Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 96: Please


As the saying goes, "It's easy to go up the mountain, but difficult to go down!"; But Fu Ling is ";It's difficult to go up the mountain, but easy to go down!";.

Fu Ling also installed a good sense of gentleness in Bai Rong's sight, and then walked faster and faster, and when he reached the intersection, he felt a little jogging.

Fu Ling saw Xuanwu's Jetta still parked in the same place, but Xuanwu and Ao Tian didn't stand by the car waiting for her, and felt a little inexplicable loss in their hearts.

Fu Ling pulled the car door and found Ao Tian sitting in the back row, froze for a moment, and got into the car.

Seeing Fu Ling got in the car, Xuanwu didn't speak, and directly started the car and drove back.

As soon as Fu Ling wanted to speak, Ao Tian first said: ";Go back and talk about it.";

Fu Ling didn't dare to refute, just looking at Ao Tian.

Ao Tian smiled and repeated: ";Go back and talk about it!"; Then he began to admire the scenery outside the car window and ignored the runes.

Fu Ling had an inexplicable feeling of aggrieved in his heart. Sitting in the car, he glared at Ao Tian, then at Xuanwu, staring at her, but neither of them looked at her.

The car drove very fast. After an hour and a half, he got off the highway and returned to the city he was familiar with. Fu Ling felt much better.

Ao Tian turned his head, looked at Fu Ling and asked suddenly: ";What do you want to say?";

Fu Ling said angrily: "I don't want to say it now.";

";Oh!"; Ao Tian responded and turned to look out of the car window.

Fu Ling went into flames without a name. He wanted to attack but didn't dare, so he had to find the steps himself: "Don't you want to ask anything?";

Ao Tian did not answer the conversation, Xuanwu had no choice but to say: "It was inconvenient for us to talk too much just now at the foot of Bai Rong's mountain.";

Fu Ling asked in surprise: "Are you afraid he would hear it? Is his cultivation so high?";

Xuanwu replied: "Yes, his cultivation base is very high, not below me.";

";Oh!"; Fu Ling suddenly realized, and instantly forgave them for their indifference.

Fu Ling said excitedly: "It turns out that Bai Rong has only learned from real people for a few days, and they don’t necessarily have a sense of mentoring and apprenticeship. Bai Rong doesn’t know the spell of the bronze mirror, but Bai Rong said, look at it. I call him senior brother, if I am in trouble, Qianli Transmission calls him three times, he will appear. However, I think he hates me a little bit, and I guess his words may not be reliable.";

Ao Tian said to Xuanwu: "Who said that no one cares, no one wants a frustrated baby; silly, you can see from her that others hate her.";

"Bai Rong really hates me!" Fu Ling said seriously.

Ao Tian and Xuanwu both laughed, and Fu Ling suddenly realized: "Have you all heard?!";

Fu Ling took Ao Tian's arm a little embarrassedly, and said, ";I lied to Bai Rong.";

Ao Tian pushed away Fu Ling with a look of disgust, and said: "Bai Rong won't let you hold, so you can hug me! I despise you too!";

"Oh!"; Fu Ling blushed, and took Ao Tian's arm and said: ";Didn't you let me make dessert to Bai Rong's mouth? I said it was a lie to Bai Rong, you guys are serious, really! I'm not stupid , Knowing that you are so good to me!";

Ao Tian smiled and said: ";You have shouted Bai Rong twice, don't shout a third time, be careful that he appears.";

Fu Ling paused nervously: "Ao Tian, don't scare me.";

Ao Tian said sternly: ";Don’t scare you anymore, this is our site, don’t worry! Don’t think everyone likes fighting in their nests, but they are still the same when they are outside.";

";What do you mean?"; Fu Ling asked puzzledly.

Ao Tian explained: ";Meaning, Bai Rong is not from this place. When he comes to us, there will be little demon whispering.";

Fu Ling thought for a while and asked: "Then we went to him just now? Some little demon had already told him?";

Ao Tian smiled: "Of course, otherwise Xuanwu can call Bai Rong if you can't find it? You have called his name, why would he be embarrassed to hide again.";

"Oh, this Bai Rong really doesn't plan to give me any face!";

Ao Tian said: "Yes, we just wanted to see his attitude in the past, but now we understand everything.";

Fu Ling asked suspiciously: "Then why did he still agree to help me when I am in trouble?";

Ao Tian sighed and said: "Well, as soon as you finish saying that you are not stupid, you start to be stupid again. He said to help you, can he really help you? At the frontline of life and death, you have the opportunity to call three senior brothers; ? Even if you shout three senior brothers, he appears two seconds late, you still have no chance of surviving.";

Fu Ling opened his eyes and asked in surprise: "You said he was lying to me?";

Ao Tian touched Fu Ling's head and said, ";You can't say that, girl, remember that it is better to beg for yourself; you can only rely on yourself for everything.";

Fu Ling whispered: "What do you mean?";

Ao Tian smiled: ";Xuanwu and I can't be by your side from time to time. If something unexpected happens, only you can save yourself, do you understand?";

Fu Ling nodded: "I understand!";

Xuanwu said: "Now that you understand, don't always sleep, practice more exercises when you are fine, and recite the charms. Don't know what charms to draw at that time, and forget two more sentences when you recite the spells.";

Fu Ling agreed: "Well, I get it!";

Ao Tian picked up Fu Ling's right hand and looked at it carefully, and said, "When the thunder is coming tomorrow, you go to the yard and stand for a while and raise your right hand above your head.";

Fu Ling asked suspiciously: ";What are you doing? Then don't you stand up for lightning strikes?";

";It's okay, there is Baojing to take the thunder for you!";

As soon as Ao Tian finished speaking, he felt the rune's right hand tremble.

Fu Ling said in surprise: "Why are my hands shaking!";

Ao Tian smiled evilly: "It's none of your business.";

Seeing Fu Ling puzzled, Ao Tian said again: "Since Baojing makes you feel uneasy, it means that it doesn't regard you as its master, it doesn't really want to follow you, or to put it bluntly, it doesn't look at you. In this case, it's a forceful twist. If the melon is not sweet, let's not embarrass the treasure mirror. If it really protects you, it will lift the thunder for you. If it is not, it will naturally leave you before the thunder strikes down.";

Fu Ling suddenly realized: "Oh, sure enough, ginger is still hot, big brother, you are still great!";

Xuanwu Xin said: Stupid is stupid. Baojing ran away, you were the one who struck the lightning!

Ao Tian smiled: ";Don't you often say that you see the truth in adversity; do you!";

";Well, um, brother is better than you and Xuanwu, then Bai Rong is really unreliable, and I didn't offend him, why does he hate me so much?!";

Ao Tian smiled and didn't tell Fu Ling. Of course Bai Rong hated her. If Bai Rong's heart was small, he would not just hate her, but would hate her.

Both Ao Tian and Xuanwu knew that if Bai Rong was a disciple received by a real person who suppressed Ao Tianshi, then his and Fu Ling’s cultivation base would have almost reached a thousand years, that is to say, it is time to cross the calamity. If Bao Jing is at the entrance of Bai Rong Cave, Bao Jing can resist the sky thunder for Bai Rong. But at this critical moment, Fu Ling accidentally took away the treasure mirror. How could Bai Rong like Fu Ling and not hate her? It was already a real person's face if he didn't plan to regain the treasure mirror!

Ao Tian believes that what should come will always come, and it will be solved as soon as possible, so after Fu Ling went up the mountain alone today, Ao Tian's true soul has been following far behind, just as Bai Rong can't hold the black hand. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)