Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 50: woman


Seeing that Xuanwu didn't want to talk to himself anymore, Fu Ling had to turn around and go downstairs.

Fu Lingxin said: Leave me alone, huh! Wait for me to make money! Oh, so what if I make money! You still don't look down on me. Forget it, I don't care about you, who makes you my family!

Mo Wei saw Fu Ling rushing upstairs and downstairs. Knowing that Fu Ling was hit by the master again, he didn't dare to provoke her, so he continued reading his book.

Seeing that Mo Wei was reading, Fu Ling was too embarrassed to bother. He turned to enter the lounge and decided to continue sleeping with her. The charge standard can be put aside, anyway, there will always be a solution.

After the Chinese Medicine Hall was calm for two days, in the early morning of the third day, a worker sent four boxes of fruit. Fu Ling thought that the other party had sent it by mistake, but the other party told Fu Ling that it was their proprietress Su Ping and asked them to deliver the fruit. ";Xuanfu Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum";

Fu Ling thought: Who is Su Ping? How could it be so good, giving her so many fruits, wouldn't it be a liar? !

Finally, the rune-eyed Rune asked them to put the fruit at the door, and Rune would not move the fruit box, just waiting for the development of the situation.

At about ten o’clock, Ms. Su came to the Chinese Medicine Hall. As soon as she entered the door, she saw the fruit at the door, and said to Fu Ling: "; Xiao Fu, I don’t know what kind of fruit you like to eat. I just picked these. Aunt Su’s little thoughts.";

"Aunt Su, this fruit was sent by you. They said the surname was Su. I didn't expect you to send it. Aunt Su, why did you send us so many fruits?"; Said with a smile.

";Xiao Fu, my face is much better and it doesn’t itch anymore. I don’t know how to thank you. Our house sells fruits. I just picked a few. What kind of fruits do you like? Tell Aunt Su, Su Auntie let them bring it to you again.";

"Aunt Su, I am embarrassed that you brought so many fruits!"; Rune's face was a little red.

";Xiao Fu, I've seen several doctors with this face. The medicine they prescribed has no effect after I have used it. Just the prescription you prescribed is good. I will drink it once when I go back. My face will not be so itchy. This It’s been three days, it’s not uncomfortable at all." Ms. Su was grateful in her heart, and she didn’t want to let go of the rune’s hand.

There is fruit to eat, Fu Ling is in a good mood, and said to Ms. Su, "Aunt Su, the dermatitis on your face can be relieved, and I am also happy. You drink it for seven days, and then I will check your second pulse for you. A food tonic prescription for body conditioning. Aunt Su, food tonic is better than medicine. As long as you are in good health, your complexion is naturally ruddy and you don't need cosmetics at all.";

Listening to Fu Ling's words, Ms. Su was happier, ";Xiao Fu, I believe you now, you are my niece. Xiao Fu, your skin is so good, how do you usually take care of it?" ;

Xuanwu: Fu Ling, did you wash your face this morning? !

Mo Wei: Every day potato chips, meat skewers, spicy and all junk food are my favorites.

"Aunt Su, I didn't take care of it. Sometimes I forget to use lotion after washing my face. Aunt Su, as long as the sleep is good and the blood is good, the skin will be better." Fu Ling said with some embarrassment.

";Well, um, Xiaofu, you are right, I will also pay attention to sleep and diet in the future.";

When the two women talked about skin care, they seemed to have endless words, and there was no age gap or cultural differences.

Mo Wei sighed: Sister Shenxian is also a woman!

Because Fu Ling cured Ms. Su's dermatitis, the aunts in the entire community rushed to tell each other, saying that Fu Ling was a good doctor with excellent hands and free pulse diagnosis.

Nowadays, there are a few uncles and aunts who come to the Chinese Medical Center to chat with Fu Ling. By the way, Fu Ling is invited to help diagnose the pulse. Because of the good reputation of ";only prescription, no charge"; , Very consciously not giving money, making Rune feel embarrassed to ask for money, every day there is a kind of sadness and unspeakable depression and loss.

After a few days of trouble, Fu Ling didn’t receive a cent, and there was food every day. It was not the dumplings made by Aunt Li’s house, or the pie baked at Aunt Zhang’s house. Grandma’s grandma’s stewed chicken also served Fu Ling a bowl. .

Mo Wei looked at the lively Chinese Medicine Museum, thinking about whether Fu Ling was happy or down.

That morning, Fu Ling refused to get up again and told Xuanwu, "Xuanwu, I am not going to the hospital today, I want to rest.";

Xuanwu asked, ";The enthusiasm is gone, I don't want to do it anymore?!";

";** also needs a rest, you think ** only lived for a year and took so many photos, what does it mean?";

";Explain that he is busy taking pictures every day?"; Xuanwu teased.

Fu Ling glanced at Xuanwu and said, ";Your understanding is really poor, indicating that his life is also rich and colorful. I also have to enjoy life. I can't always stay in the hospital, or I will be caught by those old ladies. We tortured crazy."; Fu Ling complained.

";Okay, you can enjoy your life today! Will you still enjoy your life tomorrow?" Xuanwu asked with a smile.

"Of course I have to enjoy life. I will figure out a way. If these old men and old ladies are really sick, I will check their pulses. They are all right now. The square dance is very vigorous, and their legs and feet are better than mine. It’s still flexible, and I’m here to check the pulse, and I’m not afraid that I will really check them out.";

Seeing that Fu Ling is full of resentment, Xuanwu knows that Fu Ling is really tired these days, "; OK, I'll go first, you play at home, don't go out and run around, you have bad luck recently, you are easy to be abducted when you go out. I can’t follow you all the time.";

After instructing Fu Ling, Xuan Wu drove to the hospital. Uncles and aunts saw that Fu Ling was not in the hospital. No one dared to trouble Xuan Wu. They were bold enough to find Xuan Wu. Xuan Wu also said that he had something to do and refused to go downstairs. The uncles and aunts had to turn and leave disappointedly.

When Xuanwu went home at night, he saw Fu Ling lying on the sofa and pulling the tablet computer.

";Xuanwu, how about going to Hainan to celebrate the New Year? There are many people in Sanya, let's go to Haikou, there should be fewer people.";

Fu Ling continued to pull the tablet computer, "Xuanwu, let's take Ao Tian, leaving him alone in Gujing is too lonely, he should also go out to meet the world.";

Seeing that Xuanwu didn't answer, Fu Ling raised his head and looked at Xuanwu who was sitting on the sofa next to him. He looked for a while and said, "Xuanwu, do you have something on your mind?";

";I'm thinking about your proposal.";

";No, I feel that you have concerns that make you hesitate."; Rune said affirmatively.

";What else do you feel? Didn't you feel that you are hungry?"; Xuanwu turned the subject away.

Fu Ling said with a serious face, "Xuanwu, if you are hesitant and don't want to tell me, you can ask Ao Tian.";

Xuanwu looked at Fu Ling, feeling: Are women so sensitive? !

Fu Ling said gossiping again, "Of course, I still hope you can tell me, you tell me!";

";I’m thinking, how can Ao Tian go out without an ID card?"; (to be continued) [31 novel app download address] (end of this chapter)