Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 87: trade


Fu Ling pushed the door and walked into Xuanwu's room. Seeing Xuanwu was reading, he pulled a chair and sat opposite Xuanwu.

Fu Ling said: "Xuanwu, Liu Quan called me just now, saying that Qi Lianfeng wants to buy your jade pendant.";

Xuanwu said calmly: "Oh, you can sell it if you want!";

Fu Ling asked curiously: ";Where did the jade pendant come from? Isn’t it important?";

Xuanwu shifted his gaze to Fu Ling's face: "The jade pendant was given by someone many years ago. I don't have any impression. It has been kept in the ancient well. It has been soaked in water for hundreds of years. The fineness should be considered excellent.";

";It can collect souls, I thought it was a treasure!";

Xuanwu explained: "I used a charm to seal Jiajia's soul and bring it back on the jade pendant for the convenience of my actions.";

Fu Ling suddenly realized: "Oh, that's an ordinary jade pendant!";

"Who said it is ordinary, it has been soaked in our ancient well for hundreds of years, and it is also a spiritual treasure.";

Speaking of this, Xuanwu looked at Fu Ling and said in his heart: You have been soaking for a thousand years, and you still have this virtue. Genes are really important!

Fu Ling thought for a while and said: "Oh, no wonder you said when you left the jade pendant at that time, that jade pendant can protect Jiajia, it turns out to be a spiritual jade pendant. Then we should keep it for ourselves!";

Xuanwu sighed and said: "I usually let you learn something, you are always lazy, remember, as long as the jade is the best jade, it has the function of calming the soul and improving the blood.";

Fu Ling made Xuanwu confused and asked: "Then is this jade pendant worth money?";

Xuanwu said helplessly: "Remember, no matter what product it is, whether it is worth or not is determined by the supply and demand relationship of the product, and has nothing to do with cost and value.";

Fu Ling asked incomprehensibly: "What do you mean? Can strange goods live in it?";

Xuanwu nodded: "Well, almost. For example, you can buy a bottle of mineral water for two yuan in the supermarket, five yuan in the scenic spot, and in the desert, I ask you for two thousand, and you will buy it without hesitation. ";

Fu Ling widened his eyes: ";Can our jade pendant save lives?";

";No, but it's an antique in Gujing for hundreds of years.";

";Well, um, antiques are worth money, how much do you think we sell?";

"Alas, Fuling, although the commodity transaction, whether it is buying or selling, is the first to quote the price. For example, if you call two thousand for a bottle of mineral water, the buyer will think you are crazy, but he absolutely I dare not tell you that your mineral water is worth two yuan. But our business with Qilianfeng is different. We are asking for prices, and Qilianfeng sitting on the ground to pay back the money will lose our identity.";

Fu Ling asked ";Then how do I tell Liu Quan?";

Xuanwu thought for a while and said: "You tell Liu Quan that my jade pendant was worn by a Ming dynasty celestial master. It can seek good fortune and avoid evil. Since I have a relationship with Jiajia, I will give it to Jiajia!";

Fu Ling is strange: ";Are you so generous?";

Xuanwu smiled: "You are stupid, Qi Lianfeng is not stupid.";

";Yes, I give one hundred thousand for the soul-calling, how can I be ashamed to want our baby for nothing. By the way, which celestial master has worn the jade pendant?";

Xuanwu was too lazy to lift his head: "I have worn it!";

";Have you ever been a celestial master?";

Xuanwu raised his head and looked at Fu Ling coldly. Fu Ling said quickly: "Master, I forgot, you are a master, I understand.";

After Fu Ling finished speaking, he took out his cell phone and called Liu Quan back.

Liu Quan said a lot of thanks for Qi Lianfeng on the phone, and wanted to invite Fu Ling and Xuanwu to dinner together.

Fu Ling knew that Xuanwu didn't like Liu Quan, so he refused Liu Quan's invitation, saying that Xuanwu had something to do in the past two days, and that she would ask Liu Quan if she had time the next day. Thanks Liu Quan for his care.

After Fu Ling and Liu Quan had settled down, he put away the phone and asked Xuanwu: "Big brother, how many jade pendants do you have? Where did you put it?"; (to be continued) (end of this chapter)