Xyrin Empire

Chapter 2: Dangerous awakening


The onlookers are clearly divided into two groups, one group is the classmates I meet every day at school, they are looking at the middle of the circle with angry faces at the moment, and the other group is from people who are rarely seen here. The aristocratic students of Canglan Private High School have much richer expressions. Some look happy, some look disdainful, and a few seem to be filled with righteous indignation, but none of them intend to come forward.

A fair amount of gap was left between the two groups, allowing me to see what was going on inside without much trouble.

The first thing that caught my eye was a young man with a proud face. Judging from his clothes, we can tell that his family background is quite unusual. At least the suit that I can't even name the brand is not from our side. Students can afford to wear clothes, and behind the young man stand two students who look about the same age as him. Although they are equally dressed, it can be seen from the flattering expressions on the latter's faces that they are the sons of the rich family in front. In front of the trio, stood a boy with dodgy eyes. I vaguely remembered that the boy was a sophomore in our school.

Obviously, this is a typical bullying.

This kind of thing is not common, at least I have never seen it since I came to this school. Although opposite us is a well-known aristocratic school, the school motto there is notoriously strict, and these rich children It's not as arrogant as most people imagine. For these children of great masters, good education is an indispensable part of them, but no matter where they are, scum always exists. The person in front of me brought his little brother out to bully the weak Brother Gongzi is a typical scum.

Regardless of whether this rich boy will be punished by their school after returning home, judging from the current situation, the boy in front of him is going to be unlucky today.

The crowd around talked a lot, but no one came forward. The boy surrounded by him obviously thought of this a long time ago. He just shrank his neck and waited quietly for the other party to vent enough to leave.

Most of the students on our side don't dare to touch each other's bad luck. For them, it would be a no-brainer to make ordinary students like us disappear from the school. Although some people on the other side disdain the behavior of the rich man, they don't intend to cause trouble for an ordinary student. After all, that arrogant young man was also a member of their circle anyway.

Unexpectedly, such an unpleasant thing happened so early in the morning.

"Ah Jun," Qianqian gently tugged at my clothes and whispered, "Let's go, don't cause trouble."

I gritted my teeth, but still nodded, ready to leave.

You don’t need to guess what will happen later. You can stage a unilateral beating or humiliation for any unreasonable reason, and then the proud young man will get twisted fun in the process , as for that unlucky boy at our school—who will help him

It's not that I don't have sympathy, let alone a sense of justice. It's just that, as an ordinary student, I can't do anything in the face of this situation, and if I force myself at this time, not only will it be useless, but I will It may involve my sister, those important figures can collapse the family that my sister and I are struggling to support as long as they move their fingers at will.

It's just... I'm really not reconciled.

Before leaving the crowd, I turned my head again and stared at the rich man, who was brazenly insulting the shrinking boy in front of him, not turning his head back, as if to show off his prestige.

"Scum," I whispered, "I want to beat him up."

Unbeknownst to me, at the same time, a small burst of solar wind occurred on the star above our heads, which caused some information belonging to this planet to undergo a moderate change. My thoughts at this moment were overwhelmed It was strengthened countless times, and then it was received by the time-free communication system of some distant world.

There seemed to be something "clicking". Of course, I didn't actually hear any sound. It was just an impression, as if something had been turned on.

I suddenly felt dizzy, and the image of the gray and dead metal world that I always dreamed of every night suddenly slipped through my mind, and then a slightly mechanical female voice sounded in my heart.

"Accept external command set... permission confirmation... fuzzy command analysis... execute... target confirmation, call Zenith long-range space strike system, prepare for tentative attack... start!"

As the voice in my head fell, an arm-thick, translucent energy column like water fell from the sky, and finally disappeared soundlessly at the feet of the rich man in the middle of the crowd.

But no one seemed to notice that beam of light, and everyone's attention was focused on the few people in the middle, so that the almost transparent "pillar" was ignored. Originally, it was impossible for me to find such a hidden thing, but no Knowing why, I clearly saw the trajectory of this "water flow".

Then, I found that where the "water flow" disappeared, there was a small dark red hole in the ground that was originally a pebble for decoration. Around the small hole, the melted ground was slowly flowing into the hole formed by the vaporization of the ground.

Amazing destructive power!

My brain froze all of a sudden, and I was overwhelmed by the abnormalities that were probably caused by me.

what on earth is it? Paranormal phenomenon? supernatural event? Or did I suddenly have superpowers

Every explanation was implausible, but what I saw made me wonder if something rather dramatic had happened to me.

Maybe it was just a hallucination, I thought, but what happened next convinced me that what I saw was real.

The domineering young man suddenly took a step forward, as if he was planning to do it himself, but when he lifted his foot, he stepped on the small piece of magma-covered ground.

A few seconds later, a pig-killing howl suddenly sounded.

Cloth is something that is easy to burn, and the ground completely melted by the mysterious energy far exceeded the ignition point of the cloth. After a while, the young man's trousers were on fire. A pair of trousers that looked very expensive seemed to be really suitable as fuel. With his slapping, the flames not only did not weaken in the slightest, but became stronger and stronger. The drinks at hand (this is from their side), clothes (this is from their side), half of bricks (this is from our side...) stepped forward to help put out the fire.

But at the moment I couldn't care less about the chaos in front of me.

The voice that followed in my head made me panic.

"The tentative attack is completed... Recalculate the parameters... The calculation is completed, and it is transferred to the official strike mode... The main weapon array starts to charge... The secondary weapon array starts to charge... Ready, all combat units are free to fire after ten seconds... Ten, nine, Eight, seven..."

Whatever it was, there was only one thing that was certain: something rather dangerous had been awakened in me.

Judging from the fact that the "probing attack" just now was enough to melt a small piece of ground into magma, the full-scale free attack that will come ten seconds later will undoubtedly kill everyone here.

"Damn it, stop it!" I shouted in my heart, but no matter how hard I tried, the wonderful state just now did not reappear, and the countdown was still going on unhurriedly.

"Ah Jun, what's wrong with you? Why is your complexion so bad?" Xu Qianqian noticed my abnormality and immediately asked nervously, but I didn't have time to answer.

Damn it! Damn it! What the hell is that! Why are you disobedient now!

"Six, five..."

Cold sweat started running down my face.

"four three… "

"Qianqian!" I yelled fiercely, then pulled her up and ran to the outside - even though I knew that it would be very difficult to escape the coming full-scale attack at our speed.

But no matter what, I can't let Qianqian have an accident because of me!

"Ah Jun, why..." Qianqian was startled by my sudden movement, and couldn't help shouting.

"Two, one..."

asshole! I don't care what you are! Give me a stop now!

A burst of dizziness suddenly hit, and I felt that my eyes were dark.

Qianqian's panicked cry came indistinctly.

"Serious system error, abnormal external instruction set, loss of highest authority permission... Zenith remote space strike system stopped operating..."

Damn, what the hell is that.

This is my last thought before I pass out completely.


This is the second update today, right? In fact, this is a manuscript I saved before, so I put it up together this time. I thought it would be the third update today, but I am really sleepy. I have to go to work tomorrow, and I have to go to bed early today. The second watch, please rest assured that the situation today is purely accidental, I will definitely change it in the future, and resolutely implement the central idea of the first watch...

*****I won't say this is a dividing line*******

I found a very serious problem! This chapter must be 3000 words long before it can be posted! Well, the following paragraphs are purely for word count, so you can ignore them.

... I haven't had time to make it up yet, but there are already enough words...