Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 32: Victory lies in front of the flowers


After these words were spoken, Mu Liuling felt her heart tremble violently. She knew better than anyone else how terrifying this invading enemy was, because she had just experienced it herself with all her heart and soul!


Previously, Mu Liuling was infected by Chu Tianxiao's nonchalant attitude, but after being awakened by Fan, she suddenly came to her senses - how strong is the enemy this time? And the young master is only at the fourth level of the True Refining Realm, and he can be killed in an instant! In a duel with such a strong enemy, the opponent can make too many mistakes, but the young master's tolerance for mistakes... is zero!

If you make a mistake, you die!

Mu Liuling suddenly thought of this. How difficult a battle was this? The young master seemed to be calm and confident of victory, but how could such a battle with such a huge disparity in strength and a matter of life and death be so calm

When Mu Liuling thought of this, she felt as if her heart was being pulled up. She immediately stopped being shy and quickly stood up and said "yes". Her eyes were filled with fiery emotions and she began to command everyone again, with bursts of delicate shouting ringing in her ears.

The venue is busy again!

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Jiaojiao's cries of pain stopped.

The starlight gradually faded, and the power was exhausted, but unfortunately... Qin Jiaojiao was not dead. Her clothes were torn in several places, revealing a large area of snow-white skin. Blood was oozing from the corners of her mouth. Although she was extremely embarrassed, the seemingly eternal red fire in her eyes showed that she still had the strength to fight again!

Chu Tianxiao stood in front of her, with nowhere to retreat.

“Although I don’t know what bargaining chips you used... to persuade Qiu Ming to be a scapegoat... But, this can’t change anything…” Qin Jiaojiao took a deep breath, and with a swish, she pulled the long sword out of Qiu Ming’s body. Although her right hand was seriously injured and powerless, she could still kill this prodigal with her left hand.

“The secular world is so alluring that it is easy for people to forget the real threat… This move of yours… really opened my eyes, but unfortunately…” Qin Jiaojiao said as she walked towards Chu Tianxiao step by step. There was no way out behind him, and each step was like the approach of death.

The strange thing is that Chu Tianxiao was not panicked at all, and looked at Qin Jiaojiao calmly, as if he was not the loser...

Qin Jiaojiao frowned slightly, as if she had thought of something. "If you are counting on those little stones... then I advise you not to waste your energy. I don't know why you left them behind when you fled before, and whether this is your trump card... But now, they have all fallen into my Xumi Ring and are isolated from this place. No matter how many tricks you have, don't even think about making a fuss about them."

As Qin Jiaojiao spoke, she had already approached Chu Tianxiao, with the sharp tip of her sword pointing straight at him.

From this, it can be seen that although she is still alive, her injuries are definitely very serious, otherwise she would just swing a sword at her, why would she have to walk up to her and stab her with the sword

With a bang!

Chu Tianxiao took a half step back with his right foot, and before the tip of the sword sank into his chest, the "Red Dust Formation" shattered with a bang. The two returned to the original bedroom. Qin Jiaojiao's sword was still pointing at Chu Tianxiao, but the distance was a little further.

“Do you think it’s enough to just come back? No one can save you in time! I can still kill you, destroy your body, and get away. As for the rest, just deny it. Anyway, you are the only one who really saw me tonight…” Qin Jiaojiao snorted, and without stopping, she stepped forward, swung her sword and was about to take Chu Tianxiao’s life…

However, there was no fear in Chu Tianxiao's eyes when he looked at her, but instead there was a hint of... teasing.

"Huh?" Qin Jiaojiao was puzzled, but she didn't think much about it. She raised the sword for a moment and was about to succeed. However, at that moment, her whole body suddenly went limp, and she could no longer hold the sword in her hand. It fell to the ground with a bang, and she fell heavily to the ground!

I have no strength left in my body!

This is poison!


Qin Jiaojiao opened her eyes wide, unable to believe it. When had she been poisoned? How was it possible

Could it be... those stones? Impossible! Yes, after she saw Chu Tianxiao throwing the stones, she wanted to solve it in the safest way, which was to suck them into her palm, but that didn't work at all...

"Not a stone..."

Chu Tianxiao looked at Qin Jiaojiao, whose face was filled with astonishment, anger, resentment, and confusion. He smiled faintly and said, "Those stones are just useless objects used to attract your attention. They have a little spiritual energy, and I always throw a piece of them when I chase you. The only thing I do is to trick you into thinking that this is my conspiracy... and then let you crack it easily, and then you think you have accomplished your mission?"

Chu Tianxiao said calmly: "What a pity... This is just a cover."

"When you think you've seen through my trap, in fact, you've already fallen into another trap I've set."

Chu Tianxiao smiled slightly and said, "Do you feel that the layout here is different from when you first came here?"

Qin Jiaojiao frowned and looked over, as if she had discovered something, with a struggling look in her beautiful eyes. Seeing this, Chu Tianxiao smiled and said, "It seems that she has discovered something."

As he spoke, he stepped to the center of the room, plucked a small fragrant flower, and sniffed it: "This flower is blooming a little differently than when you first came, isn't it?"

Qin Jiaojiao did not deny it. She had also thought of it. Before she came on the moon, the petals of this flower were light yellow, but now, they are deep red! When she thought of a certain strange thing, she couldn't help but sigh deeply in her heart.

“This flower is called Misty Moon Flower. It blooms in the moonlight. When it first opens, its petals are pale yellow, just like the bright moon, and it has a slightly sweet scent. But as it absorbs more moonlight, the flower will gradually turn red and emit a refreshing fragrance. The two scents are both non-toxic and harmless. But if a person smells both scents within three hours... then, unless they take the antidote in advance, they will become like Miss Qin now, feeling weak and powerless, and their skills will be temporarily lost.”

"Although generally speaking, this flower will not work on cultivators above the Refining Realm, otherwise it would be too conspicuous and would not be able to deceive people... The reason why it is useful is fortunately that Miss Qin has been injured to this extent..."

Chu Tianxiao looked at her and said, "At the beginning of this game, I tried a little and knew that with such a huge gap, if I just used the trap formation, I would not be able to trap you at all, so... I just let you go!"

At this point, Chu Tianxiao smiled faintly: "How does it feel to chase down a powerful enemy? You were having a great time walking along the way just now, right? Unfortunately, the more you walk, the more you inhale the worldly air - the worldly air is so attractive to the eyes. Otherwise, you would know the difference between the cold and the warm, and you would not be unaware of the strange smell..."

"Of course, with your normal... ability, even if you are tricked, if you can think quietly, you should be able to realize something is wrong after chasing me for a while. At that time, you only need to use your energy to drive away all the flower fragrance you inhaled, and there will be no more aftermath. Then, at this moment, perhaps... it will be a different scene?"

"It's a pity... I have more tricks up my sleeve."

Chu Tianxiao smiled mockingly, and a small stone appeared in his palm without him noticing: "Although you keep saying that you sealed the stone and made me powerless, you actually didn't let it go at all. Instead, you put all your mind on thinking about the 'stone trick'. After that, you felt that killing me was within reach, and you didn't care about the little 'fragrance' you had already absorbed into your body..."

"When I had used up all the Nine Yuan Gathering Stars, you thought I had already played all my cards and my defenses were greatly reduced, so you walked into the trap step by step, and finally came to this step..."

Chu Tianxiao smiled: "In fact, I have already made a move since you stepped on the moon. Otherwise, if you don't want to talk nonsense with me, do I want to?"

"So, Miss Qin, it seems like you have many opportunities to kill me tonight... But in fact, it's so close yet so far away!"

"You don't have even the slightest chance..."

Chu Tianxiao's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Qin Jiaojiao's eyes struggled for a while, as if she wanted to refute, but after comparing them in her mind for a long time, she couldn't find a word to refute. After a long while, she finally closed her eyes as if she accepted her fate, and sighed: "It's come to this, I have nothing to say... What do you want?"

Qin Jiaojiao was already extremely dejected when she said this, but when Chu Tianxiao replied, she suddenly trembled all over, as if a thorn was on her back, and her hair stood on end!

"What do I want? Hmm... This question is so difficult to answer... It's rare to catch a wild queen, do you think I should steam it? Or braise it? Or steam it first and then braise it?"