Xyrin Empire

Chapter 41: Banquet (on)


It seems that the city has not encountered such a big event for a long time.

A princess from a small Nordic country came to study in China. In order to experience life better, she got rid of her entourage and arrived at the destination alone. Her Royal Highness is eating and drinking at the home of a Chinese high school student—this is the script directed by Sandora.

The girl with a big stomach in front of me was quickly pouring the food into her mouth, while I resisted the twitching on my face and said, "I said Sandora, can't you find a place to live? You can eat at my place all day long ah?"

Sandora said vaguely: "Well—because I like being with you—I didn't expect your sister's cooking to be so delicious..."

My sister immediately replied somewhat cautiously: "Thank you..."

Up to now, my sister still finds it incredible that I can abduct a princess.

Seeing that my sister was still a little unnatural, I said helplessly: "Sister, just relax, this guy is no different from us except that he has the name of a princess."

The sister immediately replied: "Ah Jun, you can't say that! Sandora is a princess after all, we should be respectful, otherwise this will be an international dispute..."

Sister, you really think too much, but it's a pity that if you have a dispute with Sandora, it should rise to the level of racial and interstellar disputes, and it's too childish to talk about international disputes.

In the past few days, the students in the class have basically been eagerly discussing what the mysterious princess who suddenly visited looks like, but they don't know that the object of their discussion is the noble blond girl next to him who eats three people's meals at noon every day. The reason is simple: Although Sandora's temperament is enough for a princess, and the four foreign bodyguards brought over on the first day of her arrival are also decent enough, but her appetite directly killed the possibility of everyone linking her with the identity of a princess.

Three days passed in a flash. It was obviously a big event for a foreign princess to come to this city to study, and this princess who hadn't shown up until now attracted more people's attention with her mystery. I also gradually understood how Sandora created such an incredible identity for herself.

Sandora's goal is Liska, a cold island country in Northern Europe, with a land area of 60,000 square kilometers and a population of more than 5 million. Due to the cold climate, most of the population is concentrated around the capital, Fulton, and other places can be called land. It is sparsely populated, because there are no special products, and there are no great people who have shaken the world. This island country is not too small and has no reputation. It only relies on developed commerce and the recent rise of tourism. The residents of Liska live fairly well. Rich, Sandora and her subordinates immediately took a fancy to this Nordic country with a large floating population and a large uninhabited ice sheet.

I didn't know what ability Sandora gained in the abyss before. After all, I only saw her abyss fighting form. As for her abyss ability, I didn't know anything about it. It wasn't until yesterday that Sandora said it herself. Tell me what her abilities are.

The matter constitutes.

This is what Sandora told me.

Specifically, it is to transform one's own will into a direct force of causal law interference, forcibly turning a fictional thing into a fact in reality. Using this ability, Sandora fabricated the identity of a princess for herself.

There is no doubt that this is simply a heaven-defying ability—if this ability doesn't have so many restrictions.

The success rate is less than one-tenth. The larger the range of influence and the more the fictional facts deviate from reality, the greater the damage backlash to the initiator. Each activation will cause the initiator to fall into a state of near-death weakness for 24 hours. Once activated Failure even risks triggering a breakdown of causality...

With so many restrictions, I really don't know whether to call this ability against the sky or tasteless, and thanks to Sandora, she is bold enough to dare to take risks with such serious consequences.

"It's okay." When I blamed Sandora for taking too much risk, she shook her hand and said, "It succeeded anyway, didn't it? It's a big deal that I won't use this ability in the future."

In a small cafe near the downtown square, I, Qianqian, Sandora, and Pandora were killing the boring time in the afternoon—additional classes all day long, and we were really not used to having a day off suddenly.

I poked my head around the outdoor banquet that had already been prepared, and said to Sandora: "It's already this time, and if you haven't shown up yet, aren't those preparators anxious to die?"

"It's okay." Sandora waved her hand, then grabbed the snack in front of me and stuffed it into her mouth, "I made an agreement with them, and it will appear naturally at that time. If they don't even have this bit of concentration, then I will There's nothing else to do."

"Sandora," Qian Qian still looked confused, "Are you really a princess?"

"That's right." Sandora stuffed the last piece of snack into my mouth, then snapped her fingers: "Waiter, have another one!"

Why is there such a big contrast between this girl and her predecessors

Qianqian turned her head back and forth, glanced between us, and suddenly said: "Recently, I suddenly feel that the three of you are very strange, as if I am the only exception here."

"Because you are the only ordinary person here." Sandora said seriously.

"I really want to have superpowers..." Qianqian said weakly on the table.

At this time, there was a burst of noise outside, and we looked out, and it turned out that a group of foreigners wearing what looked like medieval European court costumes entered the venue neatly on motorcycles.

"I think it's more suitable for them to ride horses." Qianqian expressed her opinion.

I nodded in agreement: "It's really silly to ride a motorcycle in ancient clothes."

Now that the open-air banquet has already started, there is no need for us to waste any more time here. I have been hungry since noon for this moment to come...

This is a genuine free gathering, no matter what your status or family background is, anyone who wants to come can participate—of course, there is still a proper filter for personnel, but we are not within the scope of this filter, the foreign princess is eye-catching The identity and the completely free catering supply have attracted countless people to come, some of them are to see the beauties, some are to eat for free, and more are to have dinner with the beauties...

Although this square in the center of the city is huge, the crowd attracted by it is even more turbulent. The mountain-like crowd almost filled the whole square. The four of us could hardly move in the crowd. Only then did I finally realize It turns out that the so-called free catering supply is completely deceiving people. In this case, the difficulty of finding the few catering supply spots dotted among the crowd is comparable to that of finding a needle in a haystack. To be honest, I am almost I'm starving to death... I should have fought when Sandora took the snack from my plate earlier.

After squeezing for a long time, Sandora suddenly sighed: "There are so many people on Earth."

Qianqian Daqi: "It's as if you are not from Earth!"

I laughed dryly: "This girl runs the train with her mouth full."

Looking at the dense crowd around me, I suddenly worried: "If this continues, we won't be able to get in until the banquet is over, right?"

"Will the banquet be over if I don't show up?" Sandora gave me a blank look, as if she didn't mean to worry at all.

"Do you have a good way to get in?" Seeing Sandora's confident look, I couldn't help asking, thinking about it, what is Sandora's identity and how many scenes she has never experienced, how could she not think of such a simple thing

Sandora grinned, then waved her hand: "The experience of life is over, come with me now!"

This girl really stayed behind!

The three of us withdrew from the crowd behind Sandora, and then weaved to the other side of the square, where a small group of foreigners in suits and leather shoes was hurrying around.

Sandora tidied up her crumpled clothes, and her demeanor changed suddenly, from a naughty and cute little girl next door to a noble princess from a foreign country, then stepped forward and scolded: "Why are you so rude!"

Several foreigners were taken aback by Sandora's sudden voice, and when they saw the face of the visitor, they almost jumped up for joy, but thinking that this was in front of the princess, these well-trained guards quickly calmed down Come down, but there is still unconcealable excitement and relief in the voice: "Your Royal Highness! You are finally here, and we have been unable to contact you,"

"Okay," Sandora waved her hand and said, "Didn't I tell you that with my four bodyguards here, I'll be fine—that's it, it's getting late, these are my friends, take us Let's go together."

"This..." Several old people looked at each other in blank dismay, "Isn't this very good?"

"Do you have doubts about this?" Sandora said in a cold voice, the power of mental oppression was fully activated, and several foreigners suddenly trembled and shook their heads: "No doubt, no doubt..."

"Now I believe it," Qianqian stuck out her tongue and said, "Sandora is really a princess."

**********Senseless Segmentation**********

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