Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 63: Strange


"Roughly... there is a plan..."

"But to implement it, three conditions are needed..."

Chu Tianxiao knocked on the table.

"First, I must use this training to quickly increase my practical experience, and my cultivation must also keep up. Not only must I stabilize my Ming Yuan and become familiar with the operation of my Zhen Yuan, but I must also complete at least the first three sword techniques, and I must also practice the Feather Escape to the point where I can form a phantom. Otherwise, I won't have enough money to gamble with."

"Secondly... I need a helper who can hold back and restrain the enemy, so that I can hold back Zhenming and Grandpa in a head-on battle. I can try to select this person from the geniuses participating in this training, and I'll see tomorrow morning. However... there's little hope of finding someone suitable, so I have to think of another way... Well, I heard that many independent cultivators will also come to the Fierce Desolate Mountains for training, I wonder if I'll have a chance to meet them..."

"The third point is the most crucial one..."

"That is, I can no longer think about protecting the burden while preventing my true love from living a gigolo life. My only choice is to make the burden princess my helper!"

Chu Tianxiao couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of this - "So, in addition to being a bodyguard and a nanny, I also have to help this naughty kid find opportunities? Oh... There is such a hardworking and extraordinary 'guardian' like me... It's really weird."

"Compared to the first two points, this is much more troublesome... But fortunately, the brat came here to train, and she must have a clear goal in mind. I just need to complete what she needs first. If there is anything missing, I can help her get more resources... This move kills two birds with one stone, and it can be implemented tomorrow morning."

Chu Tianxiao thought about it carefully for a while, and another message came to his mind...

"Oh, yes... and this..."

"Drink from the wine cup of the gods, the tomb of the true destiny..."

Thinking of this, Chu Tianxiao couldn't help but whisper it softly, the two clues intertwined together...

"These two..."

"Is there any connection..."

"That woman... screaming... drinking divine wine... am I thinking something wrong?"

Chu Tianxiao muttered this, but he didn't know that in the next room, a pair of smart ears were slightly tilted up, listening to his intermittent and fragmented light sounds without missing a word...

The next morning, on the outskirts of the Xionghuang Mountains.

Even if you look at the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, the Xionghuang Mountains are a dangerous place with great depth and breadth. There are many fierce beasts in it, and even in the periphery, there are many powerful beasts that can rival the cultivators of the sixth level of the True Refining Realm. The fierce beasts are brutal and wild, and although they have absorbed some rationality from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, their animal nature still dominates the lower-level beasts, so they will never have any good feelings towards the human cultivators who invade their territory. Once they meet, it will be a fierce battle.

Since the beasts are naturally strong and their strength far exceeds that of ordinary practitioners, it is generally difficult for practitioners in the Refining Stage to defeat beasts of the same level. They must rely on the combined efforts of everyone to have a chance of fighting. Moreover, in this complex and desolate mountain range, it is even more difficult to kill them. If the beast is determined to escape, it will be difficult to stop it unless you have an absolute advantage...

However, although the Xionghuang Mountains are dangerous, they also bring great opportunities. Not only are the cores, furs, and bones of the beasts there very valuable, but there are also many natural treasures in the mountains. Picking just one herb is enough to support a person for a lifetime. Therefore, despite knowing the dangers, many people still go to the Tiger Mountain every year. Over the years, there are small towns around the mountains, and various shops have gradually sprung up.

If not for this, Chu Tianxiao would have been unable to squander his fortune yesterday.

Thinking of the upcoming training, all the geniuses could not help but get excited and ready to show their skills. Almost as soon as they arrived at the camp, some passionate young men could not help but cast their fighting eyes towards the two gentlemen.

Seeing this, the two gentlemen were very satisfied and were about to announce the official start of the training when suddenly a roar was heard outside the camp fence!

"Is this... a blood tiger pig?" A wild boar-shaped beast with two fangs much larger than usual and a single horn on its head emerged from the forest. It roared, then jumped over the fence and fiercely charged towards everyone!

The two gentlemen frowned slightly, obviously this was not the test they had planned. But they thought about it, the blood tiger pig was just a first-level intermediate beast, and its strength was only comparable to the tenth level of the True Refiner. If all the geniuses in the camp could not take down a blood tiger pig, then there was no need to continue this experience...

With this in mind, they quietly moved away and watched from the sidelines.

At this time, the blood-red pig trampled up a muddy mess and rushed towards them fiercely, and all kinds of people were revealed. Some people were so scared that they even forgot to take out their weapons, while some took out their weapons but their hands were shaking and their lips were pale. But what made the two gentlemen happy was that most people reacted quickly and took out the treasured weapons from the Xumi Ring, their eyes were bright, and some even rushed forward!


Everyone present was a genius above the seventh level of the Refining Realm. Even though the blood tiger pig had thick skin and flesh and a strong defense, it could not withstand the siege of the crowd. After a short while, it was covered in blood and countless strands of fur had fallen off.

The beast was injured and became even more ferocious. Its eyes suddenly turned red. The geniuses who were trying to kill it only saw a flash before their eyes. They couldn't see anything clearly and were all shocked back two steps!

"Don't be afraid, this evil beast is already at the end of its strength!"

"Yes, I've heard that when the blood tiger pig's eyes turn red, it means it's seriously injured."

"Everyone be careful!"

Just as everyone surrounded the blood tiger pig, it suddenly let out a heavy breath, and then raised its feet, roared suddenly towards the sky, and then stomped its feet down frantically!

It was as if the earth was shaking!

Many geniuses were unable to stand steadily, only Qin Yun and Chu Tianxiao narrowed their eyes at the same time! Qin Yun took the initiative and rushed forward. His iron spear flashed like a poisonous snake spitting out its tongue, and pierced the blood tiger pig's fur with a swish sound. In an instant, a puff of pig blood spurted out!

However, the blood tiger pig seemed to feel no pain. It swung its hands violently, and the huge shock force forced Qin Yun to temporarily release his hands. Then, it ignored Qin Yun and stomped towards Chu Tianxiao with red eyes!

"No! Little..."

"There's something wrong with this beast!"

The two Tongxuan realm masters immediately realized something was wrong. They saw that the blood tiger pig seemed to rush straight towards Chu Tianxiao, but in fact it shook off its tail halfway, changing its tracks and rushing straight towards Lu Meir!

Are you picking on the weak

"Why… "

Chu Tianxiao sighed and waved his hand: "Gentlemen, there is no need to take action."

When these words were spoken, the two of them were stunned. Before they could come to their senses, the Sumeru Ring in Chu Tianxiao's hand flashed with light, and a long sword engraved with a moon pattern fell into his hand.

Afterwards, Chu Tianxiao's figure flashed, as if his body moved like a cloud, and disappeared without a trace. When he appeared again, the man and the sword had appeared in front of the Blood Tiger Pig at the same time.

The Queyue sword hit the fangs of the ferocious beast!

With a snap, the Queyue sword was lifted up and the fangs broke off!

The blood tiger pig let out a painful howl, but before the sound died down, a ray of moonlight suddenly burst out from the corner of its mouth. Then, Chu Tianxiao flashed across the sky, lightly stepped on his fangs and jumped high, and swung out a powerful sword energy in the shape of a waning moon in mid-air, hitting the blood tiger pig's back hard!

“Ouch…” The blood tiger pig was hit by this attack and vomited blood from its mouth. Its body was covered in blood. It howled unwillingly and finally fell down. Blood flowed into a small pool under its body.

The whole audience stared at Chu Tianxiao in amazement, even the two gentlemen stared at him with a fixed gaze: "Queyue Sword... Could this be..."

Chu Tianxiao stepped lightly on the pig skin and shook his head. One hand had already been placed on the fur of the blood tiger pig that was still breathing heavily. Then, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"It's a bit strange..."

At the same time, Chen's Tavern.

"What the hell is that drunkard Ning doing..." Chen Zhengtai said to himself, with his hands on his hips, looking at the group of people in front of him who were already staggering and drunk because of his 'fine wine'.

If Chu He and Mo Xiang were here, they would be shocked—because among these people, there are either Mo Yiwei or the group of strong masters under Chu He, and even the "Yuan Zhu" who is protecting Mo Xiang personally is among them...

They came all the way to assassinate Chu Tianxiao, but before they even saw him, they all died in this small tavern...

"Tell me to knock down this group of people, and wake them up when the time is right. Tell them to go back to where they came from. If they don't listen, I will release them and come to you... But, what does this mean?" Chen Zhengtai frowned, "Old Drunkard Ning, you know that my wine shop is small and the underground wine cellar can't accommodate so many people... I can't do business for so many days!"

"Really? Every time I come here, there's always a lot of trouble..."