Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 84: Mantis turns into spring pill


"Brother Tianxiao, it's right here."

Lu Meir held the little fox Ali in her arms and pointed to a cave.

"There were three identical smells that disturbed us along the way... But we were lucky. We only took the wrong path twice, so we didn't waste too much time."

Chu Tianxiao looked around carefully and nodded: "Yes, this should be it."

The steep cliffs on all sides are difficult to climb, the injured can stay out, it is convenient for men and women to live together, the pitch black can create an atmosphere, it is hidden and difficult to find, and there is no need to worry about being disturbed when doing bad things. Isn’t this the best place for the true king to enjoy the concubine’s casual meal

"Go up."

At Chu Tianxiao's command, the three of them quickly displayed their skills and climbed the cliff as if it were flat ground. Soon, they saw the three of them leapt at the same time and landed in front of the cave.

A faint groaning sound came from it...

"Hmm?" Chu Tianxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, but Lu Meir asked in confusion: "Hey? Why is there someone else here? Strange..."

Touching Ahri's fur, she shook her head and said, "Ahri said that Qin Yun's aura suddenly disappeared."

"This is not surprising. After such a long time, they should have found all the silver flower powder and wiped it away." Chu Tianxiao said calmly, "Let's go in first."

"Yeah." The two people behind him nodded, and followed Chu Tianxiao into the cave. Then, they saw Xu Qingya lying on the stone bed at a glance!

Her face was flushed at the moment, her eyes seemed half open and half closed, but extremely blurred, her slender neck was flushed with an alluring pink, her whole body was covered in sweat, her originally loose clothes were completely soaked, and they stuck tightly to her body, completely outlining her exquisite figure!

The most tempting thing is that this saint girl of the Dream Spirit Sect twisted her body unconsciously at this moment, rubbing against the stone bed, looking unbearable...

Her pleasant moans were full of amorous feelings, forming a sharp contrast with her previous cold and aloof look when she was fighting the Blood Wing King in mid-air, as if she was making some kind of silent invitation...


Faced with such a fragrant and charming scene, Chu Tianxiao was not fooled by the surface, but immediately smelled an extremely dangerous smell!

As for the one behind him, Xue Yan had an icy face who was totally ignorant of matters between men and women, while Lu Meir was a little smart as a child. Although she felt a little embarrassed when she saw this scene, she immediately realized that something was wrong!

"Was he drugged?" Lu Meir asked.

"Well... But it should be because this girl was injured too badly and her spiritual energy is disordered. Otherwise... let alone a Soul Qi Upper Realm, even a True Refining Realm expert would not be easily affected by such drugs." Chu Tianxiao said, "But now looking at her, she should have completely lost her mind."

"Damn it! That Qin Yun is so crazy! He actually drugged an innocent person! I... I despise men like this the most!" Lu Meir stamped her feet fiercely, then looked around, but didn't see Qin Yun. Seeing this, she snorted angrily again, "He ran fast!"

“Young Master, I just heard from Blood Wing King that this woman is the Saint of the Dream Spirit Sect. Qin Yun must have wanted to use this to threaten her, or even climb up the ladder, so he did this... Fortunately, we arrived in time, and he must have noticed something, so he fled before the mission was accomplished.” Xue Yan was much calmer than Lu Meir, and immediately analyzed, “Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

"Heh..." Chu Tianxiao smiled faintly upon hearing this, but shook his head and said, "Xue Yan, it's great that you can think of this step, but you have to know..."

Chu Tianxiao continued leisurely: "Not every accident will be accompanied by the words 'arrived in time'. Sometimes, 'arrived in time' itself means something strange... For example..."

As he spoke, Chu Tianxiao pointed at Xu Qingya.

"Look, this Saintess of the Dream Spirit Sect has been attacked for some time, but she hasn't taken off her clothes at all. Isn't this abnormal?"

"Young Master/Brother Tianxiao, what do you mean..."

Chu Tianxiao shook his head: "Let's try to detoxify first."

As he said that, he walked forward, but before he got close, Xu Qingya seemed to sense something and immediately wrapped herself around him like a beautiful snake, unable to bear it and started to rub against him.

However... Chu Tianxiao was prepared for this.

With just one step, he used the Feather Escape Technique and retreated a long distance. Xu Qingya's snake immediately fell into the air, and she fell to the ground, and quickly started to grind the stone bed. Seeing this scene, Xueyan and Lu Meir frowned...

Chu Tianxiao pondered for a moment: "The drug is indeed very strong, it seems that I can only..."

Before he finished speaking, the expressions of the two people behind him became strange...

"Brother Tianxiao, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut." Lu Meir laughed and was about to walk out. Xue Yan said, "I will keep watch for the young master," and followed her out of the cave.

Chu Tianxiao was stunned at first, then realized that they had misunderstood something. He clenched his fist and shouted, "Come back!"

The two men paused.

"What do you think of me? I'm a prodigal, not a pervert! Would I take advantage of someone in distress? Is that the kind of person I am in your eyes?"

Chu Tianxiao was both angry and amused.

Lu Meir curled her lips and said, "Tsk! All men are like this. Don't think I don't know what you are thinking! Such a beautiful woman throws herself at you, letting you do whatever you want, and you can even say that you are doing it to save someone, so you don't have to feel any burden in your heart. Even if you don't consider the future, having sex once is what you men dream of, right? Humph, stop pretending, Brother Tianxiao, we all understand!"

Xue Yan looked at Chu Tianxiao quietly without saying anything, but his expression betrayed his inner thoughts. Obviously, he also felt that it was no big deal for his young master to sleep with a woman...

Chu Tianxiao spread his hands: "First, I'm not the kind of person you think; second... I like beautiful women, but the premise is that I won't give my life to them!"

"Have you ever thought about why Qin Yun gave up the beautiful woman who was within his reach and escaped early? Could it be that he is so close to me that he drugged this woman specifically to make me feel good?"

After hearing this, the two of them frowned. Before they could figure it out, Chu Tianxiao said slowly, "I'm afraid it's the Mantis Spring Pill..."

Hearing this, Xue Yan and Lu Meir were shocked! Lu Meir was even more surprised and said, "Mantis Spring Pill? Isn't that something that only the Yin Yang Evil Sect, which was destroyed a long time ago, has? It... It has been lost for hundreds of years..."

"Why did the young master think of this thing?"

Mantis Spring Pill, as the name suggests, is an extremely strong aphrodisiac. What's more, this medicine has another special feature, that is, if a man swallows it, after having sex, he will immediately lose recognition and completely forget his previous experience. And if a woman swallows it... she will be like a female mantis. After crazy intercourse, she will cut off the head of the person she was having sex with the moment before, pierce the heart and lungs, and even dig out the internal organs, and eat them alive, and even eat away the soul, leaving nothing behind!

Extremely cruel!

But this is not the most troublesome thing...