Xyrin Empire

Chapter 118: Come to an end


Sandora has always been interested in the spiritual aspects of people on Earth.

In her words, she has never seen such a fragile yet difficult thing to touch.

For Sandora, a super talented person who can distort the real world by relying on one of her own ideas, the spiritual power of the people on earth is really weak, weaker than any carbon-based life she has ever seen. Most of them are ordinary people who have no ability and no training. For Sandora, destroying the soul of ordinary humans is as simple as breathing, but it is because the spiritual power of human beings is too fragile. Sandora felt very upset.

Because apart from destruction and some low-level hypnosis without technical content, she can't find any place to attack the human spiritual world. Be careful that you can only get a lot of soap powder in the end, which makes it difficult for Sandora to realize many personal hobbies, such as reading memories, such as reading memories, and such as reading memories...

If possible, Sandora would like to capture thousands of people and put them in concentration camps and do human experiments every day. In that case, she will be able to find a way to precisely control the human spiritual world in less than a month. Unfortunately, this It is impossible to realize the idea. There is a me who is compassionate and merciful to save all sentient beings. Any immoral behavior that is anti-human and anti-society is just a cloud...

A few days ago, I persuaded her to try to learn from our human scientists, and catch a few animals to do mind-reading experiments, but when she explained to me in a simple and simple way, a soil that was digging in the garbage dump After seeing how disgusting the dog's thoughts are, even I myself feel that this suggestion is really wicked...

But now it seems that God is turning to Sandora, and has given a Gu Fei who is born with mind reading skills, and this guy's quality is just right to kill our last bit of guilt. I wonder if God is Sandora and the others. that's it.

At this time, Gu Fei finally finished spying on us. His face showed a slight hint of confusion and surprise. He probably had never seen an opponent with such powerful mental strength. The few people in the room didn't respond at all, and even the mental strength of the two sleeping little girls was astonishing. Weakness, this is innately determined by the structure of the human brain. Could it be that the two little girls in front of me are monsters in terms of spiritual power

After listening to Ding Ling's introduction to us, Gu Fei was even more surprised. These unremarkable guys in front of him are the leaders of another supernatural organization? Except for that noble blonde girl, where do the other people look like they are superior? As supernatural beings, they are of a higher race than ordinary people, and the way they bring children out to play is simply throwing away supernatural beings!

Obviously, he was jealous.

Because his ability has no effect on supernatural beings at all, this makes him usually have a lot of hostility towards other supernatural beings, especially Lin Xue, who can always find herself using her abilities indiscriminately. Her observation ability has failed many times. He ruined his own good deeds, and even made most of the girls in the organization hide from him like flies. Now that there is another group of supernatural beings in front of him, and the other party is some kind of leader, and then think of the fact that he is being bullied every day. Restricted by others, Gu Fei is of course jealous.

I could clearly see a look of impatience on the face of the kid in front of me, and there was a deliberately pretended disdain in his eyes. I could guess with the back molars that this guy was thinking What, but I don't care at all, it's just an experimental animal, why should I care what he thinks? A white mouse is a white mouse, don't think that dyed yellow hair is a Pikachu!

"Okay, okay," Gu Fei waved his hand impatiently, "Isn't it just a small organization? Why not arrange for them to meet the old man? Just hand over the crystals and research materials in your hands to us. Much more to deal with."

"I want to kill him," Lin Xue said in the public channel.

"Upstairs." Sandora said lightly.

"What else do you study after killing him?" I said, and then told Sandora about Gu Fei's ability.

Gu Fei was still there pretending to be a big shot, and then he suddenly noticed that the way the blonde girl in front of him looked at him had changed.

Like looking at... a toy? !

Although he couldn't read the other person's thoughts, Gu Fei was already familiar with what the expressions on people's faces represented when he often read other people's hearts. She's very interested in the new toy!

If someone else looked at him with this look, Gu Fei would have turned the table a long time ago. This guy is a person who will take revenge, but when facing Sandora, he vaguely feels that he must not do this—a man's seventh sense

"Of course," Sandora said happily, "We are happy to share the crystal and some of the information in our hands with you. After all, we can't research anything alone, but there is one condition!"

At this time, Gu Fei was annoyed by Sandora's eyes, and said without thinking: "Say it, your conditions are definitely nothing to us."

"I need you to send someone to assist us in our research. After all, you have been studying these crystals for a long time. With your assistance, our research process will be greatly accelerated."

"Fake." I commented in one word.

"It's too fake." Lin Xue seconded it.

"Very fake." Qianqian also nodded.

"Don't make up the word count." My sister said one by one on our heads...

Sandora secretly made a quiet gesture to us, and then said to Gu Fei with bright eyes: "I wonder if you are willing to take on this responsibility?"

"Me?" Gu Fei never expected that the other party would find him, "I'm not a researcher, and as a senior cadre in the organization, how can I condescend to work for you?"

"It's because you are a senior cadre in the ability group," Sandora complimented with disgust, "After all, it is an exchange between two organizations. You are not only the person who came to assist our research, but also the two organizations. The middleman of the exchange, that is, the person in charge of external affairs, this responsibility can only be afforded by senior cadres?"

Although it was a very nonsensical reason, Gu Fei immediately showed a helpful expression. It is not difficult to guess that this guy's usual status in the organization must not be very good, so that such a small flattery can make this guy The guy who claims to be superior is so useful...

"Since this is the case, I will apply to the top leader of the organization when I go back, but I also have a very important job on my shoulders, so you don't have to put too much hope in it."

As Gu Fei said this, he was actually very curious about our organization that popped up all of a sudden, and he had already had enough of being restricted in the ability group all day long. Now he has such an opportunity to come out to perform tasks alone , he doesn't want to give up.

Sandora showed a satisfied smile, and at the same time secretly gestured a victory gesture to me.

In the end, I declined Ding Ling's offer to help us arrange a meeting with the top leader of the ability group. Although I was also a little curious about the "old man" they called, I still found it too troublesome after thinking about it...

Also, our rather rare vacation is almost completely ruined! !

Thinking about it, it's true that dignified figures like the leaders of the Imperial Heads of State Corps have to deal with the problem of too short winter vacation and too much homework. This is really a bit... It hurts to say...

In the end, we finally solved the problem of the ability group. Gu Fei and Ding Ling went back with a few crystals and some scrapped psionic control rods. Let us wait for their research progress. Gu Fei still had an arrogant attitude. He told us that he would take time out of his busy schedule to help us "solve research problems", but he was actually the one being studied...

I hope the ability group really has a lot of information. The appearance of Xiling ruins one after another on the earth really makes people panic...

The rest of the time, I can finally relax...