Xyrin Empire

Chapter 131: Anveena's request


Although Lin Xue's pranks sometimes make people hate it, but it is undeniable that the play with her just now successfully played a role in easing the atmosphere.

At least in An Weena's eyes, the danger of our group of people really doesn't seem to be that high.

But then she became more curious about our identities, which is quite normal suspicion: Just ask, what normal person would travel in the Eastern Plaguelands where the undead ravages, and bring a domestic angel out to bask in the sun-God, this is The point is, to what extent can a mortal be able to take an angel with him around

Unless these strange people in front of them are not mortals at all!

Due to the long-term loneliness and confusion, the chaotic thinking is gradually recovering. Anveena gradually began to associate our true identities, and then came to no less than twenty different versions of conclusions—none of which was relevant.

"In short, we want to help you now," I pressed back the little Bubble that Yiyi was walking forward for the second time, "If possible, you'd better stabilize the light on your body. This sister is an avid collector of all kinds of shiny things, and if you don't want to be one of her toys, better be dark."

Hearing my words, An Weena immediately dimmed as if the battery was low, and her whole body became more ethereal—to be honest, I began to be curious about this miraculous life form.

"Are you dragons?!" An Weina finally came up with an answer that she thought was reasonable.

Dragons! Only this extremely powerful race in the legend has a fanatical desire to collect shiny things, which is different from the hobby of gems and gold coins. What the Dragon Clan likes is "sparkling". In their eyes, Glass beads and diamonds are equivalent, uh, my current self is equivalent to glass beads...

However, if it is a dragon race, it is unlikely, angels, that is a noble existence that is said to serve the gods, even a race like the dragon race cannot have an angel as a maid!

"Dragon?" I rubbed Little Bubble's head with some headaches, "I also have a headache, why does this girl have the same hobbies as those flying lizards, but we are not dragons, but a race more powerful than dragons—we are Xiling Apostle."

It is not accurate to say this, because Lin Xue is not yet a member of the Xiling Empire. Although the authority authentication system of the Xiling Apostles has added a temporary identity to her as the mistress of Xiling, it is only equivalent to a temporary residence permit, and It is different for Qianqian and her sister who are completely recognized as senior members of the empire by the authority authentication system. Just to avoid trouble, I also generally classify Lin Xue as the apostle of Xiling.

Anveena's eyes became confused again. The words spoken by the people in front of her seemed to her in another language, words that she couldn't understand kept appearing—whether it was their strange names or unknown races, she couldn't understand them.

"It's like this, maybe you won't believe it. In fact, you are no longer in Darrowshire. Due to some kind of spatial instability, you and the house you are in are both captured by a space-time anomaly. Now you The location is a place called Earth, and we came here just to explore the situation here... "

This fact is shocking. As long as you are a person on earth, the first reaction of anyone who hears such a thing is probably unbelievable. However, Anveena, who comes from the world of Azeroth full of incredible events, has the ability to accept such things. Obviously much stronger than the people on Earth, she didn't have much doubt about the space-time anomaly—although she couldn't understand, those noble mages often talked about similar mysterious topics, and these people in front of them were at least on an equal footing with angels. No big shot had to lie to such a little phantom—she was suspicious of something else.

"You say this world is different from my original world? Then how do you know about Darrow County?"

It is very doubtful, if one day an uncle from an unknown time and space suddenly appeared in front of me and asked me about the World Cup, I would be so suspicious.

To Anveena's question, I immediately put on a mysterious look, and after filling myself with a folding fan and a long gown in my mind, I replied with a smile: "Actually, for what happened in the world of Azeroth, We know everything, not just Azeroth, our web of influence stretches across countless worlds of the Endless Void... ”

"You are Titans!" An Weina immediately acted shocked.

... Why is this ghost's associative ability so powerful

I reiterated the identity of Xiling Apostle, and then gave her a general introduction to the current situation.

Speaking of it, although we all sympathize with this ghost maid, we really have no idea how to help her. Our idea is to let her leave this lonely and cold haunted house, and Anveena herself very much hopes this way , but she couldn't leave here due to various restrictions, not only because her body and resentment bound her in the room, but also because this place is a space-time aberration, as an individual projected together with the entire space, she is almost One with this big house, unless she can become stronger, the energy fluctuations from the projection space to the real space will definitely tear her apart.

"I hope you can take me to see my brother... Even if he is no longer here, I also hope to see the room where he used to live. There are memories that I can't let go..." In the end, An Wei Na proposed Such a compromise request.

Sure enough, the most important thing for ghosts is their last resentment during their lifetime. The younger brother who died to save themselves may be An Weina's greatest resentment.

I just don’t know if her brother’s body can still be found—the hope is very slim. A living person caught by a ghoul will end up basically the same as a cake bitten by Sandora. It is absolutely impossible to leave a whole body of.

"Why do I think you're talking bad about me?" Sandora suddenly tilted her head in doubt and said to me.

Amazingly sensitive! Is this a woman's sixth sense? Or that telepathy that I love and hate

Facing Sandora's confused gaze, I immediately changed the subject: "...cough cough, who can make her leave this room?"

Anveena is a typical earth-bound spirit. Her soul was imprisoned in this room due to various reasons such as the location of the remains, the fear before death, and the reluctance to leave the room when she was dying. The first question is very good. Solved, we found the remains of Anwena under the bed. Due to the long time, it has become a thick bone. I really don’t know how this girl watched her corpse become like this in the past years. of…

The visual impact of the skeleton is huge, but Qianqian still suppressed the feeling of rejection out of sympathy for Anveena, and used the acceleration of time to turn the skeleton into fly ash—only the weathering caused by the passage of time can be liberated For a fragile ghost like Anveena, if the skeleton is forcibly destroyed by external force, it will definitely cause harm to Anveena—this is what our super smart star Sandora told me.

Our headache is the latter condition. Although Anveena no longer wants to stay here, her spirit body is firmly bound here because of her remnants before her death. More importantly, the temporary remnants are ghosts. The core that creatures can condense, if it is forcibly released... I am afraid that An Wei Na will immediately lose all sanity and begin to collapse.