Xyrin Empire

Chapter 21: big desert


When I got off the plane, I still felt a little dizzy in my head.

Of course, it wasn't because of airsickness, but out of surprise at Lin Xue's organization.

I didn't expect that they could build an underground airport in such a hidden place! When I entered the underground building full of futuristic atmosphere, I even thought I was in a science fiction film, and the shuttle-shaped "airplane" we boarded later made me marvel at the advanced technology of human beings. To this extent!

Lin Xue's explanation is: "In fact, many technologies that only appeared in science fiction films have already been mastered by humans, but in order not to cause too much impact on human life, this part of technology is carefully restricted. Only very important military departments and special organizations like ours can enjoy this 'future' technology. In addition, some relatively special forces also have some special technologies, so that is not what you and I should discuss."

Compared to my surprise, Qianqian didn't lose her composure. Although she looked left and right with curiosity along the way, she probably became immune to what happened later after she knew the existence of supernatural beings. On the contrary, he is much calmer than me.

As for Pandora... In her words, she is used to living a modern life, and it is still very interesting to pay attention to the primitive technology of ancient people...

It seems that I'm the only one who is a bumpkin

The shuttle-shaped plane we took flew directly into a huge building, and then stopped in a spacious hall. Lin Xue told me that this was a secret base set up deep in the Taklimakan Desert by their organization.

"Lin Xue, it looks like you have a high status?" I couldn't help saying in amazement when I saw that every passing staff member stopped respectfully to greet Lin Xue along the way.

"Of course," Lin Xue said proudly, "Did you forget what I told you? Our entire organization only has more than 20 people with supernatural powers, which means that more than 20 of us are the leaders of the entire organization." !"

I almost forgot that supernatural beings are a rare species in this world. How could it be possible for such things to use supernatural beings as miscellaneous soldiers in the real world.

"How about it, Chen Jun, do you want to reconsider joining us? You have also seen that we are very good."

"I'm sorry..." For the sake of the life and death of all mankind, I will never join any human organization.

"Well," Qianqian finally restrained her character in such a heavily guarded base, and said somewhat restrainedly, "When are we going to find my father?"

"No, let's take a day off first. Tomorrow we will meet a very special old man, and then we will set off together."

"Where we are going, is it dangerous?" I keenly noticed that there was a trace of seriousness in Lin Xue's expression.

"It's not very dangerous," Lin Xue shook her head, "To be exact, it's a little weird."


"Do you think it's possible that things that require the help of supernatural beings to settle things aren't weird?" Lin Xue said, giving me a blank look, "Since I joined the organization, I've been dealing with all kinds of weird things, but this It’s just a little more strange this time—Okay, the front is your room, go in and have a rest first, I’ll come to you at dinner time—Chen Jun, why are you smirking, there are several separate compartments inside, don’t think I even This is unimaginable!"


Pandora and I were sitting in the living room with nothing to do, and the sound of taking a shower came from the next room.

"Brother, do you want to see it?" Pandora asked quietly.

My eyes wandered to the bathroom beside me, and I nodded firmly.

Pandora stood up, walked to the door of the bathroom, knocked on the glass door, and said, "Sister Qianqian, brother said that he wants to... um..."

I covered Pandora's mouth and dragged her back to the sofa, and then I seemed to see a mischievous smile emerging from Pandora's little face that rarely showed expressions, but when I looked seriously, Pandora returned to her usual coldness expression.

Is it an illusion

After sitting down, I stopped thinking about those messy things, and asked Pandora: "Have you found Uncle Xu? Did those satellites send any clues?"

The little loli in front of her shook her head, and there was an imperceptible unwillingness in her voice: "There is no clue, no trace of human activities was found near the fuzzy coordinates provided by Lin Xue, and no abnormal energy fluctuations were found in the energy detection. .”

"Where are the commanders you mentioned who are very good at searching? Did they find anything?"

"Nothing was found. The detection terminals they released have penetrated into the underground magma layer, but no traces of human activities have been found yet."

... Magma layer, do you think it is necessary to be so exaggerated

Now, I suddenly feel that things are not that simple this time.

Relying on the technology of the Xiling Empire, during this period of time, Pandora's men have surveyed the entire southern part of the Taklamakan Desert. Now Pandora can even report to me exactly how many sand scorpions there are underground in the southern part of the desert. , How many males and females are there, but they can't find a human expedition team that has been missing for less than two days? !

At this time, Qianqian had already taken a shower, and put on a white overcoat prepared by Lin Xue for the base staff. This kind of clothes is said to be made of special materials and has a considerable degree of protection. It can well resist the temperature difference between day and night in the desert, but it is a pity that some substance in this good thing will interfere with the ability of the supernatural person, which is completely a burden to Lin Xue, but it is just right for Qianqian .

"Ah Jun, what did Lili say you were thinking just now?" Qianqian asked while brushing her damp hair.

"Don't pay attention to her, the little girl is bored, but you—Qianqian, do you really want to follow us tomorrow?"

"Of course, I've already come here. How could I not go? That's my father! Besides, didn't Lin Xue also say that I need my help for this operation."

"Is that so..." I was noncommittal. I have always had doubts about Lin Xue's statement. No matter how you look at it, Qianqian is just a very ordinary girl. The only connection between her and this incident is probably one of the missing persons. It was her father, but why did Lin Xue insist that Qianqian would play a role in this incident? It's really suspicious.

Qianqian and I were chatting when there was a knock on the door, and Lin Xue's voice sounded outside the door: "Qianqian, Lily, and that one, come with me if you have nothing to do, so that you can see the great desert!"

... Why do I feel that Xue Lin despised me in some form just now

Following behind Lin Xue, we finally left this secret base whose internal structure was almost like a maze, and came to the exit on the surface.

"Ah—" Qianqian exclaimed, "This is the Great Desert?!"

"It's spectacular!" I admired sincerely.

"..." Pandora's expression remained unchanged, perfectly playing the role of the blind girl.

In front of us, there are endless golden sand dunes. The endless sand dunes are like still waves, reflecting a beautiful golden-red light in the setting sun. In the distant sky, in the direction of the horizon, the endless yellow sand seems to be connected with the sky. It seems that the whole world is filled by this boundless desert, which makes us feel the smallness of this body and the greatness of nature. I also observed some faint black short lines near the horizon, and I couldn’t help asking curiously: "Lin Xue, what are those?"

"Pullar euphratica forest," Lin Xue said with inexplicable respect, "it can live for a thousand years and never die, die and never fall for a thousand years, fall and never rot for a thousand years, the hero tree in the desert."

"The desert is so spectacular!" Qianqian said in a tone of admiration, "It's not just spectacular—it should be said to be magnificent!"

"That's right," Lin Xue smiled softly, "Now is the time when the desert is quiet. When the desert becomes agitated, you won't say that. You don't even need to wait for the desert to become agitated. The sand dunes in front of you are themselves They are constantly moving, and some of them can even move hundreds of meters in one night. If it is not for the special equipment around the base that can interfere with the movement of the sand dunes, this underground base will become a large tomb in just one day. Already... I am really lamenting my luck now, fortunately, I was not assigned to be the person in charge of this ghostly place... Well, it's getting late, let's go back to eat first."

**********Well, the second update**********

The second update is completed, and I find it difficult to concentrate recently. If there are any mistakes that I accidentally made, please correct me—if anyone is watching...