Xuanmen Prodigal Son

Chapter 91: This person is obsolete


"Stop talking!—"

Qin Yun could no longer hold back when he heard this, and he yelled hysterically, but he was full of madness, "It was... that woman who betrayed me first, I... I was just... I, I am not wrong! I am absolutely not wrong! It's... It's all you! If you hadn't defiled my sister, I, how could I..."

"Betrayal? Defilement?" Chu Tianxiao sneered, "How ridiculous! It's obviously my own fault that I'm not loyal enough and I'm suspicious of everything, but I just keep blaming others and don't know how to reflect on myself!"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Qin Yun's voice became more and more ferocious. "Teacher said... I'm not wrong... I'm not wrong! No, no... Even if I did something wrong, it was all because of you, the prodigal son! It's all your fault, all your fault!"

"I am the true Son of Heaven, and destiny is in my hands! I can't be wrong! Everything I do is the will of Heaven, and it's all right! Even if I burn, kill, rob, and commit all kinds of evil, I am still right! I represent destiny, and I can't be wrong!"

"You are just a loser, why do you stand in my way? I am still doing nothing wrong as I am doing now! If there is anything wrong, it is all your fault, loser!"

"Who asked you to stand in my way!"

"If Qin Jiaojiao has any complaints, she should only blame you!"

"Yes! Yes, that's it! It's all your fault, you loser! I... I'm not wrong!"

Seeing his crazy look, Chu Tianxiao couldn't help but shake his head slightly: "He doesn't know himself, he's crazy and keeps making excuses..."

"Ms. Qin Jiaojiao, is this the kind of person you like?"

"It's... not worth it!"

After these words fell, the whole audience was shocked. Then, in full view of everyone, a graceful figure walked over. Chu Tianxiao signaled with his eyes, and Xue Yan and Lu Meir stepped aside to let the person in. Qin Yun's hysterical roar suddenly stopped, his eyes suddenly widened, and he said in a trembling voice: "Sister... Sister?"

The person who came was Qin Jiaojiao.

Her pretty face was covered with tears, and her beautiful eyes were filled with disappointment, heartache, helplessness, and bitterness... She looked at Qin Yun, but couldn't say a word.


Even though they had said that it was over and the relationship was severed, even someone like Qin Yun had hesitated and regretted when he implemented this crazy plan. How could Qin Jiaojiao let it go so easily

A queen like her would not easily fall in love, but once she did, it would be like a landslide and the earth would crack and it would be hard to save her. Even if she was disappointed and confused for a while, she would eventually turn around, otherwise she would never step on the moon to enter the Purple-Robed Marquis's Mansion and take great risks to get rid of Chu Tianxiao for Qin Yun... Even after Qin Yun suspected her of hurting her and made her completely disappointed, she still used a secret method of one finger, paid a huge price of almost dying, and helped Qin Yun for the last time...

After that, she still couldn't let go. During this period of time, she had actually been following Qin Yun, and her feelings for him were hard to break...

But all this... what did we get in return

Qin Jiaojiao only felt a pain in her heart, but she couldn't make any sound of pain, as if her tears had dried up and she couldn't shed another tear, as if her heart was broken and she couldn't feel another tear...

"Just as I expected..." Chu Tianxiao's voice rang out, "Miss Qin... after all, she still can't let go."

"But at this moment, you should have completely seen this person's true face?"

Qin Yun remained motionless, as if he had completely turned into a wooden man.

Qin Jiaojiao was silent for a moment, then walked up to Chu Tianxiao and bowed: "From now on, I will never go against you again."

"But he is... So, I won't be with you either."

Chu Tianxiao clasped his fists and nodded: "I understand... What are Miss Qin's plans next?"

"Plans... probably, go home..." Qin Jiaojiao's words carried a hint of inexplicable emptiness.

Chu Tianxiao was silent for a moment and said, "Sorry."

"No, Master Chu, there is nothing to apologize for. At least, you saved Jiaojiao from meeting the wrong person. Even though it was hard, she can still go back..." Qin Jiaojiao sighed deeply, and with mixed emotions, she glanced at Qin Yun, who was shaking with his head in his arms, then turned back and continued, "But before leaving, Jiaojiao has another question, I wonder..."

Chu Tianxiao was silent for a moment, then used his true essence to transmit his voice and said, "Since I got that drop of your blood, I already knew your real name... Your surname is not Qin, but Jiang, and your name is Jiang Xian'er."

These words were not said in public, otherwise, Xue Yan would be fine as he would only vaguely guess the meaning of the surname "Jiang" after hearing it, but Lu Meir and Xu Qingya would definitely take action!

Chu Tianxiao didn't want to go through so much trouble.

Seeing that Chu Tianxiao was using his true essence to transmit sound, Qin Jiaojiao, no, it should be Jiang Xianer, understood everything. A trace of gratitude appeared in her eyes, and she replied slowly using her true essence to transmit sound: "Mr. Chu really guessed it..."

“It’s just a guess.”

"But... why has Master Chu never shown much hostility towards me?"

"Because... I have big ambitions." Chu Tianxiao smiled slightly and transmitted his message.

"… Master Chu is extremely intelligent and I cannot defeat him. But after I return, they will probably send their tribesmen again. It will be hard to settle the matter peacefully. Master Chu needs to be careful."

“… I understand. Thanks for the reminder.”

Jiang Xian'er nodded, and then formed seals with her hands in front of her body, and suddenly spat out several drops of blood. Chu Tianxiao's eyes condensed, and in just a moment he had stepped forward and put all the blood into the bottle. There were seven drops of blood in it, and just looking at it could feel a strong inexplicable force...

Such a generous "gift" even surprised Chu Tianxiao, and even shocked him.

Then Jiang Xian'er said in a voice transmission with her true essence: "Although the first holy blood has been lost, all the bloods after that are inferior, but I have already made sacrifices and refined it... The formula is as follows... I think it can help you a little..."

“… Thank you.” Chu Tianxiao knew that this was a great benefit. With only these seven drops of blood, the gains from his training in the Wilderness Mountains far exceeded those during the Autumn Night Banquet. There was a hint of solemnity in his voice. This scene made the group of people a little puzzled, but Chu Tianxiao immediately put away the jade bottle to prevent the key secret from being exposed. Although they were puzzled, they did not delve into it.

Jiang Xian'er nodded her head slightly, and then took a deep look at Qin Yun. Her beautiful eyes were filled with emotion. Then she turned around, walked further and further away, and disappeared from everyone's sight...

Right at this moment!

"Uh-ah!" Qin Yun's body suddenly burst out with a strong aura, and golden light shone in all directions! Although everyone turned sideways in time and opened the Zhenyuan shield to avoid the strong light, when they came to their senses, Qin Yun had already rushed out of the cave!

"Young master! Let our subordinates chase and kill this beast!" Xueyan was about to take a step forward, but Chu Tianxiao waved his hand.

"No need... This person is useless."

"Didn't you notice? Although the attack just now was powerful, the aura was extremely unstable. It can be seen that Qin Yun's inner demons must have erupted completely. It is better to release them than to block them. The inner demons that have been suppressed for a long time are even more difficult to reverse. His cultivation in the future will only stagnate or regress, and he will no longer pose a threat."

This paragraph was not made up by Chu Tianxiao himself, but the conclusion given by the side quest of the Big Prodigal System. Moreover, Chu Tianxiao was not stupid and knew why Jiang Xian'er gave him so many drops of blood before leaving...

Since it does not affect the overall situation...

Chu Tianxiao said slowly: "Let's keep him until the big autumn exam and let Liu Ling settle this karma with his own hands."

Hearing this, Xue Yan hesitated: "But... if he recovers..."

"It's impossible." Chu Tianxiao said, "My heart is broken, everything is ruined, there is nothing I can do."

"But... the strangeness of Qin Yun..."

"Don't worry, that doesn't pose a threat anymore..." Chu Tianxiao thought to himself: Grandpa, you have to sleep even if you don't want to this time! As for your conspiracy against Qin Yun... Although I can't see it completely, it will definitely end when you fall asleep, and after thinking about it, there are only a few possibilities, don't worry... When Liu Ling wins you over, I promise to use your conspiracy on you!

After this battle, the plan of "attacking the heart and destroying the life" was completely declared a success. The grandfather, the queen, and the imperial concubine all dispersed, Qin Yun's true destiny team completely collapsed, and even he himself was haunted by his inner demons... If there is no major accident, the true prince has degenerated into a person who serves food to Mu Liuling in the autumn examination...

In addition to this, he also gained many extra benefits. Chu Tianxiao felt that he couldn't be more satisfied with the result.

"I, the young master, have done enough... You don't need to bother with Qin Yun anymore. Leave everything else to Liu Ling."

"Next... I will focus all my attention on Chu He..."

Chu Tianxiao was thinking this in his heart, when he suddenly heard the beeping sound of the task settlement of the Great Prodigal System...