Xyrin Empire

Chapter 55: Let's go through together


The detection equipment of the supernatural organization is quite advanced, which is almost the crystallization of the most sophisticated technology of human beings. These supernatural beings who secretly deal with various problems that ordinary people cannot solve often deal with things that cannot be explained by scientific common sense , They naturally have a very professional research team to detect and analyze the mysterious items collected by the organization. They have rich experience and advanced equipment.

But all this is meaningless.

No matter how advanced the detection device is, it is still in terms of human beings' current technology. In Sandora's words, those devices are not much different from the tools used by primitive people.

And now, the researchers of the ability group are using those rough tools to pry a psionic energy core full of energy and without any safety control equipment!

In Sandora's view, such an act is like hitting a nuclear warhead with a thousand-kilogram hammer with its protective layer removed!

Lin Xue's face turned pale all of a sudden, and Sandora immediately stood up, but the next moment she sat down again.

"It's too late..."

Sandora showed a helpless wry smile, and then we all felt a slight tremor on the ground under our feet.

When we came outside, Qianqian and her sister were standing uncomfortably at the reception on the first floor of the small hotel.

"What's the matter, Jun?" Seeing us appear, Qianqian immediately seemed to have found the backbone. She rushed forward and hugged my arm, with an anxious expression on her face, "There was a sudden explosion and strong vibration just now, there will be no Terrorist?"

I rubbed Qianqian's head comfortingly, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, there won't be any accidents. It's not like you don't know how good I am... Stay with my sister and don't run around. Lin Xue and I will go and see the situation." .”

Qianqian nodded, for me, this girl has always had a kind of blind trust, basically as long as I promise that there is no danger, then she will immediately feel at ease.

For example now.

Qianqian nodded, and then dragged her sister to the room. Before leaving, she turned her head and seemed to want to say something to me, but Qianqian's strength was really strong, and she was dragged away before she could speak.

Thanks Qianqian, it saved me a lot of trouble.

The big explosion produced by the psionic core was very powerful. When Pandora blew away the nearby smoke, a huge deep pit with a diameter of nearly one kilometer appeared shockingly before our eyes.

There is a pungent smell in the air, and the inner wall of the giant pit in front of us is covered with a layer of semi-solidified black substance—that is, the high-temperature molten sand is condensing into a glass body, and at the bottom of the giant pit, we can vaguely see See red lava flowing.

There are still sands falling from the sky. They were thrown into the air by the big explosion just now. However, with Pandora's defensive barrier, these sands did not fall on our heads, but slightly disturbed our sight.

That sunken pyramid and all members of the psychic organization inside have become part of the melt below our feet and the acrid fumes in the air. Among them, there is also a supernatural person who followed the research team into the ruins.

No matter how powerful a person with abilities is, it is impossible to resist this kind of nuclear explosion-like power.

Lin Xue's face was very ugly, not only because of the sacrifices of many comrades in the organization, but also because this accident could have been avoided. If she had given the black crystal to Sandora earlier, then she would have Can come earlier to stop his companions.

Although the accident was caused by the explosion of things in the Xiling Empire, Lin Xue could not feel resentment towards Sandora or me because of this, because the empire had no responsibility for it at all, and the supernatural organization did not understand it at all. I took the initiative to come into contact with dangerous things. Although this thing is owned by the empire, Sandora and I had no idea that there was such a dangerous thing left in this world. It’s like you dismantled a high-voltage transformer out of curiosity , As a result, you electrified yourself and disabled you for life. You can only blame yourself. Can you still ask the owner of the transformer—the government department to compensate you

Not many people came to this ruins this time. After all, this place is not the Taklamakan Desert, it is the territory of Egypt. In order to avoid political disputes, the supernatural organization only sent a small number of expedition teams allowed by the Egyptian government, and Suspecting that the ruins are related to the Xiling Empire, Lin Xue did not allow too many people to participate in the investigation. In this way, only about one-third of the members of the supernatural organization who actually entered the ruins were the original plan. Let Lin Xue feel a little bit of comfort.

"Not quite right..."

Sandora, who had kept her eyes closed and didn't know what she was perceiving, said suddenly. She opened her eyes, and a blue halo flashed inside.

"What's wrong?" I wondered.

"Power, it's too small." Sandora said, and then suddenly disappeared in place. The next second, I saw her petite figure appearing on the lava in the center of the giant pit.

It seems that it is a very wise decision for Lin Xue to send away all the people who need to be excluded from the secrets of the Xiling Empire in advance. Once the girl Sandora decides to act, she will not worry about the consequences at all. If she wants to fight, then even She wouldn't hesitate to summon a space fleet in front of all human beings, let alone just perform a small space teleportation.

"You Xiling apostles do have abilities that are enviable by humans." Lin Xue praised sincerely.

I waved my hand: "Don't include me, except for summoning the home planet to strike, I'm still a half-baked guy now."

At this time, Sandora had finished her investigation, a white light flashed, and she was already standing in front of us.

"The power of this explosion is too small."

"Still young?!" I exclaimed together with Qianqian, looking at the huge crater in front of me like a meteorite attack, my forehead was covered with cold sweat, this level of explosion is still called a small scale, Sandora, are you Are you mobilizing your cold humor cells

But there was no joke on Sandora's face at all. She had a serious expression and patiently explained to us: "As I said, the psionic core is quite powerful, not only because of the huge energy in the core, but also because of the psionic core. Energy is a very specific kind of energy—it has to do with the way the world is made.

The composition of the world collection is very similar to the bubbles in the water. The universe is the space inside the bubbles, and the outer wall of the bubbles is the defense system of time-space-law, which we call the plane barrier. Further outside, these 'bubbles' The 'water' in between is a special existence that we call the endless void, where is the beginning and end of everything, time, space, law, energy, matter, all concepts are completely smashed and kneaded together, Where infinitely near is infinitely far, an instant is eternity, existence means non-existence, order means chaos, it is extremely calm, because something that can be described as 'turmoil' has not yet emerged from the void, it And extremely violent, because you also cannot describe what the order of the void is. There, only a powerful god who can ignore all laws—in fact, a super life form completely composed of laws and energy, and a small number of Xiling apostles who can modify their own laws at will can come and go freely.

Nether energy is exactly the energy residue extracted from the endless void.

Although it is only the residue of void energy, this energy from the source of all worlds is still terrifying. It has all the characteristics of void energy, and can restore all matter and non-material to the source energy in an instant, and then magnify it into It is released hundreds of times, even if we carefully suppress and transform it after making the psionic core, the explosion of a psionic core should not just form such a deep pit. "

After speaking such a long paragraph, Sandora looked at us who were already stunned, took a breath, and said: "Actually, in my prediction, half of the Sahara should disappear."

Xue Lin and I took a breath of air at the same time.

I bet, now Lin Xue is not daring to think about psionic energy at all-although it is good, but it is useless if it is useless, the power of this thing is too exaggerated, I am afraid that ten human nuclear power plants combined can A small nether energy core has so much energy, but now, a nether energy core explodes, but only forms a "small pit" with a diameter of one kilometer. So, where does the remaining energy go

"It is impossible for human equipment to attract psionic energy, and even if they do, they cannot withstand this exaggerated energy release," Sandora said, curling her index finger and pressing her chin, "It is possible to completely absorb such a large amount of psionic energy with a little The thing that doesn't move or move can only be a device of the Xiling Empire, and it is the kind of device that has not replenished energy for a long time and is almost starved to death."

"All the equipment of the Pandora Legion is operating normally, and there is no report of receiving external energy supplements."

Seeing Sandora's eyes turn to herself, Pandora shook her head and said.

Sandora also shook her head in doubt and said: "My subordinates have not received any news of receiving energy supplies—could it be that these energies disappeared out of thin air?"

"No!" I suddenly thought of a very serious problem, something we had ignored at the beginning, "There is also a Xiling device that is not within your perception range! Qianqian, Qianqian still has that ethereal on her body Beacon!"

It's that ethereal beacon, the culprit who brought me, Pandora, and Lin Xue to another world last time. After returning, Qianqian has been carrying that thing with me as a souvenir and amulet. For this reason, I laughed a lot. The superficial and weird aesthetics, but each of us did not take this ethereal beacon that was supposed to be completely scrapped to heart, because this thing is so old, and it is already its limit to be able to barely complete a space teleportation. Seeing that Qianqian likes the black and not autumnal thing very much, I don't pay much attention to it, but who knows if it is really possible that it is not activated at all

The Xiling Empire's items are all known for their excellent quality!

For the first time in my life, I began to desperately hope for defective products.

That ethereal beacon is not owned by the Pandora Legion, so it is impossible for Pandora to know its operation, and Sandora has already delisted this missing device many years ago, so it is naturally impossible to sense whether it is activated. Now it seems that if there is really any Xiling equipment here that absorbs psionic energy, it can only be the ethereal beacon in Qianqian's hand.

At this moment, a strong spatial fluctuation suddenly came from nearby. Except for Lin Xue who was unable to connect with any Xiling items, each of us clearly felt that a spatial device with an unknown number was activated!

"The destination of the space gate has been successfully locked," Pandora's mechanized voice quickly reassured me, "The space twins have rushed to Sister Qianqian and Sister Chen Qian, and we will follow in five minutes..."

Well... let's all go through...