Xyrin Empire

Chapter 17: Lin Xue


The sentence "Your fate is really great" made us cold for nearly a minute.

Before the beauty on the opposite side could put away her stiff smile, she was choked by my very creative "greeting", and her face suddenly turned into a wonderful one. The forced smile and angry expression merged together. Even the most talented face-changing masters in the world would never try to reproduce an expression exactly like this one.



We said in unison, and then the two of us stayed in place together.

I don't know why the beautiful woman on the opposite side was stunned, but I was really surprised, and thought that the other party was here to seek revenge (from her expression, it was indeed the case.), but I didn't expect the first sentence she spoke It turned out to be an apology—although the tone of the tone really couldn't tell the sincerity of an apology.

"Er—it's okay, no, why are you apologizing?"

The beauty bowed, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm here to apologize for attacking you a few days ago!"

"Ah-oh." I couldn't react a little bit. This situation is like a duel between two people. My poison, hidden weapon, trap, will and everything are prepared, and the other party also rushed over aggressively. In the end, I met the other side and said we Rock-paper-scissors can do it, so I was dumbfounded in an instant.

After a few more seconds of silence, a shallow voice came from the living room: "Ah Jun, who is it? Why don't you let them in?"

I finally came to my senses and said with some embarrassment: "Beauty, have you eaten yet? We are having dinner, why don't you come too?"

I think that's the most creative line I've ever said—to someone who nearly killed me.

A few minutes later, this girl who called herself Xue Lin sat at our dinner table, taking the place of her sister who was helped back to the room by Qianqian because she was drunk.

"You said you were Ah Jun's friend?" Qianqian looked suspiciously at Lin Xue who had a stiff expression.

Lin Xue shook her head firmly: "That's what he said, I'm not this guy's friend!"

Qianqian turned her gaze to me: "Why didn't I know you had such a friend?"

Lin Xue, who was obviously ignored, shouted angrily: "Didn't I say that? I'm not this guy's friend."

"Well—I just met Lin Xue a few days ago, and I haven't had time to let you meet."

"Hey, are you listening to me? I'm not this guy's friend at all!"

"How did you meet Ah Jun?" Qianqian ignored Lin Xue's protest again, "It's impossible for the two of you to get along in terms of personality?"

"I've said it all, I'm not this guy's friend..." Lin Xue protested feebly.

"Forget it, no matter how you know each other," Qianqian raised his glass, "It just so happens that today is a welcome party for Sister Lily, and by the way, let's also welcome Lin Xue, a new friend, to join me!"

Lin Xuenei's face is full of cattle...

Seeing the two completely self-centered and rambunctious creatures in front of her, Lin Xue couldn't help but doubt: Is that boy really the powerful supernatural being that day

Thinking of that day's experience, Lin Xue couldn't help but trembled again. Such a powerful power—could it still be classified as a supernatural power

At this moment, Lin Xue, whose mind was already in a mess, suddenly noticed that there was another person who had been ignored.

The blind girl named Pan Lili, if she guessed correctly, the other party is also a person with powerful abilities, but I don't know why this little girl didn't respond to her arrival at all. It stands to reason that the other party could not have known own identity

Looking at the little girl who was quietly eating the food in front of her, Lin Xue couldn't help thinking: "What a child with a weak sense of existence! Even I, who is best at scouting, subconsciously ignored the existence of her... Could it be that she Ability? Can you hide your sense of existence? It's really a tasteless ability... "

"Don't try to get my brother's idea." A voice suddenly sounded in Lin Xue's mind, and Lin Xue was so shocked that she almost dropped her chopsticks on the table.

"Keep calm, this is the most basic quality of a fighter." The voice sounded again, and Lin Xue was finally sure that this voice was not her hallucination.

Is this the ability of the little girl in front of me? Spiritual dialogue? !

Lin Xue suddenly became excited as if she had discovered a new continent.

Ability users have a variety of abilities, and all kinds of weird abilities emerge in endlessly, but except for a few combat-type abilities, most of the unpopular abilities are useless, which also leads to the ability of ability users. Although it is powerful, it still can't play a greater role, but the "spiritual dialogue" of the little girl in front of me is a powerful ability that has never been seen before. It is no exaggeration to call it a kingly skill, although it is not suitable for positive Against the enemy, but put it in a team action, that can play a role...

At this time, Lin Xue suddenly thought, since this little girl's ability is "spiritual dialogue", then the high-temperature energy that eludes ghosts and ghosts a few days ago is obviously the ability of this hateful boy in front of him, even though the other party made him so embarrassed. His character is also very hateful, but if they can really join the organization...

As long as you can contribute to the organization, what's the point of being wronged? The big deal is that in the future, if you secretly add trouble to this guy named Chen Jun, it will be evened out...

Thinking of the two baby bumps sitting in front of her, Lin Xue immediately felt that the girl named Xu Qianqian was really in the way...

"Hello!" Lin Xue said suddenly.

"Huh?" I responded with some surprise. I still don't understand the identity and purpose of this unknown person named Lin Xue, but she has always been friendly, so I just wait and see. Now she What do you want to say when you open your mouth

"You guys," Lin Xue glanced back and forth between me and Qianqian several times before finally saying, "Are you two lovers?"

"Who knows!" Qianqian and I replied in unison.

Lin Xue was stunned.

What does this answer mean? yes? or not? How could there be such an inexplicable answer in the world!

"How should I put it?" Qianqian said, pulling her hair in distress, "this guy and I should be regarded as a couple—the relationship seems to have developed after we transferred to the same school half a year ago, but the current situation—hey, Ah Jun, are you my boyfriend?"

I... I have a little cramp...

Although I know that Qianqian will be extremely offline occasionally, but I didn't expect her to be offline to this point, but when I think about it seriously, the relationship between me and her is really like this. We both like each other and care a lot each other, but I just can’t find the feeling of being in love, it’s as if—before falling in love, I entered the husband and wife mode...

"Qianqian, unfortunately, I am your unlucky boyfriend..." I said with a sad face.

"Oh," Qianqian turned to Lin Xue's direction, "It seems that we are lovers."

Unexpectedly, the relationship between me and Qianqian was established in such a nonsense way.

Lin Xue was about to die.

She wondered if the two people on the opposite side were deliberately teasing her, but according to her own observations, the two people in front of her didn't mean to be joking.

"Okay, I get it, you two are a rather funny couple," Lin Xue said helplessly, "You didn't have any doubts or jealousy when you saw a strange beautiful girl suddenly appearing beside Ah Jun?"

Qianqian blinked, and then said to me with some confusion: "Ah Jun, I think so, you suddenly met such a pretty girl, it stands to reason that I should be a little unhappy as your girlfriend suspect some type of?"

"Theoretically so." I analyzed seriously.

"Then why don't I feel at all?" Qianqian was even more confused, "Could it be that you feel too secure?"

"Qianqian," I was about to cry, "I'm starting to doubt my status..."

"Okay, okay, I'm just joking with you," Qianqian waved his hand, "I don't know what you are like? Although I don't know how you met Lin Xue, is there any relationship between you that you shouldn't have? I can still see that…”

Lin Xue was finally sure that the pair of suspected lovers in front of her could not be dealt with by normal interpersonal solutions, so she said a little discouraged: "Well, I have convinced you two... It's not too early , I’m leaving first, you guys continue talking.”

In fact, what I want to say is that I have been waiting for your words for a long time...

After Lin Xue, who was full of depression and confusion, left, Qianqian also stood up and said, "Okay, I should go back, and I have to go shopping with Zhou Jie and the others in the afternoon, and I will leave the difficult task of washing dishes to you." Already~~~"

It seems that Qianqian still cares a little bit, which can be seen from the fact that she waited until Lin Xue left before getting up - she is still worried that I am with a beautiful girl who doesn't know the details.

I have to say, I was kind of relieved...

After Qianqian left, only Pandora and I were left in the living room. After a few minutes, the doorbell rang.

I got up to open the door, as expected, Lin Xue who had just left was standing at the door.