Xyrin Empire

Chapter 59: Jingle


Speaking of which, with a wave of my hand, I took out a shiny object from the portable space. This object was only a few centimeters long, small in size, and looked like a miniature warhammer in shape. At the same time, it exuded bursts of strange Fragrance...

This is exactly the high-level prop that I used to implement the "Smart Pandora Cultivation Plan", which is loved by the majority of strange Shushu and loving brothers, and has made countless simple lolis fall into it, and has made great contributions to the food industry— Lollipop!

I have no doubts about the lethality of lollipops at all. Back then, even Pandora, who was almost immune to all loli products, could immediately behave obediently when facing the lollipop in my hand (although usually only That little girl will be very obedient if it doesn't involve the issue of fighting), I don't believe that a loli from another world can resist this!

Well, although judging from its figure and appearance, this unknown creature has just left the category of loli, but as a pocket creature, this little thing should have similar interests to ordinary loli, right

Well, probably about the same

The fragrance of the lollipop obviously attracted the little thing's attention, and she gradually stopped crying, her emerald eyes fixed on the strange thing in my hand.

I smiled as kindly as I could, and tore off the wrapping paper on the outside of the lollipop. Immediately, a stronger fragrance came out. The little thing's sense of smell was obviously very sensitive. She twitched her tiny nose, and looked at it timidly. I.

"Little sister, don't be afraid, uncle will give you a lollipop... Cough cough, little guy, don't cry, look at brother's lollipop... Cough cough, little... Forget it, how can you say this is so evil..."

While I was talking nonsense, I observed the reaction of the little guy. The other party obviously observed my kindness, and finally stopped flying back with a face full of fear, but looked at me curiously.

"Here you are," I pushed forward the lollipop in my hand, "it's delicious~"

The little guy looked into my eyes seriously, then flew over cautiously, licked the lollipop lightly, and immediately, she showed a surprised expression.

Facts have proved that the magical invention of lollipop is simply a miracle in human food culture! It has successfully conquered the commander Pan Lingling, the general Pandora, and even the empress Sandora from the Xiling Empire. Now, it has undoubtedly conquered the mysterious creature from the other world so-and-so!

The little guy is so small that the little lollipop has become a giant in front of her. Seeing the little guy struggling to hold the huge sugar ball, I couldn't help laughing and took the candy. Now the little guy has completely given up In order to show her vigilance against me, she let out a small and meaningless cry, then lightly landed on my hand, knelt down and began to lick the candy on my hand.

"What's your name?" I asked carefully, for fear of blowing the little guy away in one breath.

"Ding Dong~" the little guy raised his head and said, his voice was small and pleasant, as clear as spring water.

"Ding Dong?" I became interested, "Very interesting name, do you live here?"

"Well..." Xiaobu nodded, "Ding Dong has been living here since losing contact with the goddess. There are very dangerous things outside. Ding Dong's power alone is not enough to purify them. Ding Dong has been waiting for his own power to recover..."


I keenly noticed a word she mentioned. From Sandora, I know that the legendary protoss really exist. They are powerful beings formed by energy and the law of origin, and they are also the creators of many worlds, and The legendary gods are different. They are actually quite kind. They think that they are just beings with stronger power, and they are willing to communicate with ordinary beings who can withstand their pressure. Before the Xiling Empire fell into a deep sleep, these powerful beings Life even has a very close relationship with the empire, and has helped the empire to perfect a lot of research on mysterious power. In a broad sense, the apostles of Xiling who have been strengthened by the protoss are actually man-made gods!

The little guy licked the lollipop, and then replied softly: "Well, Ding Dong is the apostle of the Goddess of Life!"

In the next ten minutes, I got a rough idea of the origin of this little guy who called himself Jingle.

She turned out to be a protoss!

It is absolutely true, the true Protoss...

Of course, I also know from Ding Dong that not all the protoss are as small as her...

Ding Dong is a member of a branch in charge of life force in the protoss, and the goddess she serves is the highest source of all life force - the goddess of life. And the reason why Ding Dong came to this world is to deal with the abyssal power here!

Although the reasons for the generation of abyssal power cannot be explained clearly, their harm is obvious. Every second, countless worlds are destroyed by the erosion of abyssal power. This not only caused great harm to the ordinary world, It also poses a huge threat to the Protoss. Therefore, the power of the abyss is also the key hunting target of the Protoss. Every thousand years, the Protoss will send a large number of expeditionary troops to the void to eliminate these wandering dangerous forces. Will patrol the worlds, destroying every exit to the abyss they find, until the next expedition comes to take their place.

And Ding Dong is a member of this expeditionary force.

In a fierce battle, Ding Dong's unit was dragged into the entrance of the abyss by the chaotic space force. Although the last few powerful protoss generals used pseudo-world switches to destroy the entrance of the abyss, Ding Dong fought against the abyss in the final big bang. The large army was separated and came to this world. Just when she was about to ask for help from the God Realm, she discovered that this world was also eroded by the power of the abyss, although the degree of erosion was not serious, and the native creatures of this world were also unbearable. Resisted the influence of the power of the abyss, but the signal for help sent by Ding Dong was stopped by the interference formed by the power of the abyss.

Therefore, Ding Dong can only stay in this world temporarily, and try his best to recover his strength, in order to be able to escape from the interference of the abyss here as soon as possible, and report the bad situation of this world to the goddess.

"It's been many years!" The little thing licked the sugar ball vigorously, "Ding Dong has been in this world for many years! But to recover enough power to break through the blockade of the abyss, Ding Dong will stay here for a longer time, because Ding Dong is not a protoss who is good at fighting... But now Ding Dong's home is gone... "

As the little thing said, her mood fell for once, and the sweet-smelling lollipop in front of her could no longer attract her attention.

... well, I'm defeated, I'm defeated by the guilt of a slap-sized little beauty...

"Why don't you come with me?" I tentatively said, although the power of the abyss is very powerful, but with the guarantee of the strong combat effectiveness of the Xiling Legion, and Sandora, an expert with rich experience in abyss battles, to break through here It shouldn't be too difficult to block the abyss. Perhaps this little goddess is indeed stronger than us, but how can so many Xiling apostles add up to be stronger than her alone

I just don't know if this little guy will trust me, a stranger who just burned down her house.

To my surprise, Xiaobudian just stared at me blankly for a while, and then readily agreed: "Okay, Ding Dong is with you!"

Unbelievably happy.

Could it be that the so-called gods are simple creatures without brains

Of course not, Ding Dong immediately solved my doubts: "Ding Dong can feel the heart of any life, you are a good person, and there seems to be a way to get out of here, so Ding Dong believes in you!"

I have to say, as a protoss, this little guy still has the ability to make me jealous.

On the way out of the forest, Ding Dong sat on my head and asked curiously, "Ah Jun, where are we going?"

"Go to a few of my friends first, they have the power to fight against the abyss, with their help, we can leave this world without a problem - before that, we have to pick up two girls, they have nothing The power of self-preservation."

At the same time, near the exit of a certain unnamed valley, Qianqian, Chen Qian and the others encountered a little bit of trouble.