Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 66: A sudden change at night


"Is it because it hasn't been truly aroused yet? Or... should this be called 'the body of cuteness'?"

Chu Tianxiao thought about this with evil fun, but his hands didn't stop working, and he quickly started the cleaning work...

"This first-level king-level Taoyue Bear is comparable to a cultivator who has reached the twelfth level of the Refining Realm. In addition, it can call upon the power of the moonlight. If it weren't for the fact that my Queyue Jitian Sword is of a higher grade than it and it has already entered the Mingyuan realm, this battle would have been really difficult to win..."

"As we get closer to the outer edge, the beasts are getting stronger... It looks like we need to continue improving our strength."

Chu Tianxiao's mind moved, and he inserted the Queyue Sword into the half-moon pattern. He saw the sword body glowing with a bright light, obviously absorbing the moon's essence for his own use.

"Right now, I have made some progress in my Feather Escape, and I have also mastered the first and second forms of the Moon Extreme Heaven Sword. When I strike out with the sword, there are already three rays of moonlight. It's a pity that I am still lacking in the right skills, and I still need to hone my skills in the third form..."

While Chu Tianxiao was thinking, Lu Meir came up to him and said, "This is the fourth beast we have killed today. How long will it take us to reach Desolate Cloud Valley?"

Hearing this, Chu Tianxiao unfolded the map and estimated for a moment: "If we don't care, we can arrive in about half a day, but I don't recommend doing so. You have seen how dangerous this journey is. It is better to rest here tonight, recuperate, and go there early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, although I'm anxious, what you said makes sense." Lu Meir readily agreed, and then began to drool, her voice became coquettish, "Brother Tianxiao~~um...should you..."

“Alright, alright…” Chu Tianxiao was speechless when he saw her like this. He waved his hand, walked to the side and took out the core of the beast - a first-level king seed of the beast. It was not only the top of the first-level beasts, but also more useful than the ordinary second-level low-level beasts. Just this one could be exchanged for one hundred and fifty chips!

Chu Tianxiao took out a palm-sized black core and put it into the Sumeru Ring. Then he started cutting with a sharp sword light and got busy.

Soon, a bonfire was lit, and the aroma of meat filled the air. Lu Meir was so greedy that her mouth was watering. She even ignored her royal lady's demeanor - although she seemed to have never had one before - and grabbed the food with one hand, wolfing it down without any manners.

"Woo woo... It's so delicious... Brother Tianxiao, aren't you a spendthrift? How did you make it so delicious..."

"Hehe..." Chu Tianxiao did not answer directly, but just smiled and said, "If a beautiful girl complimented me like this, I would definitely be happy, and maybe I could take the opportunity to do something... But it happened that you, a naughty kid, said this, which is a bit of a pity..."

"What? I'm already fourteen years old!" Lu Meir said slurred words while eating, "Tell me, where did you learn all this?"

"Heh..." Chu Tianxiao smiled and still answered the question irrelevantly, "I... am probably the second best cook in the world."

Lu Meir snorted softly: "How shameless! But... it smells really good. Then tell me who is the first one?"

“… I don’t know either. I don’t remember.”

"Humph, you're lying again." Lu Meir thought he didn't want to say it, so she didn't think much about it. Plus, her appetite was aroused, so she devoured the bear meat without caring about anything else...

Chu Tianxiao could only smile helplessly when he saw this, and ignored it. He just chewed a piece of meat carefully, leaned against a big tree, looked up at the sky, and didn't know what he was thinking...

At this moment, a faint groan of pain fell into the ears of the two...

On this dark and windy night, a faint ghost-like sound suddenly appeared, which could easily make people think of something bad...

Lu Meir shuddered immediately and subconsciously moved closer to Chu Tianxiao: "Brother Tianxiao, there won't be... ghosts here, right?"

Chu Tianxiao stood up: "I'll go take a look."

"I'll go with you!" Lu Meir hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed one of Chu Tianxiao's arms, her whole body trembling slightly.

Chu Tianxiao said: "Can you identify the source of the sound?"

"It's possible..." Lu Meir was a proud daughter of the royal family. She quickly calmed down after holding Chu Tianxiao's arm and said, "Come with me."

Chu Tianxiao nodded and followed Lu Meir. The further he walked, the more obvious her slight groaning became. However, at this moment, Lu Meir suddenly showed a strange expression on her face: "How could it be... gone?"

Upon hearing this, Chu Tianxiao also paused, and in a moment, the Queyue Sword was already across his chest!

"Be careful, that guy must have discovered us, watch out for your surroundings!"

Almost at the moment Chu Tianxiao finished speaking, a murderous aura appeared behind him. In such a short period of time, Chu Tianxiao only had time to use Feather Escape to dodge one step, and the fatal claw attack also took away a strand of his hair.

Just a hair's breadth!

The attack missed, and the opponent seemed to be stunned for a moment, but then, the ghostly shadow turned around again and attacked him, so fast that until this moment, Chu Tianxiao could not see the opponent's face clearly, but could only see his weapon... a pair of iron wolf claws!

Without a doubt, this is a precious weapon!

Chu Tianxiao did not hesitate, but pointed his Moon Sword diagonally and rushed forward to meet the Iron Wolf Claw, colliding with it in mid-air. Countless sparks flew at the point of contact, making a teeth-grinding sound!

The true essence of both sides overflowed, blessing the precious weapons, and the light flowed. Not long after, Chu Tianxiao suddenly raised the Moon Sword upwards, shaking the opponent away, and then three moonlights came at him! However, the opponent seemed to be more difficult than Chu Tianxiao imagined. He easily dodged the continuous moonlight, only scratching the corner of his clothes, but he was unharmed.


The opponent suddenly fell to the ground, and the iron wolf claws left a long mark on the ground. After a moment, he stood up, and drops of blood slowly flowed down his arm, staining half of his sleeves red. This made Chu Tianxiao frown slightly - he had been injured before, but the speed and the awe-inspiring attack were still so difficult to deal with...

In the previous lightning-fast fight, Chu Tianxiao could feel the unprecedented pressure from the opponent...

This person must not be underestimated!

"Who are you?" they both asked at the same time, and then frowned.

At this time, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and a ray of cold moonlight shone down, illuminating the young man opposite.

This was a slightly skinny young man, with a frail body and wearing only a single layer of clothing. His face was as cold as an ice block that never melted, but his eyes revealed a defiant look, and there was murderous intent all over his body, and it was obvious that he had not let his guard down.

"We have no ill intentions," Chu Tianxiao looked at him and said, "We just heard some noise here, so we came to take a look. Now that I think about it, that painful groan was made by you?"

The young man's expression remained unchanged as he said coldly, "No need to ask any more questions."

Chu Tianxiao looked at his blood-stained right sleeve, was silent for a moment, took out a jade bottle from the Sumeru Ring and threw it over.

The young man did not take it, but stepped back a few steps and let the jade bottle roll to the ground. It was because of its special material, otherwise it would have been broken into pieces long ago.

"You can try to trust others." Chu Tianxiao sighed.

The young man said coldly: "We have never met before, why should I trust you?"

Chu Tianxiao said: "If I wanted to harm you, I should just turn around and leave. With your injuries, you will definitely not live to see tomorrow, so why would I harm you?"

As soon as these words came out, not only did the other party's expression calm down, but even Lu Mei'er was stunned: "Brother Tianxiao, what are you talking about? He... Although he is bleeding, it doesn't look fatal..."

"Simple logical deduction..." Chu Tianxiao said calmly, "If you think about it carefully, you will know..."