Xyrin Empire

Chapter 81: Artificial Superman


Although I have agreed, I still have some doubts about Sandora's plan.

I always feel like those perverted scientists who experiment with living people...

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems." Sandora assured me again, "Even if this kind of radiation can't activate abilities, it won't cause any harm to the body. Besides, although those mercenaries have no strength, But their resistance is always stronger than ordinary people Qian Qian and Chen Qian, what else can you worry about? You know, people like them who have a certain resistance but are not completely immune to radiation are quite rare Experimental material!"

I looked at Sandora, who had a face full of research fanaticism, and at Lin Xue, who was holding a lot of strange parts and fuzzing not far away, and I always felt that the two of them overlapped in some aspects.

"Well, it's not impossible to subject them to radiation, but you must explain the situation and possible dangers to them, and you must not force them."

"They'll cry and cry and agree!"

Sandora said confidently.

In a temporarily built barracks in the southwest of the base, Sandora and I met Lake who was looking at this alloy room curiously.

Except for the one meeting when I brought back Pandora that day, this is only the second time that Lake and I have met. I am not very impressed with this robust middle-aged man with a loyal face, but the latter's memory is obviously stronger than that of the old man. I am much stronger, he immediately recognized us who had met once, but the names of me and Sandora seem to be difficult for this outsider to recall.

"Then, let me introduce myself again." I motioned for Lake, who stood up a little excitedly, to sit down again, then pointed to Sandora and said, "We are the leaders here, my name is Chen Jun, this is Sandra La Kelvie Ulasses."

There was no overly surprised expression on Lake's face. In fact, after coming to this magical place and seeing all kinds of incredible things, he was already a little numb, so that an unattractive guy like me would be this He was not surprised at all by the leader of the base.

"First of all, what you need to know is that we do not belong to this world."

I cut straight to the point, and then for some reason, the nonsense line "I'm actually an alien" suddenly flashed in my head...

"Actually, I've already guessed some of it." With a slight surprise on Lake's face, he nodded clearly and said, "You are really different from the humans in this world—you are from those great magisters. Did you mean the alien side?"

"The magic civilization in your world is very imperfect." Sandora has completely restored to the proud Xiling conqueror in front of outsiders, and her words are completely ruthless. "Your magister deduced existence, but their understanding of alien planes is too far away. The world we come from is more distant and unimaginable than you can understand. You only need to know one thing: our Xiling Empire has been here since a long time ago. We have been hunting the power of the abyss—what you call the demon power, we hunted this power across countless planes, and your eroded world is just the most insignificant battlefield among them.”

Well, how should I put it, in fact, if we want to tell the truth, when we first started, we were just traveling...

Well, the Chinese New Year went to the Sahara Desert to travel...

Sandora's introduction had a huge impact on Lake, he opened his mouth wide and didn't react for a long time.

He had already thought about why these powerful beings from different worlds came to this world countless times before, from the best idea to the worst possibility, but he never expected that the other party turned out to be a special Came here to hunt down those demon forces!

There are people who specialize in hunting and killing that kind of terrifying force

However, thinking of the opponent's powerful strength and the extremely effective attack method against demonized creatures, Lake still accepted this statement.

So, all of a sudden, the image of me and Sandora swelled up infinitely in Lake's mind, and within a few seconds it reached the level of being almost a savior...

Looking at Lake's increasingly burning eyes, I'm afraid even pigs can figure out what this guy is thinking. However, this is a very good help for Sandora and I to do next.

"So, is there anything we can do to help?"

Lake asked eagerly, although he knew that his mercenary group was weak, but since the other party called the members of the Burning Blade Mercenary Group here today, it proves that the Burning Blade Mercenary Group must have something to help The place!

So, I told Lake about the plan I had agreed with Sandora before. Of course, in order for Lake to understand better, I made some modifications.

"That is to say, in order to eliminate the abyssal power of this world more easily, and to enable the aborigines of this world to have the ability to fight against the secondary erosion that may occur in the future, we are trying to strengthen the various powers of human beings in this world. Currently There has been considerable success, but we need a pool of volunteers to help us with this trial."

I finally concluded this way.

Rick was lost in thought.

Although I didn't understand the meaning of "volunteer", it was obvious that I and my companions were brought in as test subjects, but the other party did not use strong means to make myself submit, but instead asked for my opinion. This at least proves that the other party has no malice, but really wants to eliminate those demonic forces.

Lake longs for power, and everyone in this world knows the importance of power, but he also knows that there is no free lunch in the world, and power won't be so smooth when it is obtained for nothing.

Seeing a trace of hesitation on Lake's face, I knew what he was worried about, so I confessed: "There may be accidents in this process, or it may fail or have a small side effect, but I can guarantee that, Even if it fails, you will not be harmed, and the technical means we use put safety first."

Hearing my words, Lake dispelled the last doubt. Since I have confessed that this experiment may fail, my words are even more credible.

"I personally have no opinion, and even if there is a risk, I am willing to take it," Lake nodded firmly, "but I want to seek the opinions of my companions."

"Of course." I nodded.

That night, I saw all the members of the Burning Blade Mercenary Group standing in front of me. From the firm expressions on their faces, I already knew their decision.

Then, I noticed a heavy-looking sack thrown behind Lake, and something seemed to be moving inside.

"What is this?" I stepped forward curiously.

"It's just a little carry-on luggage, you don't need to..." Before Lake could finish speaking, the sack was suddenly pulled away forcefully, a thin and small man with short brown hair and dark skin who looked to be in his early twenties It was exposed, and then began to forcefully pull out the rag in his mouth.

"No way? Have you been forced to this point by your livelihood?"

I said in shock.

At the side, the elder sister who turned black-bellied at some point covered her mouth and smiled: "Hehe, I thought there was a little girl in it... It seems that you don't know enough about this business, such products are not easy to sell. ... Well, maybe, I heard that there are still some nobles who like this... "

"No!" The man I regarded as the victim of the trafficking case finally recovered his speech ability, "I just don't want to participate in this dangerous... um..."

Lake withdrew his fist that knocked him out just now, smiled at me, and said, "Our whole group passed, the whole group passed..."

... Uncle, you are committing a crime...

Although such a small episode happened, the production plan of the first batch of artificial superhuman troops in the other world was officially launched. Anyway, the safety factor of this process is also very high, so I don't care about the skinny man's protest.