Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 58: Lu Meier


"This town is called Guyang Town. It has been in the Xionghuang Mountains for more than 50 years. There are all kinds of gangs here."

"The residents who have lived here for a long time are all familiar with the Fierce Mountains. Some of them even go into the mountains every now and then and are very familiar with the terrain inside..."

"I know that many of you have maps of the Fierce Mountains, but I tell you, once you actually enter the mountains, you will realize how unreliable those maps you have are!"

"In the Ferocious Mountains, the terrain changes every year due to the frequent activities of ferocious beasts. So, if you want to achieve greater gains in the coming month, you need to do one thing..."

"That is, do your best to get the best map from here. The one who gets the most detailed map before sunset will get 100 chips."

"This is just an appetizer before you enter the mountain! Now, act!"

After these words fell, many people in the room immediately scattered, scrambling to take action. Seeing this, Mr. Bao and Mr. Fang couldn't help but smile.

"These bastards... maybe they think this is a simple matter."

"Haha, you naive boys. Ordinary residents only know a little about the mountains and can't draw any maps. And detailed maps are the secrets of major gangs. How can they be easily handed over to a group of young boys?"

"Let them suffer a little first so they can learn their lesson."

"Well, all the geniuses in the past were unruly. If they don't smooth out their edges, they won't even be able to cooperate in the most ordinary way. If they enter the mountains, they will die in vain!"

"Not bad... eh?"

Just as the two gentlemen were talking, a figure suddenly walked over and saluted them with a fist.


The two of them were stunned. Who else could this person be if not Chu Tianxiao? For a moment, they couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"Chu Tianxiao?"

"Why are you back? Did you get the map?"

Chu Tianxiao waved his hands, both of which were empty, but he smiled and said, "You two gentlemen are joking. It's only been a short time. I'm a prodigal son, not a god... I just got rid of the main force and sneaked back by myself."

Hearing this, Mr. Fang frowned, catching the key to Chu Tianxiao's words, and couldn't help but be slightly surprised, and said: "You practiced the escape method?"

"Master, you have a keen eye." Chu Tianxiao admitted frankly, "I made it a few days ago. It's average quality and not worthy of your attention."

"… What are you doing back here?"

"Come and get the most detailed map."

"… If you want a map, you should ask the gangs or the local residents what they are doing here."

"Hehe..." Chu Tianxiao smiled slightly, "I can't see the true face of Mount Lu because I am in it! Gentlemen, you also know that I am a lazy person. I will never stand if I can sit, and I will never sit if I can lie down..."

Hearing this, Mr. Fang smiled a little: "What does this have to do with your return?"

Chu Tianxiao clasped his fists and said, "Sir, there is no need to play dumb anymore... The purpose of the pre-trial training in Daqiu is to sharpen talents, not to send them to their deaths. So... considering the dangers of the Xionghuang Mountains, how could the two gentlemen, as the leaders, not have the most detailed map? Rather than going the long way around and dealing with those gang leaders, and resorting to force... Tsk tsk, it would be easier to just ask sir."

After saying this, Mr. Fang's smile deepened, and Mr. Bao also laughed: "It's clearly us who assigned the task to you geniuses, but you actually came to us for the map? Your ideas are really different."

"But even if we have the map, why should we give it to you?"

Mr. Fang added: "Don't underestimate us. If you are planning to bribe us, I will be the first to cancel your qualification for this training!"

"Hehe..." Chu Tianxiao smiled slightly, but said, "Originally, I was only 50% sure about this matter, but after hearing what you said, I am now 90% sure!"

"Oh?" The two gentlemen were stunned when they heard this. Then Chu Tianxiao shrugged and said, "Please forgive me, gentlemen. What I said before was just a throwaway line. It seemed reasonable, but it actually didn't make sense. I told that lie just to see how you would react..."

Chu Tianxiao looked at the two gentlemen and said, "The reason is very simple. The Great Zhou will not let geniuses die, but this training only involves the periphery of the Fierce Wilderness Mountains, not the core at all. A detailed map only adds opportunities, icing on the cake but not timely help... Therefore, perhaps the imperial edict will let the two gentlemen get a detailed map when the maps obtained by others are not detailed, but the two gentlemen will never be asked to prepare it in advance."

"But from the looks of the two gentlemen I just observed, it is clear that they have made up their minds... Then, the truth is obvious."

Chu Tianxiao stared at the two of them, with a slight smile on his face. "Only when there is an extremely important person in the team who cannot have any accidents, will the two gentlemen prepare a detailed map in advance to deal with all accidents... Am I right?"

"Little Princess, Her Royal Highness Lu Meir?"

As soon as these words fell, a pretty figure walked out from an alley. The two gentlemen hurriedly bowed and saluted, but Lu Meir ignored them and walked forward angrily. Her cute little face was puffed up, and she glared at Chu Tianxiao with her hands on her hips, saying, "Prodigal son, you have to compensate me for my colorful skirt. It's a new model from Kyoto!"

Chu Tianxiao was stunned at first, then couldn't help laughing: "You and His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince are making a bet on whether I can guess it? How boring you two must be..."

Lu Meir opened her mouth wide when she heard this and stamped her feet: "You can even guess this? I'm really pissed off! Isn't it said that prodigals have water in their brains!"

"Hehe..." Chu Tianxiao smiled without saying anything, and saw Lu Meir glaring at him fiercely, saying: "I don't care, I don't believe you are so smart that you can see through my trap, tell me! Did my brother tell you in advance?"

"...Does he need to tell me in advance?" Chu Tianxiao shook his head and said helplessly, "I saw something was wrong as early as the Autumn Night Banquet - even if the Seventh Prince thinks highly of me, his protection of me at the banquet was too much. I am very self-aware and not blind. I am not his direct subordinate, so there is only one possibility that he can lower himself to show his goodwill..."

"That is... the bloodline training of the Great Zhou royal family."

Chu Tianxiao clasped his fists towards Lu Meir and said, "It is said that the Seventh Prince and the little princess have a very close relationship, but I didn't expect it to be even better. To be able to make a prince who aspires to be the crown prince put aside his airs and ask for help... This sincere love and care really touched me."

"Humph, my brother loves me the most!" Lu Meir curled her nose and snorted, "But... you have barely passed this test. All right, I will accept you, the prodigal son, as my own. Why don't you accept my order and thank me?"

Chu Tianxiao pressed his forehead and looked at the two gentlemen: "I have heard that every royal child needs to undergo a pre-autumn test alone after stimulating the power of his bloodline. There are many rules, but the little princess is still young. How can you two gentlemen have the heart to ignore her?"

"Alas... it is because the little princess is so young that His Majesty has shown special favor and allowed her to select one person from the participants to protect her. Her identity must not be revealed during the training. The two of us... are powerless."

Chu Tianxiao sniffed, "That is to say... I, a Mingyuan lower realm, have to be responsible for the safety of this little girl throughout the dangerous Xionghuang Mountains? Not only do I have to carry this burden with me to complete this training, but if she gets hurt, I will be responsible for it?"

"Is there any benefit to such hard work?"