Yama Rising

Chapter 110: bell


Qin Ye walked in.

It's not well decorated and the whole cafe has a taste of disrepair. Yellowed walls, some block-appropriate movie posters, old wooden floors, with a weird mix of coffee and weird smells. The dusty ceiling lights were dim.

Shoes crunched on the cheap wooden floor. Pushing the door and entering, a young man with dyed yellow hair shouted into the phone: "I am the prophet, the number 2 will be killed, don't ask me why I'm investigating him, the prophet will test whoever he wants, number 8 Jumping... um, you... ok."

Probably because he didn't even think that someone would come here, he immediately turned off the microphone: "You... What do you want?"

Poor service quality!

Qin Ye didn't answer. Instead, he looked around and asked, "Are you an all-night cafe?"

"Yeah, someone will come to change the shift at six o'clock." Probably because he didn't have anything, the clerk glanced at his phone from time to time. Qin Ye is quite unpleasant. With such a prosperous beauty like me standing in front of you, you are still in the mood to watch the werewolf kill

The baby is not happy.

"Is there a menu?" he asked as he strolled around.


"… cake?"


"… Tea?"

"This is a coffee shop..." The clerk had already seen on his mobile phone that because of his rye, other people smashed eggs in various ways. He gritted his teeth and put on a smile and said quickly: "Shrimp noodles, gelatin strips, Huainan beef soup, all of them."

You should hurry up!

I'm going to lose, okay

Qin Ye coughed lightly: "By the way, isn't this a coffee shop... You have a kind of demeanor like selling dog meat with a sheep's head... What is Gratiao? Let me introduce? I've never heard of shrimp noodles..."

It can be said that the quality is very poor!

The clerk closed the game resignedly: "Glatiao is..."

"Then let's have a bowl of shrimp noodles." Seeing that he had turned off his phone, Qin Ye smiled and placed the order.


The clerk swallowed and stared at Qin Ye, brother Die... very social... come here on purpose to play with me...

"A few taels!" It was almost said from between his teeth.

"Two or two." Qin Ye happily looked for chair number four. The clerk turned around and shouted, "Er shrimp!" Turning around, he saw Qin Ye was about to sit on chair number four, and he shouted without thinking. came out: "You can't sit there!"

Qin Ye stopped.


The clerk seemed to be stunned. After a few seconds, he murmured and replied, "There... someone packed..."

"Didn't you come yet?" Qin Ye smiled and was about to sit down, when he suddenly felt that the clerk was a little cute.

"Brother!" Unexpectedly, the clerk rushed over and grabbed his hand desperately: "I really can't sit there... I'll find you a better place. How about the small sofa at table six?"

"Du..." At this moment, a slight voice sounded from the door. The clerk took a deep breath and rushed to the back of the counter.

Tuk… Tuk… The sound kept ringing, quite rhythmically. This shabby cafe seems to be quiet because of this sound. A few seconds later, a figure stood at the door. Through the gap full of small advertisements, you can only see very tall.

Whoosh... With a sour voice, the door was slowly pushed open, and a strange person walked in.

He was wearing a velvet coat, hat, sunglasses, mask, and even black leather gloves on his hands, so he didn't show much outside.

His legs and feet were not very good. He leaned on a walking stick, dragged the ground step by step, and walked straight towards Qin Ye.

Du... The floor sank slightly, and the tall body of 1.85 meters turned into a black projection. The other party's voice was hoarse: "Is... you?"

"Today, there is a new reply." The tall figure turned against the light, and the black leather gloves brushed lightly on the fourth table: "Is that you?"

Qin Ye nodded. The tall figure sat on the fourth table and pointed to the seat opposite: "Sit down. I'll treat you."

The clerk desperately gave Qin Ye a wink, but Qin Ye didn't see it. Sit down with a smile.


There is no Yin Qi, no corpse Qi, but... also no vitality.

Like a walking corpse hidden under a skin.

The other party's coat was very old, and he could see a lot of pom-poms on it. He didn't seem to be in good health, and he was panting slightly. He ordered a glass of white water and looked at Qin Ye through his sunglasses.

"You seem... been waiting?" Qin Ye finally asked first.

The waiter got on the white water and ran away quickly. Qin Ye gave him a deep look. didn't say anything.

The visitor put down his cane and picked up the white water, but he didn't drink it. He breathed for a few seconds before saying, "Yeah... I've been waiting."

"Every day, every second, I look forward to someone taking this post, and I am eager to see it." He seemed to lean back on the chair tiredly: "So, after I saw your reply, I came very early. I hope to read it in advance. your turn."

"My name is Li Jiankang... Forty-eight this year, I live in Tianxi Fish Market."

"You don't need to chat." Qin Ye turned his head and saw the face coming up, and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need it for the time being. Looking directly at the other party's sunglasses, he said solemnly: "Everyone is in a hurry, why don't we start now?"

At this moment, I don't know how many people are looking for 40 extra points. Since he is one step ahead, he doesn't mind staying ahead.

As if a little surprised by Qin Ye's directness, the room fell silent.

"This is what happened this year..." After a long time, Li Jiankang finally said slowly: "I live in Tianxi Fish Market by myself. Because of the demolition, there are not many residents left there."

"I have a cat, it's called Bell, it's very cute, a little black cat. It's also very well-behaved and never barks, but... Since August this year, it... has become wrong."

The cup was rattled by Li Jiankang's grip. He took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "I didn't pay attention at first, but it was like this every day for the next ten days. It's just outside the door, next to the door, and never enters the house, every night for ten days. At 1:50, I was screaming into the room."

"Can you believe it... every day, every day, 11:50 on time... not hair/spring, Bell had an operation, like... like there was something in the house that made it creepy. It... dared not come in ."

Clap la la... The water in his glass spilled on his gloves because of the trembling of his hands. He simply put down the quilt, and leaned on the chair in order to restrain the trembling.

"It wasn't until mid-September, that night... Bell came into the house for the first time in months."

He seemed to have closed his eyes, his head was slightly raised, but his hand was tightly grasping the armrest of the chair, like a taut bow: "I still remember what it looked like now... It arched its body, its black hair stood up, and carefully , looking straight at me, its eyes are green, walking towards me step by step..."

"And then... it bit me."

He jumped up suddenly and looked directly at Qin Ye like a corpse: "You know, the bell was like crazy. I... I have a feeling that it's not going to bite me, but something else... By my side, by my side!"

"Because, it was on my shoulder, like a human head grew on my shoulder!!!"

A sharp gasp.

The chest rises and falls sharply.

The sound is a bit high, like a broken speaker. After more than ten seconds, Li Jiankang raised his right hand and pointed at the glove. His voice subsided again, and he gasped: "The bite was deep, and I left a scar on my hand. There is no way, I can only Going to the hospital. However, every morning until five o'clock in the morning, it is the time to pick up the goods, and I had to find a friend to help me watch the store... "

His voice trembled, as if trying to control his fear, low and fluttering: "But... but..."

Qin Ye raised his eyelids and twirled a pencil on the table with his fingers: "He... is dead?"

no answer.

After a few more seconds, Li Jiankian said in a dull voice, "Dead."

"How did you die?" Qin Ye continued to ask without being affected in the slightest.

"Bite to death..." Li Jiankang trembled all over, clasping his arms tightly with both hands, trembling slightly: "That's definitely not a normal way to die... It's a tooth mark that can only appear on large beasts, but you know what... "

His voice carried a kind of creepy horror, staring at Qin Ye like a corpse: "I secretly asked a forensic friend, biting like a beast, with teeth marks... but it's a human!"

"It's human... it's human!!"

"The door is locked! The window is not open! My friend... was bitten to death by someone... in my house!!!"

The voice of the last few words was a little high, and his emotions were a little out of control. When he spoke, the clerk had quietly avoided. There were only two people left in the room, and Li Jiankang's voice drifted in the space with a trace of echo.

Sunlight poured in from the outside, and you could even see the dust floating in the air, and the lonely shop had a cold depression.

"What else?" Qin Ye finally asked.

Li Jiankang's body trembled like a stroke: "When I went back, there were bloodstains on the bed and on the walls. They were grabbed with my hands!! It must be! He was bitten here..."

He pointed to his neck: "Half of the neck is gone... But, there is no blood..."

"The whole room, there was not a drop of blood, my friend's body was like being sucked dry... shriveled... hehe..."

Although it was daytime, he was shaking like a sieve, as if... someone was staring at him behind him. He took out a silk scarf and wiped his sweat. Qin Ye tapped lightly on the table with his fingers: "Where are your wife and children?"

"Dead." Li Jiankang replied in a stern voice: "Died a few years ago..."

"You didn't find anyone else?"