Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 45: Give a banquet


The Autumn Night Banquet was divided into a martial arts contest and a literary contest, with two halves of the night. Once you entered, you had to stay until midnight and dawn. During this period, it was unreasonable to let all the geniuses go hungry. Even though the young talents could bear it, the noble ladies who were seated as VIPs would definitely not go hungry all night...

Therefore, hundreds of years ago, the word "banquet" in the Autumn Night Banquet no longer just means "banquet", but also has the connotation of "feast", and the position of "banquet host" was established, which is divided into "martial arts banquet host" and "literary competition banquet host", and is given to young talents who win the first place in martial arts and literary competition respectively.

Once the "Master of the Fighting Banquet" is decided, it means that the Autumn Night Banquet that night will enter a transitional phase...

That is the banquet session.

Fighting with martial arts requires strength, while literary competition consumes brains. This banquet is not only a rest time for the attendees, but also a time to distribute "benefits"...

The prince in charge will classify the banquet according to the outstanding performance of each person in the fight. If the performance is average, it is very likely that you will not get anything to eat...

The "banquet" session of the annual Autumn Night Banquet is a mouth-watering moment. When the host of the martial arts banquet is decided, he can be the first to dine. If there are other people who have not finished the competition, they will continue. Anyone with outstanding performance can follow the banquet host and receive the banquet.

Logically speaking, the banquet was about to start, and the geniuses should finish their battles quickly so that they could eat and replenish their energy in preparation for the literary competition. But in fact, no one left the stage. Instead, everyone stared at the Seventh Prince, waiting for him to tell them about the banquet he had arranged for Chu Tianxiao, the host of the martial arts banquet...

This is also the biggest highlight of every "banquet", which is similar to the announcement of the exam results. Everyone is very curious and even has some expectations...

Lu Xianyuan smiled slightly and said, "As you all thought... Based on the performance of this banquet host tonight, I'm afraid the banquet I prepared is not up to standard... Fortunately, I have already made preparations."

As he spoke, he cleared his throat and continued, "I will personally report the names of the dishes for the banquet. Has Master Chu prepared them?"

Chu Tianxiao smiled faintly, clasped his fists and said, "I respectfully listen to your wise words."

"We are waiting to listen to your words."

All the geniuses in the field saluted with their fists, and even Qin Yun saluted in a daze.

"Okay..." Lu Xianyuan said slowly.

"Master Chu Yan has worked hard to break through the realm, so he should take nourishing supplements. First, I will give you... Dragon Bone Eight Treasures Soup."

As Lu Xianyuan finished speaking, a waiter had already brought a bowl of Dragon Bone Eight Treasures Soup. In the crystal white jade bowl, the soup was pure white, indistinguishable from jade soup, and more like milk, with many precious auxiliary ingredients, which was very beautiful. As the waiter came over, the aroma of the soup was overflowing, and it made people's appetite increase just by looking at it.

As soon as these words were spoken, the whole audience exclaimed in surprise!

"Dragon Bone Eight Treasures Soup!?"

"Oh my god! I know that the first dish of a banquet is always a tonic, but... this is too precious!"

"Of course, the dragon bones are not real dragon bones. The 'ghost snake' used to make this soup does have a trace of dragon blood. It is the king of the second-level beasts!"

"The second-level beasts are equivalent to our Mingyuan realm masters, and the king species are even more... This... Master Chu Yan has just been promoted to Mingyuan, and he has started eating the meat of Mingyuan realm beasts?"

"What do you know! This soup is not only precious in main ingredients, but also in auxiliary ingredients. It takes three days to boil dozens of precious herbs, and it needs to be cooked by a national chef. It is a tonic that can be served at the Great Zhou State Banquet!"

"I heard that this soup is also very mellow and smooth... It is even more effective in consolidating your true essence!"

"Just this soup is worth ten second-grade Guyuan pills!"

"Not only that! The soup is made from the essence of the ghost snake, which is much more nourishing than other methods! Just by smelling the aroma, I feel like I am about to reach the sixth level of the True Refining Realm!"

"Me too! God... If I can drink a sip, I can break through tonight!"

"However... Master Chu has such a big bowl..."

Some surprised, some sour voices rang out in the room, Chu Tianxiao clasped his fists in thanks, he knew that this was the Seventh Prince giving him a special treat, and then he heard Lu Xianyuan continue: "The second dish, give... Silver Baiqiu Pear Soup."

"The third dish is... Codfish on a snowy night."

"The fourth one is... Orange, Osmanthus and Ginger Tea."

"The fifth path, grant..."

Lu Xianyuan spoke of one precious dish after another, and the geniuses could hardly believe their ears - they all knew that the banquet hosted by the host of the Autumn Night Banquet would be very sumptuous, but who would have thought that this year it would be so sumptuous!

Among these dishes, there are many first- and second-level beasts, and there are also many natural treasures suitable for cooking. One after another, the exquisite dishes are slowly presented, and the aroma fills the whole place, making people feel like they are floating in the air...

"With so many precious dishes... Will Master Chu die of overeating?"

"You're joking. Even twelve Ming Yuan Pills couldn't kill Master Chu Yan."

"That's right... Hey, people are just incomparable. I hope my banquet can be 30% of Master Chu's... No, 20%, then I will be satisfied."

"Master Chu has raised the level of the banquet to such a high level... Don't tell me, we may actually benefit from Master Chu's influence tonight!"


Amid the discussions in the room, Lu Xianyuan had already finished serving the dishes.

There are a total of 18 exquisite dishes, all of which are mouth-watering, not only for the good taste, but also for the value contained in them. Many geniuses are already rubbing their hands and are full of expectations for their own banquets...

Chu Tianxiao took the gift with a bow, thanked him, and handed it to Mu Liuling behind him to arrange. This scene made the noble ladies envious, and they all asked about it. When they learned that this person was just Master Chu's "lackey", their eyes seemed to be shining...

After receiving all the gifts, Chu Tianxiao picked up the jade bowl. He took a sip of the Dragon Bone Eight Treasures Soup and felt that the soup was indeed delicious. It flowed down the river and turned into a warm current that flowed into his stomach. When he looked inward, he could see the pure and incomparable spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in it, flowing into the meridians of his body and transferring to the Qi Sea of the Snow Mountain, which improved his cultivation imperceptibly...

This is the benefit of the diet. Compared to the elixir, which is "three parts poison", this kind of growth is not fast, but it is absolutely pure and gentle, and generally has no side effects. If you drink it for a long time, the effect will definitely be excellent...

However, everyone knows that it is almost impossible to drink it for a long time... So everyone is holding back, waiting to have a big meal tonight!

Chu Tianxiao tried all the dishes and found that they were all effective. Even a pot of ginger tea had the effect of calming the mind and spirit. It seemed that his soul, which had not yet been awakened, was also nourished a little...

The story of granting a banquet truly lives up to its name, and it is indeed a manifestation of the Zhou royal family's spare no effort in cultivating talents.

Although cultivators still need to eat, they are less likely to get hungry than ordinary people, and their appetites are amazing. So after sharing 18 dishes with the grateful Mu Liuling, Chu Tianxiao actually still has some energy left...

At this moment, a glow appeared around Mu Liuling and his spiritual energy began to fluctuate, which was a sign of promotion!

“Oh right… I almost forgot, that crappy system said that the lackey would improve his realm within three days, isn’t it today? Humph, they really pushed the bottom line…” Chu Tianxiao was not surprised by this, but the others were all dumbfounded - could this be the effect of the banquet

Watching Mu Liuling break through three levels in a row, crossing the threshold of the sixth level of the Refining Reality, and then crossing the seventh level, advancing to the eighth level of the Refining Reality... everyone had only one thought - "What kind of master, what kind of lackey!"

"The master is cruel, and the lackey is also cruel..."

"Eighth level of Refining True Qi, sixteen years old? How can this person be a lackey?"

"I heard that Mu Liuling was just an average genius in the Mu family..."

"Oh my god, is this prodigal really omnipotent? I want to ask him if he will still accept his lackeys... Hey, Brother Liang, where are you going?"

In an instant, the place was in uproar again. Only Qin Yun, who "couldn't eat anything", stared at Mu Liuling in complete disbelief...

How could it be possible...

How is this possible!