Xyrin Empire

Chapter 48: World Arbitration Authority


Ask for some push and comment on the four-piece set! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Of course we didn't really go to the square. As soon as we left the residential area, we turned into a small road, turned around and came to a parking lot, where a gray unremarkable rustic car was parked there.

I've had enough of being carried on the shoulders of little guys and fluttering in the wind, so let those imperial commanders who know how to fight guerrillas with urban management all day long do some serious business occasionally, such as preparing such a car for me.

Don't look at the inconspicuous appearance of this rustic car, it's just that I don't want to be noticed. This car is an advanced gadget that incorporates the technology of the Xiling Empire and considers the carbon-based biological life form. It is not only speed and safety It is exaggerated, and there is no noise when it is opened. It has also been added a lot of nonsense functions by those commanders who are full of imperial ideological warism, such as phase jump engines, such as psionic shields, such as two reshaped photon cannons, For example, the Jazor missile group using the hyperspace bomb feeding mechanism, such as a whole dozen of Ai Iijima's best selections...

I'm going to shoot that bastard West Carolina, I'm going to shoot him! ! !

"In a purely funny sense, that subordinate of yours is still very valuable." Looking at the island version of the animal world left by Sikaro in the driver's seat, Sandora made a fair evaluation.

"... stop talking nonsense, get in the car!"

Although I have learned to drive with Pandora's information sharing, only Pandora can fully realize the full potential of this car, which can be called a mobile war fortress, so the driver's position is naturally taken by Pandora. sit, but the little guy is too short, sitting in the driver's seat to reach the gas pedal, you have to straighten your legs. Just like a primary school student, if it wasn't for the fact that No. 2 Middle School doesn't have a primary school department, I would never send the little guy to the junior high school department. Pandora's petiteness and cuteness are now the first difficulty in driving. After working hard for a long time, the little girl's face turned slightly red. Press the button, and the driver's seat immediately lowered to a height where she could step on the accelerator smoothly.

In this way, Pandora's little head is almost completely blocked by the steering wheel, so from the opposite side, this car becomes an unmanned ghost car...

Fortunately, Pandora does not observe the outside world through her eyes. Even if she is blocked by the steering wheel, it does not affect her driving. It is just a gray-white old-fashioned car speeding silently on the road at midnight, and there is no driver in the driver's seat. people feel weird...

So, at midnight on the first day of the Lunar New Year, a strange car that seemed to come out of a ghost movie swept towards the suburbs of the city like a white smoke.

Sitting in the car that was driving smoothly, I finally had time to have a conversation with the Xiling apostle who called himself Alaya.

"It's an honor to talk to you." As soon as the spiritual connection was connected, a gentle female voice sounded in my head.

"Your name is Alaya?" I was first attracted by the name of the other party. The three characters of Alaya have a lot of background. In the legend of the earth, this name represents the formation of the thoughts of all human beings. Consciousness is an existence at the level of gods, and when I think of Gaia, the second world arbitration agency on the home planet of Xiling, the general of Xiling beside me, Pandora, seems to have a thousand threads between the apostles of Xiling under me and the myths and legends of the earth. There are thousands of connections, but due to the lack of information, Pandora can't sort out enough information to answer my doubts. Even she can't remember how she got her name, and Sandora is a more distant empire. The emperor in the territory doesn't know much about the part of the empire under my name. Before I have more information, I can't make more guesses about the phenomenon that the name of the apostle of the spirit matches the myth and legend. .

"Alaya is honored to answer your question, my lord, Alaya is the No. 1 Arbitration Authority of the World,"

"Sandora," I turned around and asked the blond girl beside me, "what does the world arbitration agency mean?"

"You don't even know this?" Sandora said in surprise, "This is the most basic common sense question!"

What normal earth high school student do you think would take space empire military knowledge as common sense

Sandora seemed to have thought of this too, shook her head helplessly, and said: "Forget that you are different from the general Xiling Emperor, then I will explain it to you in an easier-to-understand way—you humans have proposed Have you heard of a theory of the three sages?"

"Three sages? I seem to have seen this title somewhere. Does it have anything to do with the world arbitration agency?"

"The Three Sages is an imaginary judgment system proposed by some of you genius scientists. The simplest model is to apply it to the trial of prisoners. Set up three computers with high intelligence and know all human laws. Inform the three machines of the crime, and then the three machines will make independent judgments based on the data in their own databases. Under normal circumstances, they will come to the same conclusion—guilty or not guilty, but because the three machines have a high degree of Intelligence and a certain degree of flexibility, coupled with the fact that many cases in reality are not as rigid as programs, and the existence of various external factors makes it difficult to judge whether a prisoner is guilty or not. At this time, the three computers will come up with incomplete For the same conclusion, according to the principle of minority obeying the majority, two computers with the same conclusion will make the final judgment. This is the basic idea of the three sages. Of course, the real three sages system is much more complicated than this. It is not so sloppy, it needs to go through more precise inference and analysis, and there will also be situations where a certain judgment system has a veto power. Since machines do not have as many emotions as humans, they will not be bribed, so this judgment method It is far more fair than the current courts of human beings. Unfortunately, with the current technology of human beings, it is simply impossible to create three supercomputers that can act as judges. It is also impossible. In fact, in the Xiling Empire, the ultimate referee, which is far more advanced and powerful than the three sages, has already been widely used. Among them, the world arbitration institution has the highest authority. The three machines in the world arbitration institution come up with exactly the same results. When it comes to a conclusion, this conclusion can even have the same authority as the order of Emperor Xiling—this is also a defensive measure to prevent a certain Emperor Xiling from making mistakes due to accidents—understand?”

"Almost..." I shook my drowsy head, and roughly understood the role of this world's arbitration institution, which is three highly intelligent ultimate consciousnesses that are responsible for judging the right and wrong of things, according to the principle that the minority obeys the majority The principle of helping Emperor Xiling to deal with daily affairs and so on, it seems that in the days when I was a hands-off shopkeeper, it was Gaia, Alaya, and another world arbitration agency whose name is not yet known. The home planet fulfilled the emperor's obligations on my behalf, but why did Alaya, who is now one of the arbitrators, come to Earth—won't he intend to pull me, a half-barrel emperor who has been absent from work for a long time, back to be loyal to the empire

Thinking of this possibility, I immediately trembled all over.

"What's wrong? Is it cold?" Sandora looked at me curiously, then shook her head and said, "The body of carbon-based creatures is too fragile."

"It's okay—by the way, you said that the World Arbitration Authority is far more powerful than the three sages imagined by human beings, so how powerful can these three super conscious bodies be?"

Sandora showed a smug smile and said, "It's the same as their names~~"

"Same as the name?"

"The World Arbitration Authority—is the institution that arbitrates the operation of the world," Sandora shook her white and delicate fingers in front of me, "For example, how many equivalent nuclear reactions should a star carry out per second, for example, what should a certain planet be at? When to stop the rotation, such as whether a certain species should become stronger or weaker, or - to complete all the daily work that gods in human legends should do. This is the work of the world arbitration agency. When the Xiling Empire was at its strongest, Every inch of this universe is under our precise control, and we have the same authority as the gods!"

At this moment, I was speechless due to shock, and there was an inexplicable gurgling sound in my throat, but I didn't know how to react at all-precisely control the operation of the universe? The Xiling Empire was once so powerful? The gods are nothing more than that!

My first reaction to Sandora’s words was not to believe, but I quickly overturned my doubts. The spiritual connection between Sandora and me is completely information sharing. We even share each other’s access rights. For the part of the other party, whether she lied to me or not, I can know immediately - what Sandora told me just now is completely true!

"It's a pity," Sandora's face suddenly darkened, "Now the Xiling Empire is falling apart due to unknown reasons, and our strength has also been greatly weakened. I believe the same is true for the world arbitration agency. From what I have sensed, that The world arbitration institution called Alaya is very weak right now, and I'm afraid it won't be able to exert even one-tenth of its strength..."

One-tenth—a god, even if it has only one-tenth of its power left, it is terrible enough!

I suddenly thought of a very absurd but very possible thing: Could it be that the gods in human myths and legends are the apostles of Xiling who once came to the earth