Xyrin Empire

Chapter 93: Tragic Tosca


Is the actor in front of me crazy or am I having auditory hallucinations? What kind of nonsensical reason is this

But seeing that none of the people around showed doubts, and even a few women who didn't know the truth showed a nympho look fascinated by Tosca's pretending expression, I could only sigh speechlessly. Customs and customs are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like me, and even such a nonsense duel can be justified, or maybe the spectators don’t care whether the duel is meaningful or not. What they want to see is who is right and who is wrong. It's just lively. In this turbulent and chaotic era, people don't have many normal and suitable entertainment items.

The wishful thinking in Tosca's heart is ringing now. He firmly believes that the country boy in front of him dare not accept his challenge, and then he can humiliate him well. In this world where all power is respected, cowards will never Possibly gaining the respect of others, his wife and fiancée will definitely abandon this poor guy and throw themselves into the embrace of a more attractive self. If the other party accepts his challenge ignorantly, that's even better. It's impossible for ordinary people Those who have acquired systematic combat skills, but themselves are high-level fighters, can rape and humiliate the opponent as much as they want in the duel field, as long as they pretend to be a master at the end and let that half-dead bumpkin go, These beauties in front of them will naturally know who is the more reliable one.

It is naturally impossible for me to understand the calculation formula based on the values of the different world that is running quickly in Tosca's head, but I have already guessed his general thoughts after years of traveling freely in various stream novels. It's hard to agree, but considering the current state of the world, Tosca's actions are more or less reasonable.

It's a pity, not to mention that Qianqian and the others will never have a slight liking for Tosca because of this boring reason, even I will never be as easy to deal with as Tosca expected.

Looking at Tosca's haughty expression, I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, so I thought of tossing this guy a little bit.

"Duel? Good!"

I replied bluntly, as if what the other party had just proposed was not a life-and-death duel, but a proposal to go to a bar for an afternoon.

Tosca obviously didn't expect that I would really dare to take on the challenge, and also agreed so easily, but he just froze for a moment, and then took my reaction as a performance of pretending to be a hero, so he showed a relaxed smile. The ruthlessness flashed past, and then he said generously: "Your bravery is commendable. Although I am a well-bred knight, you are a gambler who uses small tricks to deceive others, but I am still willing Your bravery yields to you the choice of where and when the duel will be fought."

Meow, if this guy is thrown on the earth, he must be the one who goes to the Oscars every year to win the statuette! Listening to his sonorous and forceful words, seeing his upright expression, even I have to say, I'm so good at pretending!

It's a pity that there is a pirate dealer Sicaro who has a knight face all day long, and I have developed a good habit of never judging people by their appearance. Tosca's righteous face is similar to Sicaro's knight face. In comparison, it is the difference between the little monster and Ultraman...

"Then tomorrow evening." I pretended to think for a while, as if I didn't understand how dangerous the upcoming duel was. "The location is on the Xiao* Plain twenty miles outside the city."

Tosca froze for a moment when he heard my answer. He already knew that there would be a power exchange between the Apostles of Xiling and the Royal Knights on the Xiao* Plain outside the city at noon tomorrow. It is difficult to get more news. The visit of the Apostle Xiling has been classified as top secret, and Tosca also heard the relevant news "accidentally" from his father.

It should be just a group of aliens with some strength. Although it is difficult for the Pope and His Majesty to attach so much importance to a group of heretics this time, it has nothing to do with me, and the duel time is set in the evening. Staggered the noon time, but nothing to worry about.

Tosca thought so, and didn't pay attention to the sudden appearance of the Xiling apostle, but the other party set the duel location on the plain outside the city, which made him involuntarily think of those foreigners.

"Okay, then the duel location is set on the plain outside the city, and I will wait for you there tomorrow evening—I hope you don't break the contract."

Tosca smiled gentlemanly, and seemed to have seen several beauties throwing themselves into the arms of the winner.

"However," I thought for a while, and decided to give the other party a chance, so I said, "Actually, from my point of view, I'm not very interested in duels, especially this kind of duel that has no reason and meaning..."

"Are you afraid?" Tosca showed a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had expected that the other party would not accept his challenge. As for the reason and significance of the so-called duel, he had no such concept at all. A nobleman, with such a formal It is a very honorable thing to propose a duel, only a coward would use various reasons to question the sanctity of a duel, "You can just admit defeat, and I will give you the fairest trial—several beautiful ladies, I hope my behavior will not leave a bad impression on you, after all, as the guardian of this city, I must do this."

"You can—as long as you can afford the consequences."

Qianqian seemed to be talking indifferently, but no one noticed that the wooden floor under her feet was rotting and recovering at a rapid rate.

"..." My sister didn't speak, but looked at Tosca up and down with malicious eyes, as if she was calculating what curse to use to make this guy suffer so much but live to the duel.

"Although brother is an idiot," Lin Xue continued to attack me personally in a subtle way, "but it's still very easy to deal with you."

Damn girl! How long are you going to play? !

In the end, Sandora said with a more condescending attitude than Tosca: "So, now you can disappear."

"You..." Tosca was choked by each of the four beauties, but considering his image problem, he suppressed his anger and said bluntly, "Very well, then I look forward to seeing you in the duel field tomorrow …”

"Chen Jun, my name." I replied with a smile with a harmless expression.

"Chen Jun, I remembered the name!"

Tosca dropped such a sentence, and then cast greedy eyes on several girls.

It's a pity that before he had time to appreciate the beauty's pleasing face again, something that no one could have imagined happened.

Under the eyes of everyone, Tosca's clothes suddenly fell apart and turned into falling rags...

With my strengthened, binocular eyes, I could clearly see that the edges of the rags had fairly obvious signs of corrosion and weathering.

"What a shameless creature," Qianqian sarcastically sarcastic, "to be in public..."

Amidst the screams, wearing only a pair of shorts (... as a girl, Qianqian is still a bit shy, if it were me, I wouldn’t even give him a pair of shorts) Tosca stood dumbly in the image of a white tender pig Finally reacted, and after a cry of surprise, he covered his hands in a panic, and the guards around him also reacted one after another. Although they didn't know the reason for the situation in front of them, they still formed a *human wall at the fastest speed, and surrounded themselves The owner was protected in it, but the pranks of the girls were obviously not over. A few seconds later, a stench came from the wall formed by the guards, and it was accompanied by Tosca's high-pitched singing...

"Really..." the already blackened sister stroked her forehead and made a look of helplessness, "Even if you are in a hurry to go to the toilet, you don't have to use such a thrilling way to solve it on the spot?"

Sandora also sarcastically said, "Even if it's exciting, you don't have to sing loudly, right?"

... Someone once said: The most terrifying creature in the world is not Godzilla, but a woman, especially a beautiful woman.

The ancients don’t lie to me—these three girls around me have bad personalities that have reached the point of ultimate B. As for Lin Xue who didn’t make a move, meow, don’t think her character is so good, it’s just because this girl just doesn’t have Just the right ability!

Because I didn't want to cause more unnecessary troubles, a few girls and I took advantage of the chaos and left here, leaving only the most tragic man in the suit in history to continue running naked, diarrhea and singing in full view...