Xuan Fu Chinese Medicine Center

Chapter 99: Free consultation


Mo Wei ran to the second floor and knocked on Xuanwu's door: "Master, there is a customer downstairs who wants to get a pulse.";

"Okay, I'll go downstairs right away."; Xuanwu is more reliable than rune, and walked out of the room after agreeing.

Xuanwu walked downstairs and glanced at the closed door of the lounge. He knew that Rune had been under a lot of pressure these past few days, and he was a little tired from tossing. He should be sleeping now. Mo Wei failed to call Rune up just now. , Will find him downstairs.

Mo Wei introduced: "Master, this old grandma would like to ask you to check your pulse.";

Xuanwu glanced at the old lady, who had a straight back, gray hair and ruddy complexion. Looking at her temperament, she should have been a small leader of the unit before retirement, a respected and somewhat knowledgeable old lady.

Based on many years of experience, Xuanwu could see that the old lady was very healthy, but she was in a bad mood and a little excited.

Xuanwu Xin said: Fu Ling is more suitable for such patients who need to ease their mood.

";Hello, auntie, let's sit here!"; Xuanwu said, helping the old lady to the pulse diagnosis table.

After the two of them sat down, Xuanwu said: "Auntie, please calm down your mind first, let's talk a few words.";

The old lady sighed and said: "Hey, doctor, I was going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables yesterday morning. When I walked to the gate of the community, a female nurse in her 30s who was wearing a nurse's uniform stopped me and told me that they Experts from the hospital came to our community today to provide free medical examinations and free consultations for the elderly. They drove a medical car and let me get in their car, and only a drop of blood would be able to know my health status. She said that their machine is from the United States What is the introduction of a drop of blood comprehensive diagnostic instrument; only a drop of blood can be used to discover the sub-health and other diseases of the human body. The price approved by the Ministry of Health for an inspection is 00 yuan, and their hospital is used to promote the elderly in our community. A free physical examination. If you miss this opportunity, you will spend RMB 00 if you want to go to their hospital for an examination in the future!";

"Although I am so old, I also know that there are many scammers now. I told her at the time that I didn't bring any money, and she said it was okay. Auntie, we are a free consultation. No money is charged, and no medicine is sold. Anyway, free physical examination, I will check it, let me buy medicine, I don’t want to buy it. I got on their diagnosis and treatment car, and the doctor drew a drop of blood on my finger and asked me to wait for the result. After 10 minutes, The result came out. He pointed to the black image on the computer and said to me, Auntie, your disease is more serious. You see, your blood has become a black mist. It is a typical cerebrovascular sclerosis and myocardial ischemia, which is easy to burst. Cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction. Fortunately, you came for an examination today. If you have the disease, you should be cured as soon as possible, or you should not wait until the later stage and suffer the crime yourself and burden your child!

The doctor asked me to go to their hospital for a systemic checkup and treatment. He gave me a discount card again, saying that there is a discount for taking the discount card for examination or hospitalization. ";

";I asked him to say that, the heart of buying vegetables is gone, he is not a little energetic, and he doesn't know how he walked home. Seeing that my face was wrong, my wife asked me what was wrong, and I told my wife, My wife said that they are all liars, and they can be found out if they are not sick at their hospital. We need to check and go to a regular hospital.";

";This morning, my daughter accompanied me to the central hospital for an examination. The doctor didn't say that I had any serious problems, that is, my blood pressure and blood lipids were a little high. But I always felt that I was a little dizzy, flustered, and could not catch my breath. People in our community say that the people in your medical clinic are good, whether you have a pulse doctor, doctor, you can help Auntie, what's wrong with Auntie's body!";

Xuanwu listened to the old lady's chattering narrative, and said with a smile: "Auntie, the so-called comprehensive diagnostic instrument for a drop of blood; it should be an American Brinell instrument. In fact, it is the image seen in a simple microscope through the camera. Displayed on the computer screen, because the image can be magnified two thousand to four thousand times than the ●31 novel app download address ●example, this instrument is very helpful for the observation of cell morphology, but it is equivalent to an ordinary one in medical treatment. A microscope. Observing the cell morphology cannot determine your blood quality, let alone whether you have cerebrovascular sclerosis or myocardial ischemia. The black fog or plaques you see are only traces formed by the drying of plasma and serum. , Or bacteria or contaminants on the glass sheet.";

Hearing what Xuanwu said, the old lady asked: "The doctor, you mean, they want to scare me, but I have nothing to do?";

Xuanwu smiled: "Auntie, after a drop of my blood has been put on for ten minutes, the results displayed on the computer should be no different from yours.";

The old lady was still a little confused and asked: "Oh, boy, you feel relieved when you say this, but why do I feel dizzy, flustered, and unable to breathe?";

Xuanwu smiled and said: "Auntie, if someone suddenly tells me that I am prone to sudden cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction, I will also feel flustered and dizzy. You are scared by them.";

The old lady finally showed a smile on her face: "Oh, young man, you have a very good heart. After hearing you say this, my aunt's heart has opened up a lot.";

Seeing that the old lady was calm, Xuanwu said: "Auntie, put your right wrist on the pulse pillow, let me diagnose your pulse!";

";Okay, trouble you guy.";

"Auntie, you are being polite. Your forearms are naturally forward, keeping the same level with your heart, palms up, relax, don’t be nervous."; Xuanwu instructed the old lady to put the right wrist joint on the pulse pillow to make the cunkou full Exposure and stretching, unblocked qi and blood.

Mo Wei on the side: Is Master so gentle and kind? Which one is the real master, the usually high-cold master and the gentle master now

After Xuanwu examined the left and right hands of the old lady, he said to the old lady, "Auntie, your body is well maintained, and you don’t need to be treated with medicine. You are very excited these two days. Go back and eat some fried bitter gourd and some shredded carrot soup. It is symptomatic for lowering the heart and fire. You can also drink 5-10 grams of lotus seed heart in water, and the effect of calming the heart fire is also good. You can also eat more cold fruits such as watermelon and banana. Your test result this morning is not blood pressure and Is the blood lipid a bit high? This is a senile disease. You need to pay attention to it. If you have nothing to do, go out and relax. If you are in a good mood, you will be relieved of any disease. But don’t walk too fast. The joints of the elderly are not very good. If you walk It’s easy to get synovitis if you are in a hurry. You have to pay attention to this.";

The old lady nodded: "Well, what you said is that our old lady Liu in the front building has detected high blood pressure, and the doctor asked her to exercise more. She went to the small square every night and walked around. After half a month of walking, she felt that she was going upstairs. My leg hurts, go to the hospital for a check-synovitis, now I can’t walk around, I’m struggling to go downstairs.";

Xuanwu: "Auntie, as long as you exercise moderately, it won't cause bodily harm."; (to be continued) (end of this chapter)