Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 9: Good Chinese mother


"Master, come back home!"

With a loud shout, countless windows on both sides of the street were opened with a crash, and countless people stuck their heads out to look at Chu Tianxiao. Many people poured out of the streets and alleys in an instant, as if they were attending some rare event that only happens once in a thousand years. Then, several startled and happy orioles' chirping broke the silence and sounded first.

"Chu... Master Chu?"

"Master Chu is back... Why didn't you come to see me first..."

"Master Chu!!"

"Wait! Why is there a woman beside Master Chu?"


"Little girl, get out of here! Master Chu is mine!"

It was unknown whether it was because he was generous and kind to women or something else, but Chu Tianxiao was incredibly popular among most women in Tianjue City. When he made his public appearance at the gate of the Marquis' Mansion, countless women screamed at him, unable to control themselves. Even Mu Liuling beside him was caught in the crossfire, and had no choice but to lower his head and remain silent. In contrast, the men had a different attitude...

"Humph, that prodigal son is finally back?"

"What's going on? Hasn't there been any news for three years? I thought he had died out there..."

"Hush! Don't say anything nonsense. He's the young master of the Purple Robe Marquis family. If you gossip about him, you're going to kill yourself!"

"So what? Isn't that little bastard a loser with no future? I really don't know what he learned during these years away from home? He didn't learn any good things, but instead learned a set of ways to ruin the family."

"I was wondering why he looked so familiar in the building just now. Humph, he has grown up, I almost can't recognize him, but his prodigal nature hasn't changed at all!"

"That's right, go to a brothel and order two books, one to serve you and one to please your eyes, this way of playing... I'm surprised he could think of it!"

"Ah, Purple-Robed Marquis is the leader of the thirty-six divine marquises in my great clan, but he actually gave birth to such an unprogressive kid. He is truly a scumbag!"

"Yeah, I don't know how many years it will take for that kid to ruin the Purple Robe Marquis's great fortune. Now that he's back, Tianjue City will be in turmoil again..."

The crowd cheered on one side and mocked on the other. This treatment was truly like heaven and hell. But no matter what others said, the boy always had a calm expression, standing with his hands behind his back, calm and composed.

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly came from inside the door, and then a middle-aged beauty with beautiful makeup and noble face rushed out hurriedly, not caring about her slender waist, and ran straight to the young man and hugged him in her arms.

"Oh, my Xiao'er... Xiaoxiao, you are so heartless. You left home for three years without even a letter. Now that you have finally had enough of the wildness, are you willing to come back to see your mother?"

This beautiful middle-aged woman is the mistress of the Purple Robe Marquis Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty, a first-rank lady with an imperial title, Chu Fan.

Chu Tianxiao was suddenly hugged by someone. Although after the fusion of souls, the person in front of him was his biological mother, he still felt a little embarrassed in public. He struggled and said, "Mom... You are so old, in public, and you still..."

Before she finished speaking, Fan let go of Chu Tianxiao, and took a handkerchief from the maids walking by, wiped her eyes, and said, "Woo... So fierce, Xiaoxiao has grown up and dislikes her mother, woo..."

"Mom..." Chu Tianxiao pressed his forehead helplessly, "Can you stop pretending to be an 18-year-old girl every day? There are so many people here, and I have something important to tell you. Let's go in and talk?"

After saying this, Fan immediately put away the handkerchief, and her expression changed faster than turning the pages of a book. She instantly revealed a bright smile and said with a smile: "Well, I knew that Xiao Xiaoxiao would not be so heartless... Okay, I will listen to Xiao Xiaoxiao, let's go in and talk, let's go in and talk."

After saying that, she took Chu Tianxiao's hand and was about to lead him inside, but suddenly she remembered something and quickly turned around, tears welling up in her eyes as she said, "Little Xiaoxiao, your poor mother, has lost weight. She must have suffered a lot in the past three years, right?"

After saying this, before Chu Tianxiao could reply, Fan immediately took out a brocade bag, stuffed it into Chu Tianxiao's hand, and said: "This is the little money that I saved for you. Keep it with you, but don't be like I did three years ago, when I left with a few crystal cards with less than a million balances. Woo... Xiaoxiao, you are so pitiful, I feel so sorry for you..."

Seeing that Fan was about to burst into tears again, Chu Tianxiao quickly waved his hand to change the subject and said, "Mom, are these... all crystal cards?"

"Yes, I know your temper, so I specially divided the money into several crystal cards. This makes it convenient for you to throw money in people's faces when you squander it! What do you think? Am I being thoughtful?" Fan suddenly showed a childish expression, as if 'Praise me, praise me' was written on her face.

"… Haha, thank you so much, can you tell me the total amount?"

"It's not much. All together, it's only 1.2 million spirit coins. Wow, I know this amount of money is not much. Xiaoxiao, bear with it and spend it. If you spend it all, come to me. I still have some."

Chu Tianxiao hadn't reacted to this, but the crowd watching were all dumbfounded - what? One million and two hundred thousand pocket money


"Oh My God!"

"I... I finally know how this kid became a prodigal. He was spoiled like that!"

"A loving mother often spoils her child! I really saw it today!"

"I'm dying. One million and two hundred thousand spirit coins... I've never seen so much money in my life..."

"The problem is that this guy is a prodigal! What kind of woman would give so much money directly to a prodigal? And not even blink an eye?"

"What's even more infuriating is the phrase 'throwing cards in someone's face'! What kind of family is this? In her eyes, is losing money not a shame, but something to be proud of?"

"It's so unfair! Why don't I have a mother like this?"

What does 1.2 million spirit coins mean

It is no exaggeration to say that this number can scare an ordinary person to death. You must know that no matter how expensive the cultivation consumables are, below the "Lianzhen" realm, no one can spend more than 100,000 spirit coins at a time. Even the auxiliary pill Mingyuan Pill required for the perfect breakthrough to the "Mingyuan Realm" from the twelfth level of "Lianzhen" is only 300,000 spirit coins, and 1.2 million spirit coins... Assuming that all of them are used to buy natural treasures for cultivation, then no matter how mediocre, useless, or incompetent the lucky person who enjoys this pile of resources is, he can be piled up into the ranks of the cultivators within a hundred miles of the city of Da Zhou San! In other words, with this amount of money in hand, even a pig can achieve a small success in cultivation!

However! This "huge sum" in the eyes of ordinary people and even ordinary practitioners was actually described by Fan as "not much", "small money", or even "still some after spending it all"...

How embarrassing it is for many people around us who have lacked the resources for cultivation since childhood due to their family circumstances!

Fortunately, it was the mistress of the Purple Marquis Mansion who said this, otherwise this sentence alone would have caused public outrage! But what people didn't expect was that Chu Tianxiao didn't even blink when faced with this "huge sum of money" that was enough to move the hearts of most people in Tianjue City. He said lightly, "Oh", and casually tied the small bag around his waist, saying, "It's okay, it's enough to save a little and spend a little. But mother, this time when I come back, I want to play a big game, and this money may be gone tomorrow. I'm telling you first, so you can be mentally prepared."

After these words were spoken, everyone in the room felt their breath choke. Countless people wanted to skin this guy alive and pull out his tendons. Countless more wanted to push Chu Tianxiao away and take their place.

Comparing yourself with others will only make you angry!

"Oh, Xiao Xiaoxiao, are you going to do something big? You are really Xiao Xiaoxiao, so amazing! Just spend your money, I have plenty!" At this point, Fan looked at Chu Tianxiao, and then seemed to have discovered something, and hurriedly said, "Hey Xiao Xiaoxiao, didn't I tell you not to wear clothes that cost less than 300,000? It will hurt your skin!"

People in the field: "!@#&×!@"

After these words were spoken, everyone in the room was speechless and could only watch as Chu Tianxiao took Fan's arm without saying a word and walked into the mansion step by step. However, at this moment, Fan suddenly turned around and looked at Mu Liuling, who had been following Chu Tianxiao without saying a word!

"Xiao Xiaoxiao, isn't this the daughter of the Mu family? Why is she following you?"

Chu Tianxiao was about to speak when Mu Liuling stepped forward and saluted: "Hello... uh..."

Chu Tianxiao said, "Call me old lady."

"Yes, I have met the old lady... Liu Ling is now with the young master and has no relationship with the Mu family anymore."

Upon hearing this, Fan glared at Chu Tianxiao and said, "What old lady? I am only eighteen years old this year, not old at all!"

Chu Tianxiao held his forehead with a helpless look on his face. It was so embarrassing in public!

Mu Liuling was choked by these words and was speechless for a moment. Then he saw Fan reveal a bright smile and fix her eyes on Chu Tianxiao. The strange look in her eyes made him tremble all over: "Mother... why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, Xiao Xiaoxiao, don't be nervous! At a time like this, I won't say any clichéd words like 'a big butt is good for giving birth'! Don't you know who I am?" As she said this, Fan glanced at a certain part of Mu Liuling with pride, then nodded gently and said lightly.

"Well, your breasts are big enough. My little grandson won't go hungry."

Chu Tianxiao&&Mu Liuling: “… …!&*#I&*”

Both of them were instantly stunned by Fan's words, and were speechless!

"Okay, okay, don't just stay here, come in quickly, I've prepared your favorite butterfly tea for you!"

Having said that, Fan happily took the hands of the two and walked into the inner hall. Then, with a bang, the door was heavily closed, giving the people outside an illusion... Inside and outside the door, are we and that prodigal son really living in the same world