Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 50: Holy Pages Move


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I've never heard such a funny joke!"

"You can unify China by losing your family? What a ridiculous statement!"

"I told you long ago that such a prodigal son would not be accepted by the upper class, but he still didn't believe it!"

"Is he angry with us? How dare he write that! It makes me laugh to death!"

"Haha... a prodigal is a prodigal. He really tarnished Wenbi's reputation!"

The "scholars" in the room already hated Chu Tianxiao because of a previous incident. Now seeing that he actually wrote such a policy paper, they all couldn't help but mock him. For a while, there were boos, laughter, and sarcasm in the room.

Qin Yun sneered: "So this is what is called absolute certainty... It is indeed a strange theory."

Mo Jun agreed with a smile and said, "I've really learned a lot. It turns out that squandering money can be so useful. How come a scholar like me doesn't know this?"

If this had been said before, the original group of geniuses might have refuted it, but now they were just sighing and speechless, thinking that after all, they couldn't expect this unlearned prodigal to write any amazing policy papers...

Are we just going to let that group from Kyoto act as arrogantly as they want tonight

How hateful!

“Chu Tianxiao! What the hell are you writing!” At this moment, no matter how good-tempered Lu Xianyuan was, he was so angry that his neck twisted. He pointed at Chu Tianxiao and snorted, “You, you, you, are you deliberately teasing me!”

Chu Tianxiao didn't care about it and shrugged: "Your Highness, I told you that I haven't finished writing it yet, but you must read it in advance."

“I… I…” Lu Xianyuan was choked by this, and didn’t care about Chu Tianxiao’s distortion of the facts, and shouted angrily, “It’s not finished yet, it’s not finished yet… You haven’t finished your head yet! What’s the point of writing the whole article! What else can you write about? You write about prodigals? Relying on prodigals to unify China… You’re so stupid!”

Chu Tianxiao didn't say much, he just took the rice paper back from the waiter, then sat down and continued writing.

Lu Xianyuan was almost speechless. He waved his hands and could only sigh inwardly—it was really too difficult for this loser to win first place in the literary competition...

At this moment, Chu Tianxiao raised his head and winked at Lu Xianyuan, which made him stunned for a moment, and then frowned. Of course, no one saw this scene, because no one was looking at Chu Tianxiao. Obviously, everyone had eliminated his threat.

The writing competition was still going on. Many people were writing furiously. The sound of pens hitting paper was endless.

Seeing that the incense sticks on everyone's table had burned more than half, Lu Xianyuan looked at Chu Tianxiao deeply, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and said loudly: "The time has passed halfway, please open the holy page!"

When these words were spoken, many people in the room were shocked. Although Lu Xianyuan had said that he would invite the Holy Page when the written test began, he probably did so for the sake of that prodigal son. But now... was it still necessary

Many people were puzzled, but Qin Yun looked up at Chu Tianxiao and snorted. Mo Jun noticed his expression and sneered, "He is struggling to death... He still dares to ask for the Holy Page at this time. Does he think he has lost badly enough?"

The so-called Holy Page is one of the four great national treasures of the Zhou Dynasty. It governs the world's cultural affairs and has existed since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty. It has been with the country for a long time. Whenever there is a good policy near the Holy Page, it will vibrate slightly. This is also the most fair way for the Zhou Dynasty to choose national policies - because for thousands of years, the Holy Page has never made a wrong judgment!

The criterion for judging the Holy Pages is just two words: practical.

If it is of great use to the country or the family, then the Holy Pages will move. Otherwise, even if you speak beautifully and with gorgeous words, you can never expect the Holy Pages to move!

The movement of the holy page indicates how useful the policy is.

Unfortunately, the Holy Page is hard to find. There are not many Holy Pages left now. It is impossible to ask the Holy Page to decide every policy paper. It will also consume a lot of Holy Page spiritual power. Even if we look at the Great Zhou, only three princes have been blessed by the Holy Page, and Lu Xianyuan, as a strong contender for the crown prince, is naturally among them.

He raised his right hand and made a gesture of invitation. Immediately, a white light flashed around him. After a while, it turned into a line and took shape, turning into a piece of rice paper hanging in the air.

The holy page was plain and simple, and was almost no different from ordinary rice paper. It just hung in the air, naturally emitting a faint white halo and an awe-inspiring holy aura.

"Greetings, Holy Page." Everyone on the field bowed slightly in greeting. This was one of the rules, but it was unknown whether Holy Page would accept the greeting.

After the worship, everyone continued to write their own essays, but they were all a little more excited in their hearts - if they could make the holy page move, they would become famous all over the world!

However, as time went by, more and more people completed their essays and submitted them to the left, but the Holy Page remained hanging there, unmoved. This was very frustrating, and those "scholars" who dreamed of becoming famous were even more regretful, looking at the cold Holy Page with resentful eyes...

After a while, there was a loud sound of someone putting down his pen, and Mo Jun looked very proud, with the white paper already filled with words, obviously completing the policy paper. Almost at the moment when he put down his pen and submitted it, the holy page moved slightly!

"It's moving! The holy page is moving!"

"As expected of Prime Minister Mo's nephew..."

"Brother Mo is awesome! I have to admit I am better than you!"

"I wonder if Brother Mo could let me take a look at the strategy paper?"

Mo Jun laughed: "It's too early for you to be surprised now!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the holy page suddenly moved again, and the light expanded and contracted!

"Two moves?"

"Oh my god... the holy page moved twice, this strategy is incredible!"

"The host of the banquet has already left tonight..."

"Hey... let's ask someone from Kyoto..."

There was a lot of discussion in the room, and Mo Jun couldn't help but feel even more proud. He knew the topic of the policy essay in advance, and spent a lot of money to complete the draft. After he put pen to paper, it was natural for the holy page to move once, and it would be a pleasant surprise if it moved twice.

In this case, how could Mo Jun not get carried away

There is no suspense about who will be the host of tonight's banquet!

Just as Mo Jun was thinking this, someone stood up slowly: "I'm done too."

Everyone looked and saw that it was Qin Yun. After he circled the last sentence and submitted it, the holy page moved suddenly!

Then... two moves!

Then... three moves!

Everyone was almost dumbfounded. Even Mo Jun couldn't believe it. He said in a trembling voice: "This... How is this possible? The Holy Page moved three times. This strategy... This strategy..."

It should be noted that if the Holy Page moves three times, even if it is put in the Kyoto Autumn Night Banquet, there is a great chance to seize the position of banquet host! For a moment, Qin Yun once again enjoyed the amazed or admiring eyes of the crowd, and he couldn't help but feel even more proud.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Hehe... But it's just a small matter. My little disciple, your article is so profound and covers such a wide range. I still feel that the Holy Page Three Movements is less than expected!"

"Teacher, you are joking. The Holy Page moves three times. Even the Kyoto Autumn Night Banquet in previous years is no more than this. The position of host of this banquet is already in my pocket!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yun couldn't help but slightly raise his neck. His old habit came back. He first looked at Mo Jun provocatively, with a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth, which made the other party furious! Then, he looked around the whole audience and cast a contemptuous look, as if to say - look at you useless people, you are suppressed by the Kyoto visitors, and in the end, I still have to save the situation? How about it? Why don't you admire me

The group of people were angry but dared not speak, and the pale record was powerless to refute, so they could only bow their heads and remain silent. Qin Yun turned his eyes to Chu Tianxiao, and saw that he was still writing, but his speed was not fast, and he often thought for a while after writing a few words... Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel more proud, and his arrogant eyes swept over Lu Xianyuan, sneering: "Your Highness, should we announce the host of the banquet?"

Lu Xianyuan frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "There are still people who haven't finished."

"Hehe... Your Highness, are you talking about that prodigal son?" Qin Yun shook his head and sneered, "Okay, then I'll wait and see what kind of surprise he can give us, hehe, prodigal son, hehe..."

Hearing this, Lu Xianyuan looked at Chu Tianxiao with a worried look on his face. He saw that Chu Tianxiao seemed to be immersed in the policy discussion and could not extricate himself. He did not pay any attention to the eyes of the audience...

What is Chu Tianxiao writing

It’s very simple, it’s about how to lose money.

"If the Great Zhou wants to unify China, it must learn to squander money. What does squandering money mean? It's just burning money!"

"There are three benefits of losing money to the country..."

"First, tactical deception."