Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 81: Everything is ready, except for the failure


"Five third-level low-level beast cores, fifteen second-level high-level beast cores, twenty-seven second-level intermediate cores, thirty-five second-level low-level cores... There are countless first-level cores, at least over a hundred!"

"When did the beast become so easy to kill?"

"This Qin Yun must be on drugs!"

Even Chu Tianxiao was stunned, but he quickly reacted.

"I understand! These should be the 'props' that Qin Yun used to slap people in the face during this training! According to the script, when the training is over, my kid will definitely rush up to show off, and then the whole audience will be surprised and want to admire him, but Qin Yun suddenly emerges and turns the tide, taking out this pile of things to blind everyone, and slapping people in the face with a loud bang..."

Chu Tianxiao looked at Qin Yun with a playful look in his eyes: "You are playing a trick quite well!"

Seeing so many beast cores, even Xue Yan's face changed, not to mention Lu Meir, who immediately exclaimed: "So many beast cores? This... How many bamboo chips can this be exchanged for!"

Chu Tianxiao made a casual estimate: "At least tens of thousands."

"What? Counting in tens of thousands? The best record in the previous years of the Great Autumn Trial was only five thousand chips! Haha! We will definitely be the first in this trial!"

"... Don't forget the rules of this training. This is stolen money, so it shouldn't be counted..."

"Hmph! Don't forget my identity! As long as you don't tell me, I won't tell you, hehe..." Lu Meir snorted, and Chu Tianxiao waved his hand helplessly: "Okay, let's see what else there is."

The second Sumeru Ring opened.

Lu Meir screamed again!

"Heavenly materials and earthly treasures! So many heavenly materials and earthly treasures!"

"Brother Tianxiao, look at that blood ginseng, it's at least two hundred years old, right? And that Xingluo fruit, it's a must-have for body refining and marrow cleansing! And that... that..."

Seeing the naughty kid running around among a bunch of natural treasures, clapping his hands and having so much fun, Chu Tianxiao couldn't help but sigh - the true prince charming, picking up treasures while walking, and having a lot of experience, it's really not an exaggeration...

After a closer look, there are actually quite a few items for marrow cleansing. When I reach the Tongxuan realm in the future, if I need to supplement my body refining, I can use a lot of good things in them. Among them, the "Xingluo Fruit" is a rare treasure. After refining it, it can be used as one of the main items for my marrow cleansing and body refining. Obviously, Qin Yun has a long-term vision. While he is still in the Lianzhen realm, he has already considered the preparations for the advancement to the Tongxuan realm... And he has the guidance of a "famous teacher", and he has collected a lot of treasures...

It’s a pity that they capsized in the gutter and now all these things belong to Chu Tianxiao.

"In that case, I will accept it without hesitation."

Chu Tianxiao smiled in his heart and said, "As usual, we'll divide it among the three of us. The Xingluo Fruit belongs to me."

"No problem." Lu Meir said with a smile.

Xue Yan lowered his head and said: "Young Master, I can actually be less..."

"If you say too much, be careful and I'll deduct your monthly salary."

"… yes."

Lu Meir muttered: "Ice Face is so abnormal today..."

Chu Tianxiao ignored her and opened the third Sumeru Ring.

This time, there were more things to see. First, there were a bunch of secret manuals of martial arts, inheritances, and the grades were all pretty good, but Chu Tianxiao looked around and found nothing suitable for him. There were some that Xue Yan could use... As for Lu Meir, the grade of her royal inheritance was higher than these things - after all, Qin Yun was still in the True Refining Realm, and the old man couldn't give him something too high-level right away, otherwise... "Indigestion" was probably just a small thing...

Suddenly... Chu Tianxiao saw the notes of the experience of refining equipment. Obviously, this was the confidence of the Qin family during the "jewelry refining" incident. Although Chu Tianxiao already had the fragments of the ancient refining manual, it did not prevent him from using this note to compare and strive for perfection.

In addition, Chu Tianxiao also found a lot of pills. Except for a high-quality Mingyuan Pill, most of them were pills for warming the soul, but their grades were generally low. Only two of them reached the level of second-grade pills. As for the pills that could repair the soul, there was none. If there were any, they had been swallowed by the grandfather long ago. The rest were the grandfather's spare goods, or reserve food... Chu Tianxiao also knew this, so he didn't hesitate and put them away at the first time. He only saw the grandfather roaring, cursing, and feeling distressed in Qin Yun's consciousness, but he was powerless...

Then came the embryos and meteorite iron used to forge the precious weapons. At a glance, Lu Meir was the first to exclaim: "So much meteorite iron... Hey! And black crystal iron? This... How many precious weapons can be forged with this!"

"Well... take the essence and make a handy weapon for you, Xueyan. I can't say it's high-level, but it's definitely a Mingyuan realm weapon. Your iron wolf claw... looks shabby, it's simply embarrassing for me, the young master!" After Chu Tianxiao finished speaking, Xueyan was stunned at first, and then hurriedly half-knelt on the ground to thank him, but was stopped by the latter with a wave of his hand. Seeing this, Lu Meir's eyes lit up: "What about me, what about me!"

"My naughty boy, now that your training is over, you can go to the royal treasury to get it yourself. Why are you asking me for it?"

"… No, I want you to give it to me…"

"… If you continue like this, I won't share this pile with you."

"Tsk, how stingy."

The three of them quickly divided up everything, and then... Chu Tianxiao saw the most important treasure...

"Blood Wing Feathers... Twenty-nine?"

"The core of a half-step fifth-level beast!?"

"This is... the Blood Wing Heart!? The Blood Wing clan's treasure?"

Lu Meir screamed, Xue Yan's expression was disturbed, Qin Yun's face turned pale and his fists clenched, and even Chu Tianxiao was stunned for a few breaths...

"What the hell..."

"Robbing the Prince of Fortune is like robbing the Great Zhou treasury! No, that's not right. I guess there is no Blood Wing Heart in the Great Zhou treasury..."

"If I sell these three things... I'm sure they'll fetch a sky-high price... But no one would be stupid enough to sell them, right?"

Lu Meir and Xue Yan subconsciously took half a step back. Xue Yan had a blank expression on his face, but Lu Meir was a little reluctant - they had already agreed that since Chu Tianxiao was both the 'young master' and the 'protector', they would not share the most core treasures.

So even though Lu Meir was heartbroken, she still kept her promise. However, the look in her eyes when she looked at Chu Tianxiao was full of envy...

Chu Tianxiao took a deep breath, and then his eyes gradually became firm.

“… It’s time to execute the final step of the plan.”

“…Yes, everything is ready, except for the failure!”

Chu Tianxiao was about to take action when suddenly, the little fox in Lu Meir's arms jumped down, sniffed fiercely, and then fell to the ground drunk!

In just a moment, Chu Tianxiao and the other three smelled a strong aroma of alcohol!

"This is… "

Chu Tianxiao's eyes suddenly focused!

"Drink the divine wine!?"


Chu Tianxiao never imagined that everything would go according to his ideas, but he also didn't expect that something unexpected would happen at the most critical link of this plan!

This sudden aroma of wine is a huge variable!

"Such a strong aroma of wine... The Red Fox got drunk after just one sniff. This is even more exaggerated than what the Green Ghost Gang said that day!"

"No doubt about it! This is definitely the aroma of the so-called 'Divine Wine'!"

"Why is it at this time... What should I do? Should I complete the plan of 'wasting the heart' of the true son of heaven first, or should I quickly go to find the 'drinking wine'?"

Chu Tianxiao was in a dilemma for the first time since he traveled through time. If he chose the former, he would have to give up the clue of the "Drinking God Wine" that had finally appeared after so many days. He didn't know when it would appear again. The training period was about to end. If there was no more wine aroma before then, wouldn't he miss the chance to meet the "Drinking God Wine"? How would he fight against Chu He in Kyoto

But if the latter is chosen... the indispensable figure in the plan - the Imperial Concubine, is probably seriously injured and dying, and she won't be able to hold on for much longer... So the only option is to let go of the Prince of Fortune immediately!

“…How should I choose?”