Xyrin Empire

Chapter 86: A difficult country


"Odo Empire? That is a very difficult country."

When I asked Muro to know about the situation of the upcoming battlefield, he said this to me.

"First of all, they don't believe in the goddess of life."

Muro's words immediately made my spirit highly concentrated-you know, since Ding Dong launched a miracle to purify half of the continent hundreds of years ago, the goddess of life has become the highest god recognized by the world. The surviving intelligent race also relied on the power gained from believing in the Goddess of Life to fight against the abyss for so long, and now a country that does not believe in the Goddess of Life has emerged. How can this not surprise me—do not believe in the Goddess of Life, where did they come from? The strength of the past has been fighting against the abyss at the forefront of the mainland for so long? Could it be that the whole country is strong above the middle level

This is of course impossible...

Knowing that now is not the time to be tricky, Muro didn't let my doubts last too long, he continued: "The greatness of the Goddess of Life is recognized by everyone in the entire continent, and the people of the Odo Empire also recognize that the Goddess of Life is a great The true god, but they believe in another god, and this god can also give them the power to resist the erosion of demons—they believe in the god of light.”


I sprayed.

"What's wrong?"

Muro was taken aback by my actions.

"It's all right," I waved my hands again and again, "Go on, I just choked on water."

It is estimated that an outsider like Muro will never think of what kind of vulgar novel character the God of Light is in another world, right

"Oh..." Muro looked at me suspiciously, and then explained my accidental and unexpected behavior with the reason that the thinking of outsiders may be a little different from this world, "The state religion of the Odo Empire is the Sect of Light, Every one of their citizens is a fanatical believer in the God of Light, and for a long time they have been rejecting the assistance of other forces, including the believers of the Goddess of Life. Of course, their teachings do not exclude the part of the Goddess of Life, but these fanatics Stubbornly believe that only the God of Light can save this world. To put it simply, they are a pile of hard rocks and will not take the initiative to provoke you, but they will not enter. I guess if your army goes to support, even their outpost Difficulty—of course, if you use force, then assume I didn't say anything."

"This is really the worst situation." I shook my head and sighed. Fanatic religious believers are always the most unstable factors. I didn't expect that I would have to deal with such people one day. The only good news now is that these religions Molecules are not lunatics who reject everything except the God of Light, but even so, if the Xiling Empire's army passes by, it will be regarded as heresy, right

"Then they rely on the power bestowed by the so-called God of Light to fight against the abyss until now?"

I wondered, ever since I got to know Ding Dong, I already know that the real gods exist. Since the people of the Odo Empire can rely on the blessing of the God of Light to fight against the abyss alone, at least it proves that the God of Light exists.

"That's it," Muro nodded, "The God of Light bestowed them with the power of Holy Light. Although this power does not have an extremely powerful healing effect like the power of life, it can greatly enhance the physical qualities of mortals, especially It is defensive power, and it can cause terrifying damage to demon power. At the same time, holy light also has a certain healing ability and resistance to demon erosion that is comparable to life divine power. In general, holy light is not weaker than life divine power. And it can often have a more obvious effect when fighting demonized creatures head-on."

"It would be great if those believers of the God of Light could be more enlightened and cooperate with the outside world!"

I sighed deeply.

One is a powerful d part-time tank, and the other is a powerful nurse. If the two can be combined, I am afraid that the abyss has long been defeated by humans in this world...

Muro also deeply agrees with my words. Although he didn't think of advanced words such as d, he still knows how powerful the combination of holy light and life divine power can be. However, the reality does not depend on personal will. Our idea is very good, but in reality we have to find a way to deal with a group of fanatics who firmly defend the Holy Light and blind xenophobia.

This problem is giving me a headache.

When it comes to religious belief and even the ultimate unit like gods, my mortal strength is ultimately shallow, so I decided to consult the only religious expert here to discuss countermeasures.

Of course, I am not referring to Mu who prays to the Goddess in his room all day long with a detached face. We have more professional people here-we have a real Goddess!

Although the specifications of this goddess are a little smaller.

At this time, Ding Dong was with Pandora. For some reason, Pandora, who had always been indifferent to others, had a good relationship with Ding Dong. You can often see the two chatting together—to be precise, Pandora was talking endlessly while listening to Ding Dong. And I can often see Pandora kindly sharing her lollipops with Dingdang. Of course, a large part of the reason why Pandora is so generous is because Dingdang, a little guy, may not be able to eat her for a few days A lollipop, if Little Bubble asked her for candy, it would be a good thing that Pandora didn't bully her.

When I saw them, Ding Dong was sitting on Pandora's hand, sharing a lollipop with each other, Ding Dong went up to lick it, and then Pandora licked it again, and if Ding Dong was too involved in eating and Pandora If you don't pay attention, Pandora will lick and jingle...

What a pair of cute little guys!

It's rare to see such a quiet and lovely side of Pandora. It's a pity to rush up to disturb her, but I still have to do business.

I lightly pinched Ding Dong's little wings, lifted him out of the temptation of the lollipop, and then asked, "Ding Dong, I have something to ask you."

A few minutes later, I explained the situation of the Odo Empire in detail.

Pandora said with bright eyes: "Brother, it seems that we only have..."

As soon as I returned my hand, I accurately blocked the little guy's mouth, and then patiently waited for Ding Dong's analysis.

"Well... the gods who use the holy light..."

Ding Dong hovered in the air, pointing his lips with his little finger, as if he was trying to remember whether he knew such a god.

"There are indeed many members of the Protoss who control the power of the Holy Light. God the Father is a very powerful controller of the Holy Light. However, if it is God the Father, the abyss of this world should have been purified long ago, so the source of their power It should be another god, Ding Dong should think about it... It should not be the big man who lives next door to Ding Dong. Although that guy is a light protoss, he has been applying for the position of the Dark Guard Captain of the Eternal Night Palace, and he lives in the Eastern Palace. Sister Jinna in the district is also unlikely. Sister Jinna is only interested in making all kinds of barbecues and has never recruited believers. Neither is Brother Willick. He has been pursuing Sister Jinna for a long time. It is said that he recently went to a certain This world helps sister Jinna find barbecue ingredients, and she won’t return to the God Realm without thousands of years... Well, three have been ruled out, and now there are 17,869 left..."

Uh... Uh, gods!

If a firm theist is here, his outlook on life, values, worldview and various views will collapse in an instant!

Ding Dong analyzed it for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion:

"Ding Dong doesn't know~~"

According to Ding Dong, there are actually a lot of protoss, and there are naturally many members who are qualified to recruit believers and provide strength for them. Without knowing who the opponent is, it is naturally difficult to let the imperial army enter Odo's territory by finding loopholes in the opponent's doctrine.


A figure suddenly flashed across my mind, making me blessed to the heart.

How did I forget that such a big man exists!