Xyrin Empire

Chapter 96: Terrifying power


After two thousand paladins finished their drill, Agnar nodded to me.

"It is indeed a very powerful fighter." I am not stingy with my praise. Compared with the basic physical strength of carbon-based creatures in this world, units such as paladins are already quite powerful. Compared with the Xiling apostle whose body is made of semi-empty matter, the physical quality of the carbon-based life is extremely fragile, and the combat effectiveness comparable to that of the Xiling warrior is obtained by relying on flesh and blood. Such an achievement deserves my praise.

Agnar smiled slightly. Obviously, the performance of the paladins had earned him enough face just now, which made him feel a little flustered.

Originally, as agreed, the royal mages of the Odo Empire would also practice multi-person compound magic for us, but I have seen Muro's large-scale magic comparable to a small nuclear bomb before. To be honest, I don't think this so-called How much stronger can compound magic be than the magic released by Muro? No matter how powerful it is, it can't be as powerful as Xiling Empire's anti-star weapons, right? As such, I'm not much interested in the post-Odo Empire walkthrough.

Originally, my purpose was to see what the legendary Holy Light is all about. Now that the purpose has been achieved, I don't need to waste time.

In fact, I originally planned to let Mellon demonstrate what the ultimate move of the power of the Holy Light looks like, but after thinking about it, it seems a bit too much for a pope to perform fireworks for me just to satisfy my curiosity. Pretending to be 13-although if Alaya asked, Mellon would definitely happily agree.

Seeing Agnar's miraculousness, I think it is necessary to calm down the other party in a more exaggerated way, lest these guys who are self-inflated under the protection of the God of Light all day long despise the Apostle of Xiling.

"I think, before witnessing the strength of your country's Royal Mages, should I let my sister exercise first?"

As I spoke, I gently pushed Pandora forward who was staring at Little Bubble, temporarily interrupting the silent confrontation between the two lolis.

Agner and Prime Minister William who accompanied him all of a sudden looked a little dull.

Although due to time constraints and the vastly different fighting styles of the two sides, we did not agree in detail on the way to display our respective strengths, but according to their original guess, the Xiling Empire probably sent some elites just like them. Soldiers, show off the power of the Xiling apostles. According to the information obtained before, Agner knows that the Xiling army can quickly rush to the battlefield through some kind of summoning method, so only me and a few girls came to the scene. Not too surprised, but now it seems that it is this little girl who is really going to make a move

Even if Sandora or I made the move, Agnar wouldn't be too surprised, but Pandora made him feel incredible.

Originally, Agnar didn't take Pandora seriously at all. In his eyes, no matter how miraculous the Xiling Apostle is, such a little girl can't be a warrior, right? At most, they are children who come out with adults to see the world.

Moreover, due to Pandora's powerful non-existence attribute, I also forgot to introduce Pandora's identity to Agnar, which made the other party more determined that Pandora is not the high-level Xiling.

Seeing the expressions of Agnar and William, although Pandora didn't show any expression on her face, her little mouth immediately pouted slightly. The dignified general of the empire was so underestimated by others, which made the little guy who regards honor as everything Feel quite upset.

"Our Xiling apostles are different from human beings." I smiled and stroked Pandora's little head, "Don't underestimate my sister, although she looks like a child, she is one of the most powerful generals in the empire." Oh!"


Agner and William, including Mellon, looked at the little girl expressionlessly holding a lollipop in front of them with exclamation marks on their foreheads, showing the expression that you are talking nonsense—of course, they didn't say it clearly. up.

I didn't say any more words, but lightly patted Pandora's immature shoulder.

Receiving my signal, Pandora spat out the lollipop reluctantly, and then solemnly stored it in a silver-white metal box, instantly transforming into a battle form with red pupils wearing alloy armor.

… Baby, although frugality is a good living habit, don’t you think it’s a little bit of putting the cart before the horse to hide the leftover lollipops in an emergency file storage box that can withstand Starburst? !

I can't hear my complaints about Pandora, but at this time, Agner and the others have already attracted the attention of this novel way of fighting and armed, so naturally they don't care about the relationship between the lollipop and the file box.

The red data stream in Pandora's eyes flashed past, and then several micro-engine nozzles unfolded behind her one by one, lifting her small figure into the air about one meter away, and then she bent down and took a deep breath. one breath...

Accompanied by the sudden appearance of three huge energy arrays and a piercing and continuous scream, three black-red energy beams several meters thick spewed out mixed with chaotic and disturbing roars, the target—more than ten kilometers away of a hill.

Finally appeared again!

This is the full name of Pandora's third-order charged helium flash, also known as Lolita Lion's Roar, referred to as map cannon, known as the strongest conventional attack of the Xiling individual soldier who blocks and kills gods and Buddhas - although it is called helium flash, I prefer it I want to call it Ultraman Beam's...

Hey, hey, listen to me, I still have a lot to say about this ultimate energy weapon with a creative way of launching...

Under the horrified eyes of 80% of the people on the scene, a powerful black-red light beam hit the target mountain head-on, and the berserk psionic energy was sent into the core of the mountain, and then exploded, accompanied by the roar and sound that filled the entire world. The earth shook violently, and the entire mountain was blasted into the sky as a whole, and then a strong chain explosion occurred in the air, turning into huge boulders and dust all over the sky.

Can you imagine how shocking the sight of a mountain being blown up into the sky in front of you, and then shattered at high altitude

At least as far as I know, there is no kind of magic in this world that can produce such a terrifying effect. Even the forbidden spell called catastrophe can at most flatten a mountain. The extent of the mountain!

I am afraid that only a large-yield nuclear bomb can produce this effect...

And this is just the result of Pandora's battle cry, and the regular attack that only takes ten seconds to recharge...

Ahem, of course, with such a violent release of energy, Pandora, as a small computer, will still suffer some side effects.

I skillfully took out a small cup and a bottle of yogurt, poured a full cup and handed it to Pandora, who immediately drank upside down from the cup.

Well, although the language ability cannot be restored immediately, it is better than nothing.

However, this is not the end.

When Agner and the others finally recovered a little bit from the shock, a scene appeared that made them suspect that there was something wrong with their eyes.

The mountain that had just been wiped out, leaving only dust and mist in the sky, has miraculously recovered!

It was the same scene as a movie film reversed, an effect that can only be achieved by going backwards in time.

From an angle that others can't see, Qianqian quietly made a victory gesture to me, which made me angry-the original plan didn't have time to rewind this scene...

The audience was silent for nearly five minutes. Except for a few of us who knew the truth, everyone else remained petrified.

In the end, Agner and Mellon suddenly came back to their senses and took a deep breath. Immediately afterwards, there were gasping sounds all around, which meant that this area would quickly become a vacuum.

"Just now, that was..."

Agnar pointed tremblingly at the hill in the distance that had completely recovered and was even greener, and stammered.

"Let's go back in time," I instantly switched to the form of the God of Fudge, and said with a relaxed expression, "Because our power is too strong, accidents that accidentally destroy the world will happen occasionally, and at this time, we need to go back in time to fix the mistakes —Of course, if the apostle who happens to be in charge of space-time control is not available, we will also find a few creator gods to help... Hiss... "

... The last "hiss" is because Sandora twisted my back hard, it seems that I got up in a flicker, is it too exaggerated

Also, although Qianqian's ability is stronger than Xiling Technology's time controller, it is definitely not up to the level of turning back the time of the entire world. Therefore, my above remarks are pure nonsense.

However, Agner seemed to believe it completely, and his gaze at us immediately changed from a somewhat stylized respect to the awe of gods.

After all, another title of the Apostles of Xiling is the gods without godhood!