Yama Rising

Chapter 1: A different six o'clock


"On June 2, at the No. 2 High School in Nanjiang City, Yunnan Province, three girls played the game of disc fairy in the classroom at ten o'clock after their evening self-study. A died on the spot, and the two died the next day after returning home. Before the death, the deceased B The family members of the family received a phone call from their daughter. She claimed that there was someone at home… I don’t know who, the door was not opened, and the window was not opened. She checked all the doors and windows, and no one was there, but she could clearly hear the sound of breathing behind her. ."

"Two hours before the death of the deceased C, C's father received a call from his daughter, also saying that there was someone at home. She was doing homework in front of the window sill, and she always felt that someone was looking at her from the window. She just stayed motionless and looked at her silently. However, , her home is on the sixth floor. Three hours after the phone call, C died on the desk in extreme panic."

Rows of words are printed into a pair of clear eyes, and the owner of the eyes has a nice face. The facial lines are smooth, the face is full of youthful breath, the thick eyebrows like two swords do not appear too sharp, the hair is an ordinary student's straight hairstyle, and the bangs are a bit long. About 1.75 meters tall.

With the book standing on the desk, he flipped through the news on his mobile phone with burning eyes, and his slender fingers swiped across the mobile phone screen. Don't lift your head.

"On July 8, the power of the second and third classes of Paulong High School in Jiangxi Province suddenly went out for three minutes. No part of the community was tripped, and there was no problem with the local power grid. It was within three minutes of the end of the evening self-study. Nine students died smiling. ."

“June 12th…”

"Swipe..." Before I finished reading, my phone was snatched away. Qin Ye raised his head slightly, and all the surrounding scenery came into view.

Qingxi Middle School, Qingxi County, Xiajiang City, Xichuan Province, is the only high school in the entire county. In the bright and clean classroom, there is a blackboard full of writing on the opposite side. The slogan "There are 365 days until the college entrance examination" is dazzlingly pasted on the blackboard. The big characters above to study hard every day and go up are very eye-catching.

The desks in the classroom are a bit old. The old yellow paint was slightly peeled, revealing the dark brown wood underneath.

The time is now five o'clock in the afternoon, and the last get out of class is not long after class. There are not many people in the high 3-2 class. Only him, and Diao Erlang were sitting at the table to his right, two tall classmates.

The hair on the left is Maocun, and the school uniform is wide open, revealing the cheap silver-plated chain inside, which has faded a little. The clothes on the right are high-end, but they are obviously human-like, but they pretend to be ruthless, and the corners of their mouths forcefully sneer, making them look like two crooked seedlings.

Qin Ye groaned in his heart.

Zhang Yilong, Wang Chenghao, two famous ruffians in the class. Fighting, smoking and molesting girls are omnipotent. I have never run into rivers with them. I can hide as far as I can. I didn't expect that I was so fascinated by my phone just now that I didn't go with my classmates.

In any school, in any class, I don't know how many people are like him. School violence is always a dark story that is hard to describe in the education industry.

"Cha..." The cheap plastic lighter ignited a cheap red river, and the pungent smell of smoke made Qin Ye's brows slightly wrinkle, and then quickly relaxed. Zhang Yilong pretended to be mature and took a sip, and he thought it was very style to spit out blue smoke, looked at the phone in his hand and sneered: "Idiot, isn't it?"

"Die Xian... Nine female students died tragically... Tsk tsk tsk, who believes who is so stupid. Now this kind of news can also make headlines today? These editors have nothing to do?"

"I heard that your family sells wreaths?" Zhang Yilong squinted at Qin Ye. Qin Ye pursed his lips lightly: "Give me back the phone."

"Fuck it..." "Give it back to him." Before Zhang Yilong could finish speaking, Wang Chenghao sat on the table with one foot on the chair, raised his brows and looked at Qin Ye: "This kid is a little bit stubborn. Temper, do you think it's the same as the fat fat man in the class? Can't you let go of a sulky fart if you beat him to death?"

"Fuck!" Zhang Yilong puffed out a puff of smoke on Qin Ye's body, turned his head with a snort, and drew a parabola on his phone, Qin Ye grabbed it and landed it in his hand.

"Anything?" Qin Ye put the phone in his trouser pocket and asked to suppress the nervousness in his heart.

"It's okay... It's okay." Wang Chenghao stared at Qin Ye for a few seconds, then jumped down with a smile, and put his arms around Qin Ye's neck: "Little white face, nothing major. But today... I and I Zhang Yilong is cleaning. It just so happens that the brothers have something to do later. You see... how about it?"

Qin Ye's eyes moved slightly as he looked at the classroom. Sure enough, it was a mess, and the blackboard was not cleaned.

"What are you doing?" He thoughtfully said: "The school has a rule that you must leave the school before six o'clock. It has been played repeatedly since three days ago, once every half an hour. If you don't leave, you will be dropped out of the school. I don't have time."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Chenghao's hand suddenly tightened, and his voice became low: "Huh?"

Qin Ye didn't dare to continue speaking.

Wang Chenghao turned his head and took a cigarette, spit it on Qin Ye's face, and Qin Ye coughed several times. Wang Chenghao said in a gloomy voice, "What do you mean? Brother, please help me and I can't help you, right?"

"Six o'clock..."

Before he could finish speaking, the hand on his neck suddenly exerted force, making Qin Ye's face turn pale, and he abruptly suppressed the following words. Zhang Yilong had already walked over with a broom and threw it into his arms, his voice an octave higher: "Sweep!"

The voice reverberated in the empty classroom. Qin Ye gritted his teeth, broke away the opponent's arm, and said angrily, "I... Sweep. But you have to help, or I won't be able to finish sweeping before six o'clock."

"Are you so stupid?" Wang Chenghao spit out a cigarette butt and crushed it hard: "If you say six o'clock, it's six o'clock? Why don't you go at six o'clock? Just leave if you want to go, are you an idiot?"

"Don't be ashamed of your mother's face! Letting you swipe is to look up to you! Stop chattering there! Sweep!!"

Qin Ye took a deep breath, bit his lip and said, "Don't you think it's strange?"

"Since last week, there have been a lot of supernatural incidents on the news. This kind of thing was completely banned in the country before! And the Ministry of Education has written down this week, and classes must end at 4:30. It used to be 5:30! You have to go home before six o'clock, and if you don't go home, you have to be with a few people!"

"And the school radio, which is broadcast every day, do you think the school is joking?"

Suddenly quiet.

Zhang Yilong and Wang Chenghao looked at Qin Ye like a ghost, and after a few seconds, they all burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Hahaha!!" "I laughed so hard!"

"What era is it, and there are still idiots who believe this?" "Fuck... I can't... I really can't do it! It's making fun of me!" "The school's rules are actually set on the head of today's headlines without thinking. Come on, laugh to death! God's brain hole!"

The two laughed like toads, panting heavily on the table. Qin Ye looked at the two of them expressionlessly, and said deeply, "Today is the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month."

"How many, what do you mean?" Wang Chenghao said, wiping tears from his laughter.

Qin Ye shook his head and said solemnly: "In the middle of the seventh month, ghosts are running around, the gates of ghosts are closed, and hundreds of ghosts walk at night. It is also one of the three major ghost festivals, the Yu Lan Festival."

"Pfft, hahaha!!" "Yu Lan Festival, hahaha! I almost forgot the name of the motherfucker! As expected of the person from the flower circle shop at home!" "Hahaha, brother Wang, that's not called the flower circle shop, then It's called a funeral! You know the shit... No way, I'm dying of laughter! Hahaha!!"

Qin Ye smiled bitterly and sighed.

Whether other people believe it or not, his family does this, and he would rather believe it or not. But now

How many people believe this

Silently picked up the blackboard eraser and wiped the blackboard. Wang Chenghao and Zhang Yilong sat on the table with a smile, without any intention of reaching out. Instead, he lit another cigarette, lowered his voice and laughed and discussed his words and deeds just now. I could vaguely hear words such as "idiot", "looks like a ghost..." and so on.

As time passed by, Qin Ye didn't expect the two to reach out, and he was sweating profusely. As graduation is approaching, not only are the blackboards densely packed, there are also quite a few calculation papers and tattered test papers on the ground. There are also broken pencils, erasers, etc... just a few more.

"Huh..." I don't know how long it took, when he straightened his back. Zhang Yilong's impatient voice has come over: "Is it alright? How long will it take? It's so troublesome to sweep the floor, can you still do it?"

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the school's broadcast rang without warning.

"Dear students, it's six o'clock in the day again. The school once again solemnly reminds the students, please leave the campus within 20 minutes. This is the deadline. Once violated, you will be punished with withdrawal. The school will not be responsible for any consequences."

Qin Ye stood up, his voice resounding through the empty campus. Wang Chenghao and Zhang Yilong were indifferent.

"If you are still on campus, please leave the school before 6:10. Please don't walk in a room with a lot of glass or a room that has not been opened for a long time. Don't get close to the old teaching building. These places are under construction, please pay attention. Safety."

"All staff on duty, please deploy a group of five. The school will ensure that there will be no power outage throughout the night. Until 5 am tomorrow. This notice will start immediately, and all staff on duty will be evacuated outside the school. There is no need for inspections at night."

What they didn't know was that the 23 provinces, 661 cities, 1,636 counties, and 41,636 towns and towns in China all broadcast the same broadcast.

At this moment, there are more than one billion people in the country, except for places without electricity, taxis, subways, TVs, radio channels at home, there is no news, even popular stars have all given way. For a full five minutes, the same broadcast was played in reincarnation.

"Please pay attention to the people of the whole city... Try not to go out after 6:30, please do a good job of indoor security..." "The people of the county, please pay attention, please find a boarding place before 6:30. Please confirm the ID card of the other party. . After 6:30, please don't be alone in a room. At least three people in a group..." "The whole village pays attention..."

For no reason, Qin Ye shivered.

Don't know why... Just after this broadcast went off, he felt... cold around him.

It was a very strange aura, not the coldness of the air, but the coldness. Like maggots on the tarsus, someone clings to their neck and breathes out the long-dead cold air, making the hair stand on end.

"Let's go!!" Without saying a word, he grabbed his schoolbag and rushed out the door.

However, the bag was caught by something.

Right on the table, not moving an inch.

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