Xyrin Empire

Chapter 7: Strong little girl


In this way, Pandora moved into my home smoothly. Although there are still many unclear explanations about her identity, my sister doesn't seem to mind at all. She already treats the other party as her own sister, full of sympathy She would never have thought that the poor little sister in front of her was actually such a terrifying unknown life form.

Originally, I was worried that Pandora's identity issue would become a big problem in this era when citizenship authentication methods are quite perfect, but when Pandora showed me the full set of identity certificates and resumes in her bag in private, I was completely convinced.

"The information preservation and encryption technology in this world is primitive and backward." Pandora deprecated the modern computer technology that human beings are proud of to nothing in a flat tone.

If everything develops like this, the situation can't be called too bad, it's just that there is a younger sister who doesn't talk much in the family, but soon, I realized that the trouble this little loli can bring to me is not at all. More than these.

"Pandora, are you sure you want to go to school with me?" On the way to school, I looked at the transfer certificate in Pandora's hand and felt a headache. I really don't want her to stay among humans because of such an unstable factor—even though I I also hope that she can integrate into human beings as soon as possible, but I am a little worried that she is alone. I am worried that she will be bullied, but I am more worried that she will bully others...

"As the emperor's only guardian in this space, I must stay by your side as much as possible." Pandora's expression remained unchanged, but her tone made people feel unquestionable.

"Okay, okay, but you have to remember what I told you beforehand..."

"Ah Jun!"

A voice from behind suddenly interrupted my low-pitched conversation with Pandora. I turned around and saw Xu Qianqian running towards us.

"Ajun, why didn't you come to class yesterday? You didn't ask for leave... eh? Who is this little girl?"

"Her name is Pan Lili, she is my younger sister."

"Your sister?" Xu Qianqian looked at Pandora in surprise. She knew about my life experience, so the sudden addition of a younger sister surprised her, "Do you have a younger sister?"

"Yeah, I didn't think of it at first."

At that moment, I explained to Xu Qianqian what I said to my sister about Pandora's identity, and finally said: "That's it, since Lily and I were adopted, we didn't even know that we were supposed to be Pandora. What is the surname, so I gave up the idea of changing Lily's surname, her surname is Pan, but she is indeed my own sister."

"Ah—" Xu Qianqian opened his mouth wide, and responded in disbelief. The unexpected reunion of brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years is so dramatic that it is usually only seen on TV. Now It happened so vividly before her eyes that she really didn't know how to react, "It's really... unbelievable, congratulations..."

As Qianqian said, she bent down and touched Pandora's cheek carefully, "Your sister, can you really see nothing?"

"Yes." I stroked Pandora's hair pitifully, and pulled her back a little calmly, even though Pandora had already pretended to be a blind woman as I said to cover up her eyes that couldn't focus properly at all. , but I'm still worried that if she gets too close, she will be exposed.

"Lily's optic nerve is completely fine, but it may be due to severe psychological stimulation, she can't see anything at all now..."

I'm not telling a lie, Pandora's eyes can't see anything, but apart from these eyes, the one hundred and thirty-two multi-band scanning radars she activated are not just for show...

"That's right... But in this case, she should go to a school for the blind, right? I see how the transfer certificate in her hand came to our school?"

I'd be happier if she didn't go to school!

But obviously, I can't say that directly.

"That's right, but Lily insisted on being with me, so I had no choice but to let her go, and Lily's ability to take care of herself is very strong. Although it is difficult, she can still attend classes in normal schools."

Qianqian oh, and then probably realized that talking about these things might hurt the heart of the little girl in front of me, so I took the initiative to change the topic elsewhere, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If Qianqian really wants to get to the bottom of Pandora's situation, I really can't stand it.

"Okay," Xu Qianqian happily took Pandora's hand when he reached the school gate, and said, "This is the school you will study in the future. How about it? It's okay... Ah, sorry, I forgot that you can't see of… "

"I don't mind." Pandora said flatly, and then gently leaned towards me, as if she didn't want to be with strangers.

At the same time, the voice of Pandora's machine also sounded in my mind: "One hundred and seventy-five meters in front of the left, there is a carbon-based life with a danger mark. The opponent has simple weapons and the threat level is extremely low. Do you want to clear it now?"

"What?" I was confused by Pandora's report, and I didn't react for a while.

At this moment, there was a "bang" from our left front, and then I saw a large group of students running out from the Canglan Private High School next to us, and one of the students who ran in the front shouted: " Run! They have guns!"

School shootings? No way? What a joke

But it was such a nonsense thing that happened to me. To be precise, it was a school shooting case that happened in a noble school that happened to me, an ordinary student who went to school nearby.

With a burst of exclamation, I saw three tall men rushing out from the opposite school. Each of them held a gun in their hands. Of course, they were all real guys! In the middle is a man who is as strong as a bull, and is dragging a man who is obviously a student. Judging from the blood stains on the other party's pants, this is the victim of the gunshot just now.

The three men with guns rushed towards a white car not far away while holding the hostages, while shooting indiscriminately around. It seemed that the bullets they fired were completely inaccurate because of being too nervous, but even so, they still Several students were hit by bullets and fell to the ground screaming - if this continues, some students may be shot and die at any time!

At this moment, I can no longer think about the story behind this shooting in the noble school. I only have one thought: those three men must be stopped! Otherwise, accidents may happen to every student here!

Of course it's impossible to rely on my strength. If it was me before, I would only have to escape in this situation, but now, I have another choice.

"Pandora, didn't you say that the apostles of Xiling are born to fight? Do you have a solution to the current crisis?" I asked anxiously in my heart.

"Receive external instruction set... Fuzzy instruction analysis... Execute!"

As Pandora's voice fell, the sky suddenly changed!

Accompanied by a frightening low humming sound, the sky quickly turned a dark red color, and countless golden streaks gradually appeared in the atmosphere above us, eventually forming a golden clock covering the entire sky. Appeared, the surrounding things suddenly stopped, the fleeing students became motionless statues, the flying dust stopped in the air, showing various delicate particle clouds, and the paper scraps flying in the air also strangely stopped in place, From a distance, it looks like spots formed by uneven exposure on old photos.

At the same time that time stood still, Pandora-zer beside me also entered the battle mode. Along with the flow of green things like computer data streams in sci-fi movies, a silver body-fitting alloy armor appeared on Pandora, translucent The light green mask covered her face with the bridge of the nose down, leaving only a pair of mutated purple eyes without pupils, staring calmly ahead.

I looked up and down at Pandora who was wearing a tight-fitting alloy armor, and said out of nowhere: "Sure enough—not developed at all."

It was the first time I saw such an exaggerated scene in reality, and I was still so calm. Should I say that my nerves are really thick

Pandora didn't pay attention to my evaluation, but continued to stare at the front with icy eyes.

In this situation, I can only sigh: Science fiction, this scene is simply too science fiction...

********* so and so line *****

It's still early to go to bed, how about I add another chapter? By the way, why do I feel like not many people pay attention