Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 80: Close the door and let Loli go


"Hmm, let me think about it... It should be that the method or container to accommodate souls in the vast land of China is rare. Even if it can be accommodated, it cannot be possessed by ghosts. And this old man is probably the only lucky person who has successfully 'been possessed by ghosts after death'..."

"Well, it seems... this old man is quite valuable..."

Chu Tianxiao's mind moved, and he stretched out a hand, trying to take off the ring on Qin Yun's hand, but... Almost instantly, he instinctively felt a threat and quickly retracted his right hand.

Qin Yun suddenly showed a nervous expression on his face, but it disappeared in a flash.

Chu Tianxiao frowned slightly, looking at the warning on the system interface of the Great Prodigal Son of Heaven—"It is detected that the luck of the true prince has not yet run out, and he is under the protection of the 'God'. You can't take away his 'golden finger', and you can't kill him..."

Can't grab the gold finger

This made Chu Tianxiao slightly stunned, but he was relieved after thinking about it. As for the "cannot kill Qin Yun", Chu Tianxiao was even less surprised. Because combined with the original warm reminder 4 - "drinking the wine cup of the god, the tomb of the true destiny." This sentence already shows that these lucky true sons of heaven should be killed by "specific methods", otherwise... Maybe it is an endless rebirth mode

The true prince is like that, isn’t he? No matter how you beat him, he can’t be killed. Even after being killed, he can be reborn. He is even stronger than a cockroach.

So after Chu Tianxiao came to the Fierce Wilderness Mountains and learned some information, he added a new goal for himself, which was to find the "God's Wine" mentioned in the hint, so that he could have the power to "kill" the prince of destiny at the critical moment. However, there has been no substantial progress until now, and the drama of the beauty fighting the beast happened at this time, so Chu Tianxiao had to rush here to deal with it.

Therefore, to be frank, Chu Tianxiao really couldn't kill Qin Yun right now - who knows if the old man would use a trick to escape death, or be resurrected thousands of miles away... But to be honest, even if he obtained the "God Drinking Wine" mentioned by the system and had the possibility of killing Qin Yun at this moment, Chu Tianxiao would not try.

There are three reasons.

First, Chu Tianxiao still remembered the long-term continuous main task of the pitfall system - I abused my true destiny a thousand times, step II, which required Mu Liuling to defeat Qin Yun head-on. If Qin Yun died at this time, how could Liuling defeat Qin Yun head-on in three months? If this pitfall system gave a judgment - "Mission failed, directly kill the host." - then Chu Tianxiao would have nowhere to cry. So, this was a matter of life and death.

Secondly, killing Qin Yun now is not in Chu Tianxiao's ultimate interest at this stage - if he did that, how would the side quest of comprehensive suppression be settled, and would the reward be discounted

Third, Chu Tianxiao had been wondering how to use this "God Drinking Wine" that suddenly appeared! After thinking it over, he concluded that the appearance of this thing was probably not for him to kill Qin Yun in the Fierce Desolate Mountains, but... to deal with Chu He in Kyoto, or even other stronger true princes!

Because, according to the process of "I abused the true destiny a thousand times", after the Great Autumn Test, after winning the battle with Shangliu Ling, it would be strange if Qin Yun's luck could still hold on! If it was necessary to "drink the divine wine" to kill such a destitute true destiny, then this thing would be too worthless!

Chu Tianxiao was certain of this when he saw the "luck has not yet run out" that appeared on the system interface. Because "luck has not yet run out, you can't kill him", and conversely, "if the luck is gone, you can kill him at will", so there is really no need to waste the "Drinking God Wine" on Qin Yun... Just let Liu Ling deal with it personally.

"Well... it's a pity that I can't get the ring right away..."

"But... there's no rush. After Liu Ling wins the Great Autumn Exam, the ring will naturally fall into my hands."

"Before that, I'll charge you some interest."

"Well... close the door and let the loli go!"

Chu Tianxiao waved his hand, and a transparent rope came out and tied up Qin Yun. Then he turned and stepped back, making a gesture, indicating that except for the ring... Not an inch of grass, leave!

When Lu Meir received the signal, her eyes lit up immediately, like a small animal seeing its prey. She smiled like a little devil and walked towards Qin Yun step by step...

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Chu Tianxiao seemed to see two black horns growing on the head of this naughty kid, a pair of black wings behind his back, and a long black devil tail trailing behind his little butt...

Not long after.

"I've abused my true love a thousand times, this job should really be left to this naughty kid."

Chu Tianxiao sighed. After just "half a quarter of an hour" of observation, he found that he could only say one word to this naughty kid... "admiration".

The naughty kid was as experienced as a prison boss who had been in prison for more than ten years. All the valuables on Qin Yun's body were searched out by her delicate hands - she looked like she was just about to strip Qin Yun!

Four words—clean and tidy.

I didn’t even bother to be polite to Qin Yun for any good stuff!

Qin Yun looked at the naughty kid with a twitching mouth. Just when he had a fierce look in his eyes, Lu Meir kicked him hard, and kicked him hard in the injured part. He grimaced in pain, and he didn't know how many times he cursed Lu Meir to death in his heart...

But compared to this, Qin Yun felt more distressed about the few Xumi rings that were stolen - they contained almost all his belongings so far! But they were easily found and taken away by Lu Mei'er...

Lu Meir first used the secret method of the Great Zhou royal family to press her hands on the mark of the original owner's consciousness on a Sumeru ring, and then, she wiped it away mercilessly!


Qin Yun immediately held his head and screamed, then fell to the ground in agony. Every spiritual mark on the Sumeru Ring was related to the spiritual consciousness of its owner. If one erased it by oneself and carefully retracted the spiritual consciousness, it would not be a big deal. However, if someone erased it forcibly using a secret method, it would be like stabbing the original owner's brain with a knife!

You can imagine how much pain Qin Yun was in!

Of course, any means of erasing the spiritual imprint is actually closely related to the realm of cultivation. If this was not Qin Yun’s own spiritual imprint and his own cultivation was not high, Lu Meir would really have no way to do anything to him.

"You naughty boy, you are too rude." Chu Tianxiao said slowly. Lu Meir responded casually: "Really? Oh!" Then she took another Sumeru ring, imitated him, and wiped it hard!


Qin Yun screamed again, and before the scream stopped, Lu Meir fired another one! Qin Yun howled to the sky, his whole body twitching, and he was almost unconscious.

Lu Meir opened three Sumeru rings in a row and handed all the things to Chu Tianxiao.

The latter took it and looked at it, then burned the talisman given by the two gentlemen, which Qin Yun had never thought of using, and then took the two crystal cards, scanned them, shook his head, waved his hand and threw them away, muttering: "You are from the Shenhou family after all, how come you don't know to bring more money when entering the Xionghuang Mountains? And you still... Tsk, now, the two crystal cards together are only a little over 500,000 spirit coins, you are really poor!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Meir and Xue Yan were speechless. They thought to themselves that only a prodigal like you would call someone who carries 500,000 spirit coins as poor...

Chu Tianxiao stretched out his hand and opened the first Xumi Ring. Inside was Qin Yun’s recent battle results…


All three of them were stunned!