Xyrin Empire

Chapter 1635: Legion Down (2.0)


Although there was a very vicious school shooting case in the morning, I was surprised that the school did not suspend classes and closed the school, and all teaching activities continued as usual. The location of the shooting was quickly sealed off, and the students inside were moved to a safe place in time. Compared with our school, which seemed like nothing had happened, it was a world of heaven and earth.

The courses in the third year of high school are quite boring. You have to desperately stuff all kinds of things that have nothing to do with the world in your mind during the year, in order to write them silently on a stack of paper every July, and then Forget about that stuff for the next four years.

The teacher who taught us English was a very kind old lady. It is said that she once taught Chinese to foreigners in a private school in the UK. This caused our lovely teacher to have a very individual habit: every time she was in class, she always spoke big words quickly. Duan's English, and then when translating to us in Chinese, the speed was slowed down, and the accented words were accentuated, for fear that we would not understand.

In short, this is a very speechless thing.

I squinted my eyes slightly, trying to distinguish the parts I can understand from the authentic London accent around me and splicing them into understandable sentences (this is really a quite challenging thing, I guess it is not less difficult Yu analyzed what the ancient Egyptian pharaohs ate when they got up early based on half a slate), a small ball of paper suddenly jumped out from the side and hit him on the head accurately.

I took the paper ball, and quickly calculated the elevation angle velocity of the direction the paper ball was coming from, the wind speed at that time, and the local acceleration... Well, let’s open the paper ball and have a look.

A line of highly encrypted and suspected alien characters appeared in front of my eyes: "Ah Jun, how is your sister?"

This kind of Chinese handwriting, which seems to be written by Van Gogh with his left hand after drinking two catties of Erguotou, is undoubtedly from Qianqian's hand. Only a few people in this world, including me, can write this bad handwriting in a short period of time. I can understand it inside, which also leads to the fact that every time I pass the note to Qianqian and I, I don’t have to worry about being picked up by others and making it easier for outsiders—in a sense, Qianqian’s words and passwords have the same effect of.

"She's very good, and her classmates and teachers seem to take good care of her. I don't think anyone will bully a blind girl cruelly, right?" I wrote in a handwriting that is no less difficult to read than shallow handwriting.

"That's not necessarily the case. You have to take good care of your sister. She is very poor. If you let her be bullied, I can't forgive you!"

... I never expected that Pandora's cute appearance and the unfortunate childhood I made up for her would have such a powerful lethality, so that the super nervous and careless Qianqian would completely become her hard-core guardian in such a short period of time By…

Bullying Pandora? I thought about the horror of Pandora's fighting posture in the morning, and then the corners of my mouth twitched.

How many heavily armed regular troops are needed to bully that strategic level war machine

Just when I was still imagining the majestic appearance of Pandora fighting against the United Human Legion with one hand anti-phase cannon and one hand phantom siege cannon in combat state, a strange feeling suddenly came from the depths of my spirit. This feeling... Could it be? Is it Pandora contacting me

No, not Pandora. According to Pandora, as my chief assistant officer, she and I have a contact method called an unlimited communication channel, so she can directly start a spiritual dialogue with me under any circumstances, but now This flutter in the back of my mind is more like a connection request - Pandora doesn't need this.

Although I don't know who the other party is, it is certain that this has something to do with the Xiling Empire.

I lowered my head, looking like I was reading the book seriously, to hide the surprise that might appear for a while (according to my own experience, this Xiling Empire will always give me some surprises as long as it contacts me.), and then agreed to the connection.

"This is World Arbitration Agency Unit 2, Gaia, requesting the right to speak directly with the Emperor." A message identifying my identity appeared in my mind.

Gaia? I was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized that the other party was the translucent projection I had seen in my dream, um, Sister Fairy.

In fact, I have always had a lot of doubts about the dream that day, for example, why there was only one air fortress in the sky (now I know it is called the World Arbitration Authority), and where did the other two go? Why did it almost touch the ground? What is the so-called world arbitration institution? More importantly, is the female projection called Gaia the conscious body of that huge fortress in the sky

Although there are so many doubts, it is a pity that due to the relationship with the Xiling mother star (I learned from Pandora that the Xiling Empire has a vast territory and many home stars, the world in my dreams has always been just a lot of Xiling mother stars. It’s just one of them) the connection is intermittent, and those signal fragments that survived a long journey in the space tunnel without time difference are impossible to reflect the scene of that world into my dream synchronously again, just like online games due to The network speed is too slow and it is stuck. The world in my dream has always maintained the last scene I saw that night, and the connection with Xiling's home planet is almost completely cut off. Even Pandora can only get some very vague signals. .

Now what is the matter with this artificial intelligence far away from Xiling's home planet looking for me

Out of curiosity, I agreed to the other party's request to have a direct conversation with me. At the same time, I felt a spiritual connection from another frequency band was also transmitted. This is a spiritual signal belonging to Pandora, and it seemed that I planned to listen in.

Although it is a signal transmission that claims to have no time difference, after all, the absolute distance is there, and it has been corrected and filtered by Pandora. , but the content directly shocked me.

"The First Corps of the Imperial Expeditionary Force has entered the space jump 1 hour before your local time, and is expected to arrive at your planet 12 hours later, please prepare to receive it."

Just this sentence, and then there is no more text.

What? What are you talking about? Wait, big sister, what did you do wrong

But my string of questioning messages went completely unanswered and the spiritual connection was broken.

It seems that this connection is also an unstable connection established forcibly, and the connection is unsustainable after only a dozen seconds, leaving me alone here with a big head.

Imperial Expeditionary Force

What are you planning to go on an expedition

"Hey, Pandora, did you hear that? About the Imperial Expeditionary Force."


"Do you know what's going on? Why did such a troop suddenly appear?"

"Simply put, it's my direct troops, the Reloaded Pandora Legion."

Pandora replied in a flat tone, even though we only connected on a spiritual level, I can easily imagine Pandora's calm and natural expression when answering this question.

Perhaps for her, sending an army there is simply a trivial matter, right

But for me, this is quite a big deal!

For just a moment, I seemed to see that my peaceful life was rapidly leaving me...


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