Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 44: Missing


Early in the morning, Xuanwu frowned when he heard the sound of pattering and pattering footsteps.

";Xuanwu, I'm coming in!" After Fu Ling finished speaking, he opened the door and quickly walked into Xuanwu's room, and sat down beside Xuanwu's bed.

Looking at Fu Ling, Xuanwu said helplessly: "You don't wear shoes again!";

";Well, I want to ask you something.";

";The ground is very cold, your body can't stand your tossing like this.";

";Hmm!";Fu Ling twisted his body and moved his feet to Xuanwu's **.

Xuanwu looked at Fu Ling’s feet that had just stepped on the floor, and it felt like Fu Ling’s feet were not on his own sex, but on his own heart. The steps were heavy and cruel, Xuanwu’s heart. Ah, the unspeakable suffering; the unspeakable uncomfortable.

Xuanwu thinks that he has nothing to do with cleanliness, but the things he uses are very taboo from being touched by others. If someone else sits in Xuanwu's body, Xuanwu will kick him down.

No, Xuanwu would never give others a chance to sit on it, except for rune spirits. Who made rune spirits be raised by Xuanwu since childhood!

Xuanwu sometimes wondered how Ao Tian, a white dragon with a serious habit of cleanliness, could tolerate runes, sleep in his own bed, use his own cup, and drink the soup in his own bowl.

Alas, Xuanwu sighed that everything in the world regardless of race, as long as it is a child raised by himself, he will not dislike it.

Fu Ling didn't care about Xuanwu's eyes, "Xuanwu, are you familiar with Yin Chai?";

";Unfamiliar."; Xuanwu answered decisively.

"Then what did you call the Yin Chai yesterday?"; Fu Ling asked puzzledly.

";The difference happened to be passing by.";

"Oh, how does he know you?"; Rune asked.

";People are bad guys, of course they know who we are.";

"Oh, I saw him being so polite to you yesterday, I thought you were very familiar!"; Fu Ling said in a disappointed manner.

Xuanwu thought to himself: What idea does Fu Ling want to make? ! The first time Taoist cultivation experienced calamity, it was already plagued by disasters, and rune spirits were unconscious, and if they were fine, they had to find something for themselves.

"; Xuanwu, you said, if we join forces with the bad guys and ask them to provide information about the evil spirits, we will help them to subdue the evil spirits and supersede the evil spirits. In this way, we don't have to look for the evil spirits everywhere, and they don't have to go everywhere to catch the evil spirits. Are we win-win?";

Xuanwu looked at Fu Ling, "Are you free lately?";

";Xuanwu, we promised to save over a hundred grieving ghosts. It has been several years, and we haven't gotten over any of them yet. If you ask about it in the future, how embarrassed the real person and Chang Niangniang!";

";Superior resentment, we must pay attention to chance, we have not met, nor can we blame us.";

";If there is no chance, we make chance. There is a saying that doesn’t mean: if there is difficulty, we must go up, and if there is no difficulty, we must go up too!";

";I just finished talking to you a few days ago, I want to cross the catastrophe!"; Xuanwu really didn't want to get entangled with the rune.

";It’s okay, you go through your robbery, I do my job, I ● 31 novel app download address ● to find a hundred resentful ghosts, quickly complete the punishment task, and then we will go to the mountains and play together, Happy and happy, what do you think?";

";What does it mean to blame ghosts who are not serious?"; Xuanwu asked.

";The grieving ghosts with heavy grievances are too lethal, not easy to be overwhelmed, and grieving ghosts with low grievances, let me persuade them to drink Mengpo soup, go to the Naihe Bridge, reincarnate as soon as possible, and we will finish as soon as possible. Goal, how great!"; Rune started to get excited again.

Xuanwu looked at her: ";Is the resentful ghost who is not serious, or the resentful ghost?";

";Those who have resentment are all resentful ghosts. This matter is settled. I will be at ease after completing the task." After Rune finished speaking, he moved his feet, stood up, and walked out of the Xuanwu room without looking back.

";Hurry up and wear your feet!"; Xuanwu shouted.

Xuanwu glanced at the bed sheet that Fu Ling had stepped on, got up with a sigh, and silently changed himself to a new bed sheet.

Fu Ling did what he said. He searched local social news on his mobile phone and found that there are very few homicides in a harmonious society.

There are only two pieces of social news that have attracted Fu Ling's attention.

A month ago, Jiang Mou, an out-of-town-year-old female college student, came to her aunt's house in this city. Her aunt was half an hour late due to a traffic jam. The last time she spoke with her aunt, she said that she was a little hungry and was waiting for her aunt at KFC. Her aunt went to KFC for a long time, but she didn't find the little girl, and her mobile phone was always turned off. The train station surveillance filmed the girl out of the train station and her whereabouts are unknown.

The other is that on January 16, a 19-year-old high school student in this city lost contact with his family. According to the investigation, Li Jia told her family on Saturday morning that she was going to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy counseling books. She did not have any conflicts with her family before leaving. Since the incident, her family has been searching everywhere. Until yesterday, the news of searching for Li Jia was continuously reposted on Weibo, and the whole city was looking for the missing girl. It has not been found yet.

After a few days ago, after encountering a vicious driver who forcibly solicited passengers at the passenger terminal, Fu Ling was particularly sensitive to passenger stations, railway stations, and places where there was a mixture of fish and dragons.

Fu Ling thought in his heart that Jiang Mou came from outside and said that he was going to KFC. KFC was about 00 meters away from the train station. She must have walked there alone.

Li Jia is going to Xinhua Bookstore. The nearest bus stop to Xinhua Bookstore is ";zhanqian";, which is also a train station.

Two young girls disappeared near the railway station within a month. What a coincidence! Fu Ling decided to visit the train station.

Fu Ling told Xuanwu that he was going to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy books, then he carried a backpack and took the bus to the station. After getting off the bus, Fu Ling stood in front of the bus stop sign and looked up and down every bus route.

Two slender old people, wearing white-washed clothes and looking gray, walked to the rune, the old man first said: "Girl, please give me some money, I will buy some food for my old lady, we I've been hungry for a day!";

Fu Ling has always been kind, and when he saw that the old man was pitiful, he took out his wallet, took out fifty yuan, and handed it to the old man.

";This girl is so nice, for giving us so much money, how can we charge you so much, girl, you just need to buy us two bowls of noodles."; The old lady said next to her.

The old man didn't take the money, and asked: "Girl, are you from outside? Where are you going?";

";I'm from Liuerbao, going to my second aunt's house, I can't remember how many cars to go to her house."; Fu Ling said harmlessly with a smile.

The old man asked, "Girl, where is your second aunt's house?";

";It's in Erdao Street.";

"Oh, Erdaojie, what a coincidence, we also have to go to Erdaojie, girl, your heart is good, it's almost noon, you ask our old couple to eat bowl of noodles, we will go by car together in a while! ";

Fu Ling looked embarrassed and hesitated.

Seeing Fu Ling, the old lady hesitated and said: "Girl, there is a small noodle shop in front of me. A bowl of noodles costs only six yuan. The price is cheap, the quantity is large, and the owner is nice. Let's go there to eat and it won't cost much. ";

";Girl, you have a good heart. I'll just say a few more words, uncle. If you go to your second aunt's house at this point, you have to catch up with others to eat when you enter. Didn’t you cause trouble for your own aunt? Your aunt’s family shouldn’t tell you that you came here just to get a meal?!";

When Fu Ling heard it, he lowered his head and thought, "Master, what you said is, let's eat bowl of noodles together!";

The two old men led Fu Ling towards the south of the train station. Fu Ling saw that there were bungalows in front, and asked, "Master, is the noodle shop far away?";

";Not far away, because the location is not so good, the rent in this area is cheap, so the food sold is also cheap.";

";The front is right.";The old lady took the rune's hand and said with a smile.

When Fu Ling saw the noodle restaurant they were going to, the sign was very old and the doors and windows were closed tightly.

"Uncle, are they still open?"; Fu Ling asked suspiciously.

";Business, business."; The old man said, and opened the door.

";Let's go! Girl!";The old lady took the rune and walked in. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)