Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 13: Data King, Mu Liuling


"You are..."

Seeing someone casting a mocking look at her, Mu Liuling was slightly stunned, but soon remembered what Chu Tianxiao had said to her before returning to the Purple Robe Marquis Mansion, and she smiled and said, "You must be the housekeeper Qiu in the mansion, right?"

Manager Qiu said calmly, "Oh? You, a new lackey, actually know me?"

As if Mu Liuling didn't hear the sarcasm in his words, he smiled faintly and said, "Senior Qiu Ming has been promoted to the chief steward of the Purple Robe Marquis' Mansion. Naturally, I have long admired him."

The steward Qiu said in a weird tone: "Is that so... But I think this 'I've long admired you' is unnecessary. I heard that the monthly salary given by the young master is as high as 200,000 spirit coins, and an additional 150,000 is specially provided to solve problems. The carriage you drive when you go out is a nine-horse carriage, a golden cloud train, and a luxurious dress... Haha, I have been in the Tianjue Chu family for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen such a 'lackey'! Young Master Meng thinks highly of you, why do you need to admire an old man like me for a long time? This is too much against your will..."

After Fan left for her nap, the steward Qiu became more and more presumptuous by relying on his status in front of the mistress of the Purple Marquis's Mansion. In his opinion, this prodigal son was good for nothing but was so ignorant of the situation. He heard that the Chu family in Kyoto was almost ready, and this prodigal son might not be able to jump for a few more days. Therefore, he spoke very impolitely, and his innuendo was hardly concealed.

Hearing the words, the faces of several people in the field turned unsightly. Many people looked at Chu Tianxiao, only to see that he was drinking fragrant tea and whispering that it was hot, as if he didn't notice the heart-piercing words of Manager Qiu at all.

Mu Liuling had a nonchalant smile on his face. After hearing the sarcasm, he was still polite and neither humble nor arrogant: "I still have to say I have long admired you. After all, you were promoted to the position of chief steward by 'exceptional' promotion. But now, Chief Steward Qiu, can you please make way? Liuling was about to report the results of this acquisition to the young master, and you... are blocking the way."

After hearing this, Manager Qiu frowned slightly, realizing that he might have underestimated this girl. However, it was a fact that her hands were empty and she did not bring back the deed to the wasteland. Could there be any changes

However, he thought in his heart that Manager Qiu was, after all, a man of some status. He snorted when he heard the words, but stepped aside. Then he saw Mu Liuling slowly walked forward with a smile and saluted.

"Young Master."

Chu Tianxiao nodded and said, "Liuling, you've been gone for so long, have you settled it?"

Mu Liuling lowered his head and said calmly, "My Lord, I have accomplished your mission!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several people in the field suddenly changed. The steward Qiu couldn't help but snorted: "It's a good thing that you have accomplished your mission? I didn't expect that Miss Mu, a girl, has learned a lot of shamelessness from some people. She obviously came back empty-handed and didn't bring any results, but she still talks about accomplishing her mission... Hehe, could it be that you have won the opportunity for me... to wait for another negotiation, which can also be considered as accomplishing your mission? If that's the case, then this word is too worthless..."

Hearing this, several people in the room showed an expression of approval, but Mu Liuling was neither humble nor arrogant. He turned his eyes and said, "I was just about to report the details of this matter to the young master. Can some irrelevant people stop making jokes?"

As soon as these words came out, Manager Qiu gritted his teeth. How dare this little girl talk to him like that? Who does she think she is? Is it so great to cling to the thigh of Chu Tianxiao, the prodigal son

"You didn't bring back the contract, the title deed, and the victory was fruitless. That's the truth! Do you still want to report it? Okay, I want to hear it. Can you come up with something else to say?"

Mu Liuling said slowly: "I did not bring back the title deed, but that's because..."

After a pause, Mu Liuling smiled faintly: "The content of the transaction... has changed."

When these words were spoken, everyone in the room was stunned, but Chu Tianxiao understood instantly. He narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately spread out the previous industrial map of Tianjue City.

Mu Liuling gave him a grateful look, drew a small circle on the map, and said loudly: "The young master originally asked Liuling to buy this, about an acre of wasteland."

"The young master clearly stated that he only wanted a premium and did not bargain, and that he would just treat it as a waste of money, and gave Liu Ling the authority to pay 1.5 million spirit coins... And Liu Ling did not disappoint, and the initial price agreed upon was exactly 1.5 million."

As soon as these words came out, Manager Qiu couldn't help but burst into laughter. "You call this fulfilling one's trust? From this point of view, you really have fulfilled your mission! This piece of wasteland is overpriced for 1.2 million spirit coins! You spent 1.5 million to negotiate a preliminary intention, and there is not even a contract. Haha... This really opened my eyes. You are such a lackey. You really know how to guess your master's intentions!"

Several people around also shook their heads and talked in low voices.

"Why… "

"I told you long ago that a little girl can't be trusted..."

"How can a lackey like a prodigal son be trusted?"

"Yeah, how can you negotiate a business like this... They negotiated the lowest price, but there is no title deed. It's really funny."

"Counting on the prodigal's vision... hehe."

However, Mu Liuling completely ignored the comments of the crowd and said slowly: "Please be patient, Liuling has not finished speaking yet."

"Oh, oh! Miss Mu, please continue. If you have any funny jokes, just tell us. We are listening!" Manager Qiu said with a smile and a hint of sarcasm.

Several people shook their heads helplessly.

But then, Mu Liuling's words shocked them so much that they couldn't even say a word!

She lightly tapped with her delicate hands and circled an area on the original map. The area was doubled!

"One hundred and fifty spirit coins, in addition to the plot of land that the young master ordered, it also includes the other two plots of wasteland that the trading party intends to sell. Roughly speaking, the total is two acres and three mu!"

"The reason why Liu Ling didn't get the land deed is because it's a big deal. Although it's a good thing, the land has doubled. Liu Ling feels that the decision should be made by the young master. So I'll report back first. Mr. Yi, who wants to sell the land, is now waiting for the young master in the accounting office. Liu Ling has negotiated everything. If the young master is interested, just let him know. The contract and other things will be presented soon. Liu Ling dare not overstep his authority in this matter. The young master should make the decision himself."

Having said that, Mu Liuling turned to Manager Qiu and said calmly, "Everything has been decided. It's not what some people think out of context. It's just an intention."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar! The first reaction of Manager Qiu was that it was impossible, but looking at Mu Liuling's confident expression, he knew that the other party would never tell such a big lie, so... Is all this true

When Manager Qiu thought of this, he felt as if the mocking words just now were coming back to bite him. It was as if a pair of large hands grabbed him and slapped him in the face. He felt extremely embarrassed.

The others who had just discussed the matter also covered their cheeks and lowered their heads, not looking very ashamed.

Mu Liuling didn't give them time to breathe. He just smiled like a devil and said lightly, "Oh, by the way, the two extra pieces of wasteland, as far as Liuling knows, were originally going to be sold to the Qin family..."


These words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back. A group of people were so ashamed that they almost wanted to commit suicide. But Manager Qiu was so angry that he shouted, "This is impossible! How can a little girl like you do this? Are all the Qin family members useless? They took the lead, and you... This is impossible!"

These words were somewhat spoken without thinking, and for a moment many people looked at Manager Qiu with unfriendly expressions. However, Mu Liuling received a faint encouraging look from Chu Tianxiao, so he smiled slightly and said.

“Oh… that’s easy.”

"Because the Qin family wants to pay in installments, it will take about three months to pay the full amount, and the young master wants to pay it all at once."

Everyone nodded. This was a very obvious thing. After all, the head of the Qin family was not there. There was only an acting head of the family. He could bear the family division and conflicts caused by "Qin Yun" and shorten the repayment period to three months. This was already the limit. After all, Qin Jiaojiao was not the head of the family yet and would never be the head of the Qin family!

But everyone was still puzzled: Even if it was in installments, so what? Could it be that Mr. Yi was in urgent need of money? But that didn't make sense. Even if he was short of money, the Qin family's down payment should be enough to support him.

Then Mu Liuling slowly said, "Because the Qin family was well prepared and had the upper hand, Mr. Yi was unwilling to offend the Qin family at first, and the advantage the young master had was only that, and it was very weak... So, I calculated an account for Mr. Yi."

Mu Liuling smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Yi's business also includes three restaurants and two iron shops, which is quite large. I did the math for him."

"On average, the two restaurants spend 3,000 spirit coins a day and earn 5,000, so their business is just average. The other restaurant is slightly better, but its daily profit is only 3,000 to 4,000 spirit coins, which is only average. However... if we immediately invest 200,000 spirit coins to open up the road around the creek, the value of this restaurant will at least double!"

"Similarly, the iron shop produces 100,000 pieces of refined iron per day, with a rough cost of about 20,000 spirit coins. However, most of the output is not precious artifacts. The average price of the Red Dragon Sword is only 30,000 or 40,000. It is hard to say that there is much profit, but it is just enough to make a loss. However, if we spend a million spirit coins to purchase meteorite iron from the Western Qin Empire..."

"Then let's do the math - how much difference is there between the profit that can be obtained by 'waiting for the renewal in March and continuing to invest' and the profit that can be obtained by 'investing the cash directly in the expansion of the industry and operating it for three months'? As we all know, the land price in Tianjue City is 20,000 spirit coins per acre, plus many miscellaneous items..."

Mu Liuling spoke faster and faster, throwing out numbers one after another, and actually started calculating in class! At first, everyone could barely understand some of what he said, but later, even Manager Qiu had to admit a terrible fact—even someone like him who had been dealing with numbers for decades could not keep up with Mu Liuling's mental arithmetic!

"In summary..."

"The former's benefit is 260,000 spirit coins, no less, no more."

As he spoke, Mu Liuling once again revealed his devilish smile: "And the answer to the latter is... more than 1,072,800 spirit coins! The difference between the two is five times!"


As soon as these words came out, several people in the room were so shocked that they could not speak. They were all shocked. Only the chief steward Qiu came to his senses and hurriedly said loudly: "No, that's not right! Even if it is so, it is impossible to buy more than twice the wasteland with this! Not to mention that those wastelands were originally bound by some constraints. The seller will not ignore the loss of tearing up the contract! So it is still not possible!"

"Yes, that alone is not enough..." Mu Liuling looked at him and smiled faintly.

"But what if... we add the Great Zhou Dynasty's annual autumn examination, which is held every three years?"

Manager Qiu's heart trembled suddenly!

However, Mu Liuling said calmly, "Liuling also did some calculations. That is, during the autumn exam after March, if he can develop the restaurant and iron shop to that scale, how much profit will he get during the peak period, as well as the potential benefits of connections and support..."

"The answer... is more than double! A rough calculation shows that it is about 2.12 million spirit coins! In addition, there are many possibilities of 'chances'..."

"Compared to this, what weight can the Qin family's lazy renewal payment have? Liu Ling talked with him for a while, told him that the young master was just buying the earth-refined jewelry for fun, and let him recognize the young master's own 'value', and then... does Liu Ling need to say more?"

As he spoke, Mu Liuling bowed to Chu Tianxiao and said, "Young Master, Liuling has finished reporting."

The whole audience was silent.

After a long while, Manager Qiu looked at Mu Liuling in disbelief, gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice: "Who are you? How could the Mu family have someone like you..."

Mu Liuling smiled faintly upon hearing this, but walked behind Chu Tianxiao, stood respectfully, and said slowly: "As you just said, I am the young master's lackey."

As he spoke, he bowed slightly and said calmly, "Thank you for your teachings, Young Master."

As soon as these words were spoken, the whole place could hear a pin drop. Everyone's eyes were cast on Chu Tianxiao, but he took another sip of the fragrant tea, shook his head and said, "I'm tired, Liu Ling, walk with me."

As he said this, he stood up, ignoring everyone in the room, and was about to leave. A steward couldn't help but ask, "Master, what about this..."

Chu Tianxiao didn't even turn his head: "What should I do? It has come to this. Do you still need me to teach you from now on?"

"Oh, by the way, starting today, Mu Liuling will be promoted to the Purple Marquisate's candidate for chief steward."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar again. Manager Qiu's face turned red, but he couldn't say a word. Several people in the audience knew very well: if it weren't for Mu Liuling's inexperience, given this young master's temperament, he would not be a 'candidate'...

Chu Tianxiao ignored the people with different expressions in the room. He just yawned, glanced at Manager Qiu with a meaningful look, turned around and left. Mu Liuling followed closely. Everyone looked at the two of them with complicated eyes. Only Manager Qiu showed a hint of hatred and gloom in his eyes. He secretly made a decision...