Xyrin Empire

Chapter 6: Sister, um, sister


In the end, I still skipped class.

There is no way around it. Bringing a loli-like unknown creature to class is a very noticeable thing just thinking about it, and it is optimistic that the head teacher who has suffered from severe menopausal syndrome will definitely take this opportunity to deal with it. I will carry out a thorough education, but I have to put this unknown creature who is suspected of being a dangerous element aside... According to the education of most movies and novels, the only consequence of this is a lot of troubles. Lesson—Besides, am I not feeling well? Reasonable, reasonable!

My sister has already gone to work, and now there are only me and Pandora at home. I must hurry up and complete the common sense education on this unknown life form.

"Okay, remember, your current name is Pan Lili," I repeated again, "You are my long-lost sister, unless there are no outsiders at the scene, you are absolutely not allowed to talk about that unknown Which corner of the Xiling Empire, um, let me see the mark on your arm—very good, the life of the magic energy construct is really powerful, and it can be done, so just remember not to be in front of my sister It’s enough to expose the flaws.”

"Yes,... brother." Pandora didn't seem to be very used to this new address, so she hesitated before saying it.

That's my plan! Let Pandora pretend to be my long-lost sister. Anyway, I was an adopted orphan since I was a child. No one knows my life experience. In this way, no one will find it strange that there is a sudden extra sister. It’s just, why do I always feel that there is still What's not right

I frowned, and looked up and down at Pandora, who had changed into a worn-out dress, and felt that there was something wrong, but if I were to tell you what was wrong, I couldn't tell...

uh, found out...

"Pan... Lily, can't you laugh?"

This is the crux of the matter! I just now remembered that the little girl in front of me hadn't smiled since we met, not only had she never smiled, it should be said that she hadn't shown any expression at all, she was like an exquisite doll. When she first introduced me to the Xiling Empire, she said a lot of words. After that, she has been very reticent to the point of being surprisingly reticent. This kind of character should not appear in a Only a fourteen-year-old girl.

The above are only secondary issues. After all, the extremely autistic personality can make up a corresponding life experience to deal with the past. What's more terrible is another aspect-Pandora's eyes!

There is no focus at all, it is just a decoration (Although it imitates the human body structure in a large amount, Pandora's way of perceiving the outside world is still somewhat different from that of humans, at least her vision does not need to rely on such crude organs as eyes. ), such a pair of eyes is the focus of people's attention at first sight no matter where they go.

It seems that if I want to successfully confuse Pandora's identity, I still have to work hard on deception.

*********cough cough********

One day passed quickly. During this day, I tried my best to tell Pandora about the way of life of human beings. As for whether the other party will remember me, I am not worried at all. I learned more about the Xiling Empire from my mouth, which of course includes the 99.999999%... unusable instruction set that I am most concerned about.

According to Pandora's explanation, since the distance to the nearest void node is too far away, all the command messages I send have to go through a rather long journey to reach the nearest Xiling colony. This distance is so far that when this When the signal arrived, it had attenuated to such an extent that it was completely indistinguishable from the cosmic microwave background radiation. Of course, this kind of signal can only be regarded as noise. As for the remote fire support I triggered yesterday morning, it was a very rare coincidence. The great star gave me strength at that moment, allowing me to instantly contact the Xiling parent star far away in the universe.

"I can be used as an emergency Xiling terminal," Pandora said, "but through my enhancement, I can only forward less than 10% of the fuzzy instructions, and the forwarding conditions will be very harsh. Planet to establish a Xiling outpost? After establishing the base, you can launch a war at any time and turn this world into a new frontier of the empire."

"Forget it," I rejected this very tempting suggestion with a cold sweat, "I have no intention of conquering the world."

Just kidding, build a Xiling outpost? Then what? Summoning a large number of Xiling troops? Conquer all mankind? Rule the world? And then get killed by some undead hot-blooded bully as a brutal conqueror like in most hot-blooded novels

According to the previous rough search, the messy orders I received last night were basically all war-related orders, including the mobilization of the army for long-range bombing strategic strikes and other things that run counter to the current world peace pattern. How can it be impossible for me to use those weapons of mass destruction against human beings? So those instruction sets are useless to me, and building such a base is a complete waste.

As for using these things that sound very fierce as a secret weapon to teach some unscrupulous second generation ancestors in the future and conquer their hearts by the way...

you're so dumb? When someone touches you, you will fire the Xiling directional star annihilation cannon to bomb the earth? You know, a hyperspace fire support system is definitely not suitable for being handsome...

"Brother, a carbon-based life is moving here, please confirm the identity of the other party."

"My sister is probably back." I looked at the clock on the wall and said, "Also, Lily, don't use this way of speaking in the future. You must try to make people feel that you are a human being."

I was explaining to Pandora when the door opened.

"I'm back," my sister said a little tiredly, followed by a surprised voice: "Huh? Ah Jun, who is this child?"

"This is Pan Lili," I gently pushed Pandora forward, trying to look excited, "She is my sister!"

"Sister?" My sister was taken aback, and the next moment she thought of a possibility, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "You said she was your sister? Your biological sister?"

"Yes," I said with a smile, "I thought my original relatives were no longer in this world, but unexpectedly, I still have a younger sister."

"Hello." Pandora nodded slightly, and greeted with her characteristic unemotional tone.

My sister frowned, as if she was a little concerned about Pandora's indifferent reaction, and I immediately explained: "Lily's life was not very good before, and... she experienced some bad things, so her personality is a bit weird. "

At this time, my sister noticed the worn clothes on Pandora's body, and there was a trace of sympathy in her eyes, but the suspicious eyes still didn't dissipate completely.

I knew what she was suspecting. I was less than a year old when I was brought back, and it was impossible to have any impression of my family, let alone this younger sister who seemed to know that she was not born at that time. Worried that I was being scammed.

I smiled slightly, pulled Pandora's arm, and rolled up her right sleeve.

A roughly triangular birthmark the size of a fingernail—I have one on my arm in the same place.

"It seems to be hereditary in our family. It is not a birthmark, but a mark that every direct blood relative has. In addition, although it sounds a bit mysterious, there seems to be some kind of connection between Lily and me. I can be sure that she is My own sister."

Thank God for giving my sister a biologically ill-understood head, otherwise she would be able to see through my clumsy lie very quickly—is there such a strange inheritance in the world

Fortunately, the old lady had never passed the biological test since she was a child, so she immediately believed it. At the same time, she also noticed the unusualness of Pandora's eyes.

"Ah Jun, why is this kid's eyes..."

I stroked Pandora's hair with a pitiful expression, and said, "Didn't I say that before? She has experienced some bad things, and since then, she can no longer see things, and her personality has also changed." This way..."

I think it's a great loss for show business not to make films.

My perfect acting skills immediately made my sister's maternal brilliance burst out. Almost instantly, my sister let go of her doubts.

"Poor little sister..." The elder sister's voice was already choked with sobs. She bent down and hugged the expressionless Pandora into her arms, "Where do you live now? If you can, you can move here and live with us." , I will take care of you like my own sister... "

The elder sister who was already full of sympathy completely ignored why I could learn so much about this younger sister's past in just one day. She didn't even think about taking Pandora for a genetic test first.

I'm sorry, old lady, I can only hide it from you first, after all, the truth of the matter is so extraordinary that it is completely unsuitable for ordinary people to touch...


It's another chapter, passers-by will reward one or two tickets if they have spare tickets...