Xyrin Empire

Chapter 99: The circle drawn by my sister (below)


My sister solemnly placed the piece of paper with the bold name on the stone as the test platform, and then trotted all the way back, hiding behind me nervously. This action made us all nervous.

For the first ten seconds, nothing happened.

Just when we thought the experiment had failed, a crackling sound came from the sky above us, and then amidst the stunned expressions of everyone, a pale white lightning the thickness of a baby's arm appeared out of thin air and struck the white paper with a bang superior.

The stone under the white paper was naturally turned into fly ash, but the white paper was miraculously unscathed.

This was just the beginning, and then more and more intense lightning from all directions began to bombard continuously from the clear sky. From a distance, this scene looked like a huge awl formed by lightning hanging down from the sky, and The tip of the awl was concentrated on the disaster beacon in front of us. A few seconds later, the sky began to be cloudy, and fist-sized hail mixed with acid rain poured down. Then, hurricanes, earthquakes, magma, basically everything we can think of All kinds of catastrophic events appeared one after another, and all of them were concentrated near the disaster beacon, which made the small area with a radius of less than 100 meters staged a condensed version of the end of the world. Open, hiding in a boxy refuge room temporarily built by Little Bubbles, looking at the disaster beacons destroyed by various natural disasters with amazed eyes, thank God, Little Bubbles is extraordinary this time Let's play, the built refuge room is pretty solid, at least it won't let the acid rain outside leak in.

Ten minutes later, the natural disaster finally showed a weakening trend. The wind and rain gradually stopped, the earthquake subsided, and the magma cooled and solidified. Finally, a large group of mammoths appeared from nowhere and rushed from the front of the refuge room amidst our dumb expressions. However, the last complete piece of ground nearby was completely destroyed, and this small-scale disaster finally came to an end.

I suddenly sympathized with the battered white paper covered with circles. What a terrible curse it would take to bring about such an earth-shattering execution!

Undoubtedly, my sister compressed her curse power on that white paper, which is much more serious than those cursed items in supernatural novels that at most cause a car accident and a few deaths. May I ask, which one have you seen? The cursed object in the supernatural movie can make the victim so miserable that the sky collapses and the ground falls into fire and water, and finally is trampled into a big cake by a group of mammoths

In this battle, I reckon that the effect of a terrorist attack in the city center is much better than 911, and the success rate is extremely high, because there is no security department in the world that specializes in searching for small notes, just entering the presidential palace There is no such thing as strictly prohibiting carrying white paper, right

After YY finished, I took a stack of blank papers to destroy the beautiful scene of Tokyo, and my attention returned to the study of these "ghost symbols" full of resentment and curse power.

First of all, I paid tribute to my sister's creativity and vicious methods after blackening, and then I asked my own questions.

"Sister, why do these circles have to be drawn on the disaster beacon?"

My sister's face suddenly became very embarrassed.

"Oh—" The year-round together day and night made me realize instantly, and Qianqian next to me also showed a clear smile

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem..." Lin Xue looked at me, then at Qian Qian who was smiling at me, nodded and came to a conclusion, then stared straight at me, and asked, "Say, what's going on?" ?”

I looked at my sister who was blushing, and kindly advised Lin Xue: "You'd better not ask, if you keep asking, I believe my sister will draw those circles on you."

This kind of threat was very effective. Lin Xue looked at the surface outside which had experienced various natural disasters like the surface of Mars, and immediately stuck out her tongue, expressing that she was no longer interested in this issue.

In fact, this explanation is quite simple. My sister's ability is not magic or Taoism at all, and she doesn't need to draw runes or formations on paper. However, if you just call a piece of white paper some kind of beacon, it will always feel shabby, just like many celebrities, no matter whether they have artistic accomplishment or not, they always hang two Chinese paintings at home. A work of art is the same reason, my sister naturally likes to draw some mighty pictures on paper to match the mighty name of Disaster Beacon, but that's the problem...

I remember that when my sister was still in college, she helped take care of a child of a teacher with a good relationship. It was a child who was just five years old and was still in kindergarten.

My sister is a girl who is easily inspired by maternal love. From me who was picked up by her, to Pandora who was picked up by me, to the kittens and puppies picked up by anyone, she can make my sister's mother love burst. My elder sister is overwhelmed with maternal love, and she is eager to teach children how to draw.

Note again: the kid was five years old at the time.

When the child's mother took her child home, the child excitedly showed a stack of drawing paper to her mother, so the young mother, who didn't know the truth, expressed her disdain for two of the graffiti and educated herself The kids can't waste paper this way...

Since then, my sister has sworn that she will never draw more than two strokes.

I thought about it, in this world, the only things that can be drawn with one stroke and that can make my sister draw well are probably only circles besides needles...

Perhaps feeling the substantial black resentment emanating from her sister, the few curious babies who did not know the truth wisely chose to remain silent. But the only thing this little thing is interested in is the thousands of catties of desserts piled up in his own space, so the circle drawn by his sister has become a puzzle that has puzzled everyone for a long time.

Now that the outside is calm, I suggest that everyone simply live in this refuge room. Although it is a little crude, it is at least much better than the crooked 2012 version of the barracks hundreds of meters away, but Lin Xue went up and down. After looking at the refuge room, he said, "Chen Jun, does this house look like a coffin?"

So we still decided to go back to live in a dilapidated house, and gave me the important task of cultivating the basic aesthetics of Little Bubbles in a short period of time.

My sister's creative invention has prepared a large amount of ammunition reserves beyond our expectations. Pandora has sent a large number of mass-produced battlefield reconnaissance robots, each of which has a roll of white paper called a disaster beacon. These work efficiency The astonishing coolie filled the enemy's only path with beacons according to the coordinates precisely positioned by Lin Xue through her prophecy ability. What kind of monsters will pass by at one o'clock, those disaster beacons hidden in various tricky corners can definitely make the passing monsters die extremely aggrieved after being activated, this greatly makes up for my sister's lack of strength. A defect that can limit the range of disasters caused by beacons to a radius of several hundred meters.

So I said, the prophet is really a very wretched profession.

Ahem, it's really a sin to describe a beautiful woman like that.

The results are remarkable.

Due to Lin Xue's precise prediction, all disaster beacons were activated at the time and place where the passing monster army was most dense, and then hundreds of small-scale and high-intensity natural disasters caused great damage to those mindless monsters. casualties.

Although the physique of the demonized creatures is strong, ordinary lightning strikes may not even be able to hurt them, but no matter from which angle you look at it, after ten minutes of lightning strikes, fire, fire, and water flooding, they are finally killed by hundreds of them with a weight of dozens Tons of mammoths crushed by, no matter how strong the monster is, it doesn't make sense to survive, right

After all, although a small strong character like Saint Seiya is suitable to be the protagonist, it is definitely not suitable to be the cannon fodder of the public.

My deepest condolences to those poor monsters who were ravaged to death by my sister's grudges...

Although a lot of monsters were bombarded by Chen Qian's circle of landmines, but the base of the monsters is too large, and a group of monsters who have already lost their minds can't be knocked out again, which makes me disrupt the enemy's march The small calculations of the deployment were shattered - they didn't enter the deployment at all!

An army of tens of thousands of monsters is still marching towards us. According to Pandora's calculation, they will appear in our field of vision tomorrow.