Xyrin Empire

Chapter 78: radiation?


Our sister suddenly made such a thoughtless remark that surprised us, but before I could ask, Lin Xue who was next to me suddenly exclaimed "Oops", and suddenly fell to the ground.

I watched with black lines all over Lin Xue's embarrassed expression on the ground, although I heard that some clumsy girls would slip and fall on flat ground, but is it possible for Lin Xue

Or... slippery

I observed the scientifically designed anti-slip stripes on the ground and Lin Xue's pair of non-slip shoes specially used for traveling, and then decisively gave up this guess.

"Oh, Xiaoxue, you are too careless. Didn't I say that..."

With an exaggerated tone and a hint of a mischievous smile, the elder sister stretched out her hand to Lin Xue who was lying on the ground, and the latter immediately shouted: "Stop! I surrender! You must stop!"

"Tch," my sister curled her lips, with a look of reluctance to be exposed for her prank, "It seems that your predictive ability has really strengthened."

Lin Xue quickly got up from the ground, patted the non-existing dust, and said, "It's not the ability to predict, but just feeling some abnormal energy flow."

"How is this going?"

I seemed to see a little way, so I asked Lin Xue, who had already seen the secret, for confirmation.

"It's very simple, I was cursed by your sister just now."

Lin Xue spread her hands and said helplessly.


This time it was Sandora who spoke, she said while scanning her sister with probing eyes.

"It's a supernatural ability~" My sister raised a finger and said, shaking in front of us, "Although it is not clear how powerful this ability is, it seems that dealing with a small person who speaks without thinking The girl is more than enough."

"Ability? Sister, why do you have abilities?"

I asked in bewilderment.

Seeing my eager eyes, my sister couldn't keep her secret, so she told us in detail what happened to her.

At that time, my sister and Qianqian followed us to visit Bubble in Xiling's nest, and they found that their bodies had changed. It seemed that they had been strengthened to some extent, and some abnormal things began to happen around them. At the beginning, they felt very uneasy, but Sandora and I had already gone to stop those demonized creatures, and Asida and Asidora didn't understand the physiological conditions of carbon-based creatures at all, so they had to fight with Lin Xue, the only one in the base who could communicate smoothly, discussed. During the conversation, Lin Xue accidentally mentioned that her abilities had been strengthened in Xiling's brood, which gave Qianqian and her sister a bold plan.

They came to Xiling's brood alone, and then under the guidance of Bubbles, they entered the energy center of the brood, where they stayed for two full hours!

Until the end, they fainted inexplicably inside.

When they woke up, the abilities appeared.

"It should be some kind of radiation," Sandora analyzed with her index finger pressed against her chin, "The crystals in Xiling's nest have a very strong energy field, and Bubble's thoughts flow in these crystals. An energy vortex will be generated. Although this energy is harmless to carbon-based organisms at low concentrations, it will definitely exceed the tolerance limit of Qianqian and Chen Qian when the energy is strong enough. At this time, mutation occurs— Now it seems that your risky plan has achieved unexpected gains."

"Too risky!"

Although I see that my sister is fine now, and there is an unexpected harvest, I still can't help but use the tone of blame, just for a vague possibility, to do such a dangerous thing, in case something happens What should I do if there is an accident

It seems that it is still dangerous for ordinary humans to run around in this base. In the future, I may have to restrict the actions of my sister and Qianqian in the base—by the way, there is also Lin Xue, although she talks to me I never know what politeness is, but we are friends after all, maybe she will have fun when she gets into the self-destruct control center of the base.

However, as soon as I said this decision, I was immediately opposed.

"We just want to help you, we don't want to be your burden all the time..." the sister burst into tears, and used her family affection aggressively, "And aren't we doing well now? If there is any danger, there are so many high-tech rescue facilities in the base Will protect us too."

"Are you going to deprive me of the only fun?" Lin Xue kicked up without hesitation, and then I dodged it with ease, "Also, got into the base's self-destruct control center? You think I'm the same as you Stupid... Forget it... For the sake of my own good, I will forgive you this time."

"The reason why Qianqian and Chen Qian were affected by the radiation is entirely because their ordinary human physiques are too fragile. Now that they have undergone a mutation, they are fully able to withstand all kinds of energy radiation in the base. The same is true for Lin Xue. She herself I have supernatural powers, so I will not be afraid of this kind of energy." Sandora also helped her sister speak.

Ding Dong suddenly flew in front of me, and said in a soft voice: "That's right, and with Ding Dong around, even the dead can be saved!"

...Little thing, this completely mindless mouth...

Under the joint opposition of several people, I finally withdrew the ban on my sister and the others, and began to ask in detail about the situation of my sister's ability.

"Just like Lin Xue said," my sister seemed very proud when she mentioned her power, "it's a kind of curse-like power. I can make my words come true on the target, but it's not anything It's all right, basically only limited to negative but non-fatal things, but the latter restriction can be easily circumvented, for example, although I can't directly curse a person to die, I can curse him to be killed by a 100-diameter stone when he goes out. Meteorites more than a kilometer hit the head... "

...A meteorite with a diameter of 100 kilometers, sister, do you want to destroy the world

After hearing her sister's description, Sandora made a pertinent evaluation: "If there is no limit to this ability, it is really a very heaven-defying ability—so, there must be many restrictions on launching the curse?"

When it comes to restrictions, my sister said unwillingly: "Indeed, there are quite a lot of restrictions. First of all, I must see the cursed target, and when releasing the curse, I must ensure the uniqueness and clarity of the curse. In addition, the stronger the opponent, the more powerful the curse will be." For example, the curse I gave Lin Xue just now was actually to make her slide on the ground for seven and a half weeks and then slide directly out of the gate at a speed of 20 meters per second, but Lin Xue's ability obviously interfered In addition, the larger the scale of the curse, the longer it will take effect, and there will be a high chance of failure, such as the 100-kilometer star I mentioned Even if this curse can really be realized, the cursed person will probably die of old age at that time... "

"Glide in place for seven and a half weeks..." Lin Xue repeated with twitching corners of her mouth.

"There are still 20 meters per second..." Ding Dong, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, flew to Lin Xue's head and reminded kindly.

I wiped the cold sweat off my brow, why didn't I realize that my sister had such a dark side

At this moment, the battered Lin Xue had squatted decadently to a nearby corner, buried her head deeply in her knees, and was muttering and drawing circles on the ground. It's really pitiful to go up.

"What about Qianqian's situation?" I suddenly thought, since my sister has already developed such a powerful ability, it proves that Qianqian has also acquired some kind of ability, but why hasn't she appeared yet? According to her personality, she should have rushed into my arms by this time, right

"Qianqian her..." My sister suddenly showed a strange expression, as if it was a rather difficult thing to say, "Her situation is a little different..."

I suddenly tensed up.

"Nothing bad happened...forget it, you'd better go and see for yourself..."