Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 56: I would rather be an old drunkard than drink a thousand cups without getting drunk


"Qin Yun, we're... done."

"Next, you... take care of yourself."

Having said that, Qin Jiaojiao walked out without looking back, but the tears in the corners of her eyes stubbornly refused to fall. When she was outside the house, she could no longer hold back her tears, and leaned against the door, covering her red lips with one hand, and tears flowed like rain.

Qin Yun, on the other hand, had a conflicted expression on his face. He stretched out one hand to hold her, but in the end, it fell down weakly.

The prince charming and the queen... at this point, they parted ways.

"My little disciple, don't be sad. When you dominate the continent, you can have as many women as you want! Why be so weak?"

Just then, Bai Lao's voice rang out.

"As a man, you must focus on the present! You see, you are no longer in danger of your inner demon erupting, which is a great thing! In this situation, I can teach you many superior martial arts, and I can possess you at any time, and my strength will be even stronger. Then... the Wild Mountains and the wilderness, isn't it the best time to kill that prodigal son?"

After the last sentence was spoken, Qin Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said bitterly: "Chu... Tian... Xiao..."

“It’s all you!”

"It's all your fault!"

"This time, I will tear you into pieces, even if it means I will never be able to recover!"

After these words fell, Bai Lao couldn't help but laugh coldly in his heart...

At this time, dozens of miles away from the Xionghuang Mountains, there was a fish intestine.

There was a tavern next to the not very wide road.

The wine shop is not big, but it is always busy. The reason is that the wine here is... very good, so good that it is rare in the world. Every drinker who passes by will be amazed after taking a sip of the wine here, and then they begin to wonder why such a good wine is stored in such a small wine shop...

So many times, they advised the shop owner to leave this small road and go to Kyoto, to a wider place to sell wine, so that the revenue would increase by more than ten times... At the very least, they should expand the store - such a simple wine shop is really not worthy of the good wine it sells.

But every time someone said this, the shop owner would smile and say there was no need to make the hotel so prosperous, it was just a gathering place, and it would be nice if people could just drink and chat.

Gradually, the drinkers were too lazy to persuade him, but every time they came to drink, there were always crowds of people. In the end, they only removed a few fences outside, and everyone drank and chatted in the open air. The hotel owner was also very likable and often drank with everyone.

He has a good alcohol tolerance and almost no one can drink more than him.

The boss...his name is Chen Zhengtai.

This is of course not his real name. It's just that he has a cute face and looks like a young actor in an opera. Over time, he forgot his original name and inexplicably gave himself such a unique name.

Boss Chen is a bit fat, and his big belly can hold so much wine that many of his colleagues call him the invincible drinker.

But he knew that he could never bear this title. There was probably only one person in the world who could bear this title...

As the weather was getting a little chilly, it suddenly started to drizzle, and then with a loud bang, it got heavier and heavier, with no sign of stopping.

Chen Zhengtai frowned slightly, cursed inwardly, and was about to pack up and close the shop when he suddenly heard a series of brisk and steady footsteps. He was stunned for a moment. The footsteps seemed to be random, but in fact they were connected unnaturally to the beat of a drinking game.

Upon hearing the voice, Boss Chen immediately took out ten years of precious wine from the wine cellar, eight jars in total, and placed them at the intersection.

The footsteps are getting closer.

Not long after, a tall and thin man wearing a straw hat and a straw raincoat slowly walked into the hotel, sat down at the nearest yellow wooden table, and tapped his chopsticks.

"Are you here?" Chen Zhengtai took the initiative to sit opposite the man, and then, at some point, a jar of fine wine that was placed at the intersection was picked up from the air and handed into the man's hands.

"Yeah." The man responded softly and raised his head.

The man was about nineteen years old, but his face looked weathered and mature. Although he was a handsome young man, he exuded a sense of maturity.

"What is the mission this time?" Chen Zhengtai asked in a low voice.

The man said, "Drink with me... burp."

"Are you okay?"

"Drinking is the thing... burp."

Chen Zhengtai's butt suddenly softened and he sat down. It took him a long time to come back to his senses: "After all this time, you came to me to drink."

“Just tell me if you dare to drink… burp.” After the man finished speaking, two jars of wine were gone, but he kept burping.

"I can't drink more than you... You can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, old drunkard Ning! Who in the world can drink more than you? So stop bullying me." Chen Zhengtai smiled helplessly and shouted towards the inner room, "Youxia, come out and entertain this guest."

Then a pretty little girl walked out of the inner tent.

"Pour the wine and fill it up." Chen Zhengtai said to her.

The little girl named Youxia poured wine for the two of them very obediently. The man drank all the wine one cup after another, then paced in the rain and sighed.

"Old drunkard Ning, are you really okay?" Chen Zhengtai asked in surprise.

"Actually, I have a personal matter. I want to make a wine. I finally made up my mind, but the raw materials are very poor, and one of them is an aged wine that only you have..."

Pair wine with wine

Chen Zhengtai didn't understand and asked, "What kind of wine is it?"

As he said this, he laughed again: "Could it be that someone has pursued Miss Han to no avail and is so heartbroken that he wants to drink the wine of forgetfulness before he can stop?"

The man looked up, glanced at him unhappily, and said, "Although I am not as good as Brother Xianliu, I can drink a lot. It is no problem for me to take down Han...!"

"Come on, Miss Han hates your drinking the most, and your only strength... seems to be this." Chen Zhengtai looked at him jokingly and said, "Old drunkard Ning, think positively, there are so many good girls in the world, why do you have to hang yourself on a tree? You can try a few more times on the tree next to it."

The man ignored Boss Chen's teasing and stared into his eyes, getting straight to the point: "The wine I want to pair... is called 'Drinking God'."

"What kind of wine?" Boss Chen didn't react for a moment.

"This is a kind of unprecedented and unrivaled wine! If I can make it, the Son of Fortune will kill you! Haha, by then, I, the old drunkard, will definitely leave a mark in history, and that blind little girl won't yell at me every day when she sees me drinking, hahahahaha..." He was serious at first, but he started laughing like a drunkard within three sentences, causing Chen Zhengtai to press his forehead and say, "You are really crazy... What 'Drinking God Wine'... It's unprecedented and unrivaled... Old drunkard Ning, have you not recovered from the last time you drank and owed money and were thrown into the moat? You are talking nonsense."

The man laughed and didn't care. He just said, "I will go to the depths of the Xionghuang Mountains in the next few days. Is the wine house I built there two years ago still there?"

"You're going to the Desolate Mountains, too?" Chen Zhengtai picked up a bowl of wine and drank it all. "I really don't understand. Who has offended this Desolate Mountains recently? A few days ago, there was news that the pre-trial training of the Great Zhou Autumn Test was a bit weird again. They were going to send a bunch of young people to the Desolate Mountains for 'training'... Then, before they came, the woman from the Dream Spirit Sect came first and asked me how to get into the depths of the Desolate Mountains. It looked like... she was going for that bird? Hey? Speaking of that bird... it's been pretty restless recently. I don't know if it's... gone. It's been barking all day and making a lot of noise."

Shaking his head, Chen Zhengtai said, spreading his hands: "Now... even you, the drunkard Ning, are going to enter the Wilderness Mountains, okay... This Wilderness Mountains is really lively this time, just wait for chaos."

"Haha... Don't pay attention to so many vulgar people, just don't delay me from making the wine." The man drank a lot, put on his hat and walked away. Chen Zhengtai looked at his back, shrugged, and said leisurely: "There are so many evil disciples in Xuanmen, not a single normal person... Oh, I'd better take care of my wine shop. Let these young people play with the disputes in this world..."