Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 51: It is difficult to enter the elegant hall


"Three benefits of spending money..."

"First, tactical deception."

Chu Tianxiao wrote.

"The battle to unify the vast land of China will inevitably be a protracted one. In order to prevent the countries from banding together, we must divide and conquer them step by step. Therefore, the first step must be a tactical deception."

"Your Majesty, you should know that violent storms cannot last long. But think about it the other way around. If the Great Zhou swallows up the enemy country with violent storms and spends money at all costs, then the enemy will definitely think that this war will never last long. In that case, they may think that this is just a radical expansion to lay the foundation for the unification of China, but they will not think that this war itself is a war to unify China!"

"This is tactical deception, making the enemy misjudge our true strategic direction, in order to win the initiative in the final protracted war and seize the first-mover advantage!"

“It is important to understand that even with the strength of the Great Zhou, it is unrealistic to counter the combined forces of the enemy forces in the vast land of China. Moreover, if the enemy really unites, it will mean failure for this battle. What we want is not a unified country with a declining population and ruined territory!”

"Therefore, tactical deception is the first necessary step to unify China, and the dumbest but also the easiest way to be seen through is to burn money and ruin the family!"

Chu Tianxiao changed his tone when he wrote to this point.

"But... perhaps your majesty will ask, although this is a strategic advantage, it is impossible to achieve tactically? Wasting money and raging storms cannot last long. This is common sense and difficult to violate. How can we make a fuss about it?"

"This brings us to the second benefit of losing money..."

"Fight to support war, and crush the overall national strength!"

Chu Tianxiao boldly introduced the new term "comprehensive national strength" here, and gave a detailed explanation of the essence of war. After that, he began to show his true fangs...

"Your Majesty, what kind of country do you think the Great Zhou is? Is it a prosperous trade? Is it a powerful country?"

"While this is true, with all due respect, this country still hasn't learned how to... spend money!"

"I'm surprised. With the prosperity of the Great Zhou's trade, even the business houses have learned to borrow money, but the Great Zhou royal family has not yet learned to 'spend tomorrow, next month, or even next year, or the next ten or twenty years'! As of now, the empire is still stuck in the mindset of spending today, saving up money tomorrow, and expanding again..."

"Moving forward steadily, is this the ancient system?"

Chu Tianxiao wrote a comment without any hesitation.


After a pause, he continued writing.

"And outdated and childish!"

"Yes... Saving enough money before expanding has been the conclusion of the Great Zhou for thousands of years. Steady progress may have been appropriate in the past. But now that they are determined to launch a war of unification, if this strategy is not changed, the national strength of the Great Zhou will never be able to last until the day of unification of China!"

These words are very bold. If someone else wrote them, regardless of whether they have the courage or not, these words alone would be enough to convict them of "criticizing the ancient system and disrespecting the emperor"... But the question is, who is Chu Tianxiao

The only son of Marquis Zi Yi! How could he be compared to those poor people with no foundation

People from a poor family cannot say such things, but he can, because he has that status!

Of course, this is also because the current Zhou Emperor is wise, otherwise if it were a tyrant, the consequences of writing like this can be imagined...

At that moment, Chu Tianxiao's thoughts flowed like a spring and he wrote quickly.

"The Great Zhou needs to have the nature of a wolf! We must learn to spend money, we must learn to burn money! When it is time to spend money, we must never be soft-hearted, never shrink back, and never hesitate!"

Then, Chu Tianxiao introduced the concepts of "government bonds" and "futures loans" in later financial studies and explained them in detail. However, he did not stop there. He changed the subject and reiterated the concept of squandering money. He began to give examples, starting with an easy-to-understand example.

"The people of Huainan are frugal, while those of Huaibei are extravagant. If the two places are divided and governed separately, without suppressing their nature, what will the people of Huainan look like in 20 years? They all wear cloth and carry bamboo baskets; what will the people of Huaibei look like? They all wear brocade and have concubines."

"This matter has been criticized by some 'scholars' to this day, but in my opinion, it is simply not distinguishing between right and wrong."

"Why is luxury necessarily bad? Royal expenses, palace treasures, travel ceremonials... Which one is not luxurious? But it shows that the Great Zhou is powerful and powerful, making people in all directions wary."

Then, Chu Tianxiao introduced many concepts such as "economy", "luxury goods", "market", "consumption return" and so on. If it were a different context, this policy paper would definitely be considered as misleading, but in the prosperous business of the Great Zhou, the Emperor of Zhou would definitely see the golden value in it...

"Spending spiritual coins doesn't actually disappear. Spending a huge amount of money is actually just putting them into the economic ocean, letting them flow with the market... Your Majesty should have a detached vision and understand that spending money does not mean having less money. Poor people feel bad every time they spend a little money, but from the perspective of the family and the country, they must never be stingy with money - because all the money has not disappeared, it will form a force in the market, return, and make the Great Zhou strong..."

"Let me give you a simple example."

"Suppose that this year the national treasury distributes tens of millions of spirit coins to reward meritorious soldiers, then what will happen?"

"Your Majesty, please think about it. After a meritorious soldier receives a bounty, he will naturally enjoy himself to the fullest. First of all, drinking and reveling are inevitable. Then, how can a big house be missing? By the way, it is also necessary to buy himself some decent clothes..."

"This alone involves the three industries of brewing, textiles, and construction. One person is not worth mentioning, but how many soldiers are there in the Great Zhou? With the prosperous trade of the Great Zhou, if it is managed properly, how much lijin will the development of these industries return to the national treasury every year? The number is simply terrifying!"

"That is to say, if the national treasury spends 10 million spirit coins, it will generate an output value of at least 100 million spirit coins. As a result, the overall national strength of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty will also be greatly developed. Which is better, this result or leaving 10 million spirit coins in the national treasury to rot? The result is obvious."

“This is consumption rebate.”

"But, judging from the source, giving out 10 million spirit coins to reward soldiers for no reason is... a waste of money."

"So, if you don't change your mindset, it will be hard for Your Majesty to see the true meaning of a spendthrift. You must know that a spendthrift is not just about spending money. It is a technical job. Your Majesty is so wise that you will not despise the word 'spendthrift' at first sight. Everything in this world has both positive and negative sides..."

Chu Tianxiao then made a lot of adaptations and cited examples such as the 'apple' and 'rich gold' of later generations, introducing the 'luxury effect'. His writing seemed to have sound, and he wrote hundreds of lines in a fluent manner, leaving people wanting more.

"… In summary, by reversing the old system that is not in line with the present, changing the conservative ideas, spending money, and squandering money, the Great Zhou's 'comprehensive national strength' can be greatly increased within ten years, thus forming the material basis and possibility of realizing the 'tactical deception' mentioned in the first point…"

Having written this, Chu Tianxiao suddenly changed his writing style.

"But that's not enough!"

"If we want to unify this beautiful country, we must strengthen our army!"

"The third benefit of losing a family... is that you can build a truly... strong army!"

Having written this, Chu Tianxiao smiled slightly, knowing that it was almost done. If he continued, it would be "inappropriate", so he did not continue to elaborate, but added a sentence at the end with a sense of evil humor.

"To know what happens next, please wait for the next chapter to be published."

When the last word fell, Chu Tianxiao put down his pen and handed it in. Qin Yun, who was smug, and Mo Jun, who was full of resentment, turned to look at him. Just as they were about to mock him, they suddenly heard a loud noise and turned their heads to look, and then... their faces were horrified!

"The Holy Page is moving!"

Someone exclaimed, and the holy page suddenly turned to the policy written by Chu Tianxiao, and began to tremble violently! This tremor was completely different from the previous slight tremor. It seemed like the throbbing of the soul, and it seemed like an extreme catharsis. The violent fluctuations swept the whole place, causing a group of hidden strong men to reappear and open the true essence shield in front of everyone.

The holy page moves!

Two moves!

Three moves!

Everyone in the audience exclaimed, but before their exclamations died down, the holy page moved again!

Four moved!

Five moves!

Qin Yun and Mo Jun couldn't believe what they saw. Is this the Holy Page? Is this the Holy Page

How come they act like they don't care about anything?!

Is this ever going to end!

Is this ever going to end!

But the facts leave them no room for doubt, and... this... really isn't over yet!

Holy Page Six Moves!

The whole audience held their breath.

Seven moves!

The whole place... was silent.

Seven movements... It's actually seven movements...

Looking at the holy page that finally stopped, several people felt unreal. What did they see...

Seven moves

In the past thousand years, no one in the Great Zhou Dynasty has ever been able to make the Holy Page move seven times in a row!

A stunning strategy! This must be a stunning strategy!

Lu Xianyuan had no time to suppress his excitement, and hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "Quick! Put this policy paper away, go to the King's Pavilion, and present it to the emperor!"

Seeing the whole place in chaos, Chu Tianxiao stood up with a lazy look on his face. He said to Mo Jun and others whose cheeks seemed to be red and swollen, "Not worthy of such a formal occasion? Yes, not worthy of such a formal occasion."