Xyrin Empire

Chapter 40: great nobleman


Due to a lot of delay by those Cang Lan's tricks, when we rushed to the cafeteria, we found that there was no food in it, only half of the steamed buns that were thrown on the ground by someone seemed to be laughing at Shan Shan. We are late.

"Hungry..." Pandora said softly.

"Upstairs." Sandora agreed.

This guy's ability to accept human knowledge is really not ordinary!

Qianqian rubbed her stomach, and suggested, "Ah Jun, why don't we go to the gate of the school to buy some bread?"

"No," I waved my hand, "Let's find the teacher for dinner!"

Now I finally discovered one advantage of the imperial commanders breaking into the school, that is, as a student, you can get a lot of privileges without being noticed, such as entering and leaving the school at will during the school ban (gate guard security It belongs to me), and when the laboratory building is closed, I go in and surf the Internet at will (the teacher in the computer room is mine), and I go to the teacher’s dormitory to eat without buying lunch at noon (the head teacher is mine... cough cough, don’t even think about it Crooked.)

As a school that is constantly trying to get closer to the nearby Canglan Private High School, the leadership of the City No. 2 Middle School has always regarded improving the working and living conditions of the school staff as a very important task. The direct result of this guiding ideology has led to The faculty and staff dormitories of our school have outrageously high-end living conditions. The bathrooms, kitchens and living rooms are all available inside, which is simply a standard hotel configuration. However, in the eyes of students, the living conditions of this configuration have far exceeded the dormitory standards in our minds, so the staff dormitory has become the object of criticism in our school, second only to the central theme toilet.

But today, we have greatly benefited from the glory of this kind of dormitory.

Sitting in the living room of Pan Lingling’s dormitory, we were dumbfounded at the table full of sumptuous meals in front of us, while the owner of this dormitory, our beautiful teacher Miss Pan Lingling, was still flying between the kitchen and the living room like a gust of wind. The clinking of bowls and pans has a rock-and-roll rhythm.

Obviously, the fact that two imperial heads of state and an imperial general came over to have a meal collectively made this loyal female officer nervous.

Unlike us who are calm and calm, Qianqian has been in a very restrained state since she came in, and she still doesn't understand how we can come to the class teacher for dinner in such an open manner.

"Teacher," when Pan Lingling brought the third plate of braised pork to the table, Qianqian finally couldn't help but said, "That's enough, we can't finish all these things... And, if this continues, it will be almost time for class." It's time to…”

"Oh..." Pan Lingling agreed, walked quickly to the table, put a plate of chicken tenders in front of Pandora, then looked around carefully, and said nervously: "Wait... I still have a few dishes..."

"Okay! If we continue to do this, it will be enough for us to eat until the end of the next century!" I said angrily and funny, I really don't know what's going on with this Pan Lingling, she is so relaxed and natural in class, and she is also in front of me. You didn't show such nervousness at all, why are you so nervous now

"This is a different situation," Pandora's voice sounded in my mind as if guessing my doubts, "Now my brother and sister Sandora are getting along with Sivis (Pan Lingling's real name) in a manner of equal authority. , this is an extremely rare honor for a Xiling apostle who only has A-level authority, so Sivis feels a lot of pressure."

I was amused by Pandora's explanation: "What about you? Why don't you feel stressed? And you can call Sister Sandora easily."

"I have super-level authority, and at the same time, I have obtained my brother's dispensation to call Emperor Xiling equally, so I am an exception."

"...I really don't understand your way of thinking."

Under my "order", Pan Lingling finally stopped. At this time, the food in front of us can basically be called a full banquet. It's really hard for her to make so many things in such a short time.

I reckoned that this meal was the most stressful Pan Lingling had ever eaten in her life, which can be seen from the fact that she bit off her chopsticks six times in a row.

Sandora seems to be very satisfied with the food of carbon-based organisms, which makes me more curious about the physiological structure of the apostles of Xiling. Their food range seems to include from organic to inorganic, from energy to matter. It is really hard to imagine this There is something in the universe that they cannot digest.

This meal was an ordeal for Pan Lingling, but it was a feast for Sandora. Thanks to this guy who ate half the table in a row and was still unsatisfied, we were 20 minutes late for class that afternoon. —Fortunately, our first class in the afternoon is the basics of ideology, politics and law. Do you still remember who the teacher of this class is? It's the man who printed 300 fake banknotes for the four-month activities of the Imperial Commander overnight...

Five minutes before the last class in the afternoon, the fat man Zheng Hang rushed into the classroom in a hurry, shouting loudly: "News! This time it is definitely big news!"

Why do I feel that there are so many news recently

In the past, Fatty's news is basically gossip, and the credibility is basically zero. Few people in the class are willing to believe it, but recently Fatty miraculously brought two great pieces of good news (For all the animals in the class), the students gradually became interested in this guy's news broadcast.

In view of the fact that Fatty would wretch everyone's appetite every time there was any news broadcast, this time the students made sufficient preparations in advance: as soon as Fatty jumped onto the podium, the people around him began to bow their heads and copy stools.

Seeing the uniform movements of the students and the cold sweat on the fat man's forehead, he hurriedly said: "Don't! I won't whet everyone's appetite this time. Let's put this guy down first..."

After the students put down their stools, the fat man cleared his throat and said, "According to the latest credible information, a big man has come to our place, and there will be a grand welcome ceremony at the big square in the city center in three days' time..."

"Cut—" everyone sighed.

"Beverages and snacks will be provided for free at that time, and there are still plenty to watch. The big shot this time is even a rare beauty in the world!"

"Yeah—" everyone shouted in unison!

An enthusiastic audience in the audience raised their hands and spoke: "Fatty, what kind of big shot is here this time? Do you need such a big show?"

The fat man touched his shiny forehead and said, "I don't know the specifics. It seems to be a member of a royal family from a foreign country. I heard it's a princess, but the news is so tightly blocked that I can't even find out her name..."

The students near the podium were making a fuss, but I didn't bother to mingle with them.

"Sandora, tell the truth, is it you?"

Sandora looked innocent: "What is it me?"

...Why can't this girl be as obedient as Pandora? Is the difference between Emperor Xiling and ordinary Xiling apostles that they have more personality

"Don't pretend to be stupid," I said a little frantically, "In what capacity did you intervene in this world?"

"Well..." Sandora put her index finger against her lower lip cutely, "What does a princess do?"

God! How did this girl do it? !

You know, it is definitely not a simple matter to fully integrate into an environment with a disguised identity. If you just want a fake identity, it’s okay to say, forge an identity certificate and modify the citizenship record information of the government agency. Everything is fine. Done, this is not difficult for the Apostles of Xiling, but it is not so simple to establish a false social network at the same time, which means that you not only need an identity certificate, but also a fairly complete Interpersonal network, otherwise such a sudden addition of a person may show his flaws after a long time. To give a simple example, Sivis used the human identity of Pan Lingling to infiltrate our school and become a head teacher. She only spent a few hours Time has acquired this new identity. Not only does she need a new identity, but she also needs to use Kaios' group mind interference ability to exert spiritual hints on key human beings, making her own existence a part of people's "memory" Otherwise, if such a colleague suddenly appears, other teachers in the school will be the first to have doubts.

From the above analysis, we can see that in a relatively short period of time (according to the high efficiency of the apostles of Xiling, they can often construct a quite perfect false identity for themselves in a few hours) to establish an overhead for themselves. group memory modification will be an indispensable means, and the higher the attention rate of your false identity, the wider the scope of memory modification required. If you want to become a character like J … It is estimated that a memory cleansing of billions of people is necessary.

What did Sandora do now

By her own account, she became a princess of some country

God, did she cleanse the human memory of an entire country? !