, "Auntie, good morning!";

";Hello, what does your store sell?";An aunt asked.

"Auntie, we don't sell anything, we are a Chinese medicine clinic." Fu Ling explained.

Mo Weixin said, we have nothing to sell.

"Oh, you are Chinese medicine doctors!"; The aunt suddenly realized.

"Well, if you can believe me, I will check your pulse.";Fu Ling took out a tissue and wiped his hands carefully.

Mo Weixin said, you can't wipe off the smell of duck neck.

";We just come in and take a look."; The aunts are not stupid. At first glance, Fu Ling is a little girl in her early twenties. Although she smiles like a harmless human and animal, who knows what to say after the pulse is diagnosed. , Such a high-end store, the recipes are definitely not cheap.

"Aunty, listening to your voice, are you a little bit cold?"; Fu Ling asked.

";Yes, the sky has changed in the past two days, and it's a bit cold."; The aunt replied.

"Auntie, your cold is not severe. You don't need to take medicine. You can make some ginger sugar and sesame leaf tea when you go home; you can drink it twice.";

"Girl, what is ginger sugar and Suye tea?";

";It is ginger, sesame leaves, each g, brown sugar. You first cut the ginger into shreds and the sesame leaves, and put the two in a teacup at the same time, steep with boiling water, cover and soak for 5-10 minutes, then add brown sugar, while hot Just drink it. This tea is suitable for colds and colds, mainly for the treatment or conditioning of symptoms such as fever, no sweat, headache, cough, or nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension and pain. It is also suitable for gastrointestinal colds."; Fu Ling said Got to talk endlessly.

Mo Wei's admiration for Rune Ling was like a surging river, endless.

Mo Wei only discovered that in addition to evaluating the special dishes of restaurants and restaurants, Fu Ling can also soak ordinary ginger and sesame leaves in water. It sounds decent, and there are exclusive terms, "; Jiangtang Suye Tea ";, it seems that Fu Ling has the power to be a liar!

"Thank you girl, I will make this Su Ye tea as you said after I return. By the way, girl, do you have Su Ye?"; the real aunt asked.

Another aunt had a lot of thoughts, afraid that Rune would sell their medicine, and quickly said: "My family has it, my family has it, I will go home and get you some.";

Fu Ling said with a smile, "Auntie, our medical clinic does not stock conventional medicine. Su Ye is also called Perilla Ye. It is common in the wild in the countryside this summer. It is sold in pharmacies and it is quite cheap.";

"Oh, I didn't enter this door for nothing today. Thank you so much girl.";

"You are welcome, the two aunts also belong to this community. We are also living in the same courtyard. It's okay to walk past me, so I just walk in and talk.";

"Okay, okay, okay, this girl is so nice!"; The two aunts said okay again and again, and left with a smile.

Fu Ling sent the two outside the door, closed the door, and said triumphantly to Mo Wei, "I didn't do an internship at the Chinese Medicine Hospital for nothing!";

"Well, admire, admire!"; Mo Wei really admired. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)