Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 55: Haikou


When Ao Tian and Fu Ling approached the house with large bags and small bags in their hands, Xuanwu had already arrived home and arranged a room upstairs for Ao Tian.

The three can live together again. Fu Ling was so happy that he was busy arranging everything for Ao Tian. Ao Tian just sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Xuanwu simply fries four dishes in the kitchen.

Fu Ling remembered that Xuanwu took her to the city to make it easier for her to go to junior high school. At that time, Xuanwu was learning to cook for her. The melon slices fried for her were salty for the first time, and neither of them could eat it. After so many years, Xuanwu’s culinary skills have grown so much that he can easily set up a banquet!

After the three people had dinner, Xuanwu took Ao Tian upstairs, and Fu Ling knew that Xuanwu had gone to instruct Ao Tian to adapt to the new environment.

Three friends who have lived together for nearly a thousand years, changed places and started to play happily again.

Two days later, the three people happily boarded the train bound for Haikou. Although they had been tossing on the train for nearly two days, it did not affect Fu Ling's mood to see the world at all.

When the three people walked out of the Haikou Railway Station, Fu Ling looked up at the sky and said with emotion: "The sky here is no more blue than ours!";

Xuanwu was too lazy to listen to Fu Ling's emotions, took her into a taxi and went to the booked hotel.

After the three people rested for a night, they started a tour of Haikou. The Qilou Old Street exuding a strong petty bourgeoisie and literary atmosphere, really can’t lift the interest of the three, to Datong Street, about one kilometer away from the Qilou Old Street. Snacks, basil noodles, refreshing tonic, anti-sand taro, durian crisp, coconut rice,... make Fuling reluctant to think of Shu.

The next day, Xuanwu gave up his original plan to go to Leiqiong Volcano Group Global Geopark, and the three of them got up and went to Xixiu Beach.

The three of them stood on the gentle beach, feeling the sea breeze, looking at the clear water, thinking about their own thoughts.

Fu Ling excitedly ran to the locker room to change his swimsuit. Ao Tian looked at the sea and said to Xuanwu, "I want to go back and have a look.";

Xuanwu looked at Ao Tian and said, "I will go with you!";

"No, please stay with Rune Ling! This girl is in bad luck now and is prone to trouble. I can rest assured that you are by her side.";

Xuanwu knew what Ao Tian was up to, and said with some worry, "Well, you don’t have to worry about Rune, she still has real Dongling even if she gets into trouble. If you want to go back and see, I won’t stop you, but you do everything. Do not impulse.";

";Don't worry! It's been more than a thousand years, it's a matter of fact, right?"; Ao Tian said with emotion.

Although Ao Tian said plainly, Xuanwu knew that it was impossible for Ao Tian to let go. This was a knot that Ao Tian couldn't solve in his life.

Xuanwu instructed Ao Tian and said, "Be careful, go early and return early.";

Ao Tian smiled and turned and left. Xuanwu looked at Ao Tian's leaving back, and there was a trace of pain in his heart, Xuanwu had an ominous feeling.

Fu Ling changed into his swimsuit, and when he came to Xuanwu, he found that Ao Tian was not there. Asked: "Where is Ao Tian?";

";He went to see a friend."; Xuanwu replied.

Fu Ling was anxious at the time, ";How can you let him go alone? He hasn't left the ancient well for more than a thousand years.";

";He wants to go alone, can I stop him?!" Xuanwu asked back.

Because he was worried about Ao Tian, Fu Ling was not in the mood to swim, and sat on the beach with Xuanwu to watch the sea.

Fu Ling suddenly asked Xuanwu, "Are we supposed to come out?";

Xuanwu looked at Fu Ling and asked: "Don't you always want Ao Tian to come out and walk?";

Fu Ling said uncomfortably: "But I am a little unsure and uneasy now. Do you know where Ao Tian has gone? He has been punished by Gujing for a thousand years, so how can he have friends? I won't visit him for a thousand years.";

Xuanwu looked at the vast and boundless sea ahead, majestic and boundless, the sea and the sky merged into one, and he couldn't tell whether it was the sea or the sky.

";Fu Ling, no matter who it is, it is unavoidable to the same race and friends, whether it is love or hate with the same race; love or hatred with friends.";

Fu Ling thought for a while, and said, ";I’m stupid, Xuanwu, you just say, Ao Tian, why did you go there? Did you go to resolve the hatred? If we two go together, let’s give He stood and cheered, and if there is a fight, Ao Tian might have a helper, lest they bully Ao Tian alone.";

Xuanwu glanced at Fu Ling and said, "The two of us don't trouble Ao Tian, he can handle it by himself.";

"Xuanwu, you don't fight often. The students who fight at the gate of our school don't really want to fight. It just depends on who has more people and who frightens them."; Rune looks like he knows how to fight.

Seeing Xuanwu not speaking, Fu Ling continued, ";Let’s go and see! What if there is a fight?";

"Don't worry! The 31 novel app download address that won't fight, Ao Tian just went back to the place where he was born."; (to be continued) (end of this chapter)