Yama Rising

Chapter 111: Murder case


"I have found..." Li Jiankang seemed to smile bitterly: "But, an organization came to me, and he said they would take over, and I moved out immediately after the demolition, but... After a year of demolition, it has not started..."

Qin Ye nodded: "You continue."

Li Jiankang finally took a sip of water.

He lifted the mask, and the lips below were pale and bloodless. After a dry cough, he said hoarsely, "Since that day, the bell has disappeared."

"I also thought that this matter was over... I renovated the house, not because I didn't want to leave, but... I don't have the financial ability at all." He sighed: "I can only be in this horrible room... for a day. One day at a time..."

"Every night... I feel that something is looking at me. Right next to my bed... After twelve o'clock, there must be..." He trembled again: "It just stared straight at me. I… I tried so hard to get my eyes out, but I couldn’t…”

"One person's room... but I'm not alone, do you know that feeling? It's already... driving me crazy!!"

His voice rose again, and he gasped sharply. It took more than ten seconds to calm down, and he said hoarsely: "In September, the bell appeared again."

"It was still the night of the fifteenth, and I... heard a cat meow. I closed the door, but then, it started to grab the door desperately! Screaming like crazy!"

He grabbed Qin Ye's hand, Qin Ye raised his eyebrows, the other's hand was very cold, only slightly warm.

Visible to the naked eye, cold sweat dripped from Li Jiankang's face: "You may not believe it... My door is a relatively smooth security door. When the lights are turned on, some reflections can be vaguely seen."

"I… "

"I saw... Behind me... Someone, there really is a figure!!! It, it just stood there, looking at the door from the same perspective as me!!"

"My family... there is another person!!"

He finally screamed uncontrollably. Qin Ye shook his hand and let it go. This time it took a minute for him to calm down.

Like the desperation of being out of the body, his whole body seemed to be lost, and he said hoarsely: "Since then, I have not returned home, I have lived next to my house and rented a room, only during the day, I Dare to go back…”

"Help me..." He held Qin Ye's hand perseveringly, his voice choked up, "That's a haunted house... It must be a haunted house! I want to go back, my wife's children's belongings are all there! The investigation office said, Once someone replies, they are the ones who can help me."

"I see." Qin Ye nodded and stood up: "Today happens to be the fifteenth day of January. Tonight at twelve o'clock, I will go to your house."

After speaking, he quickly left.

Zhi He was lying on his shoulder, Qin Ye turned a corner without looking back, but immediately pressed against the wall: "Is he still there?"

"Still." Arthas replied lazily.

"Looking at me?"

"Yes." Arthas glanced at him unexpectedly: "I have to say that you are old and sophisticated, and I admire your keen sense of smell. Even Ben Gong was not as good as you. What do you suspect of him?"

Qin Ye leaned against the wall, frowning slightly: "It's not suspicion."

"It's the only expression on his face, it's not right." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "You know the time I lived in, when wars were raging, and I saw too many deaths. And his The complexion is typical of ischemia."

"And it's massive ischemia."

Arthas was unmoved: "Maybe it's a disease?"

"Maybe it's my fault." Qin Ye said lightly, "The other thing is my appearance."

"With such a prosperous beauty like me, he is unmoved..."

"Speak human words." Arthas said coldly.

"Cough... I mean, I don't look any different from a high school student. If I were a normal person, what do you think I would do?"

Without waiting for Alsace to answer, he asked himself and answered: "Even if I was in a desperate need to go to the doctor, I would be suspicious, and even if I was too young, I would be warned not to go. His friends are at least about his age, and an adult man is the same age as him. Dead. As an ordinary person who doesn't know about supernatural beings, he doesn't have the slightest suspicion? Are you sure a high school student can help him?"

Arthas didn't smile, he sighed faintly and said, "So, you were born in a time of war, and up to now, you haven't died once."

"It's not a fluke... How many people have you deceived by your appearance? Your sense of crisis is much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators at the soul-holding level."

Qin Ye smiled: "Yeah, as a Husky, smell is what I'm best at... I've seen it before I came here. No matter which way you go, you have to go through here when you leave Cafe No. 4. What about me? ...wait for someone here."

time flies.

In the remaining hours of the afternoon, Zhou Xianlong announced the score again. Qin Ye found out immediately. He is not the first.

But tied for first place!

"The first place, S9527, with a teaching position of 10, accepts the task of 'Lost Trace'. The difficulty is C." "The first place, S4532, with a teaching position of 10, accepts the task of 'Dangerous Building'. The difficulty is C."

someone came up...

Not only that, most people's scores have a small increase.

"Sure enough, practitioners in the human world don't eat plain rice..." Qin Ye turned off his phone, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest.

It's not his style to be in a mess. What he has to do now is to grab time.

Two tied first, whoever finishes first is the real first! With the urine of the school, there may be any extra points!

It was very dark in the early spring, and when it was more than ten minutes past six o'clock, there was finally a sound of footsteps.

The voice was very fast. Just as he was turning the corner, Qin Ye smiled wickedly and whistled: "Dear, you have been investigated and killed."

"What am I!!!" A scream sounded, and the yellow-haired youth sat on the ground in fright. She stared at the person in front of her with a blushing face, her chest heaving violently, and after more than ten seconds, she stood up against the wall: "Hold the grass!! You don't fucking know how scary people are!!"

Qin Ye shrugged. Indeed, this street was facing demolition. All afternoon, an aunt passed by.

This fright of myself really makes people... I feel good physically and mentally...

"Why haven't you left?" The young man patted the dust on his butt and gasped.

"Wait for you." Qin Ye raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I got off work at six o'clock, and I waited for two hours."

"What are you waiting for?"

"See if your prophet loses?"

"..." Does beating and maiming constitute a crime of personal injury? Online wait, very urgent.

"That's right." The young man seemed to remember something, and pulled Qin Ye to hide in the alley, his expression became serious: "Are you really going to that haunted house at night?"

Qin Ye looked at each other deeply: "What? Is this haunted house famous?"

"Don't go!!" The young man was almost furious, he couldn't help shaking, and said in a low voice, "Here... it's really haunted..."

"If I hadn't had any money, I would have moved away! Don't go there! Seven people are missing there! It's really a haunted house!! No one dares to approach within ten meters of it!"

Qin Ye also became serious and nodded: "Don't worry, you have successfully ignited a Yan Luo's favorability, and I will give you a good place after death."

"..." What are the criteria for judging automatic defense? To what extent is not overly defensive? Does verbal attack count? Online wait, very urgent.

"I'm not kidding you!" The young man looked around, shivered again, and gasped: "Li Jiankang... His house... is not clean, don't you know? That famous case a few years ago."

Without waiting for Qin Ye to ask, he said word by word, "Mother murder case."

Qin Ye's eyes flashed, and a memory flashed in his mind.

This is a fairly well-known case.

Parents go out to work and leave their young son at home. When they return home, they find that their twelve-year-old son has already contracted a bad habit, smoking and drinking, fighting and truancy. In order to correct their son's bad habits, they no longer go out. stayed.

However, the long separation created a rift in the family, and the son did not listen to them at all. Finally, when the son was smoking at home again, the mother's persuasion failed, and she picked up the belt angrily and beat her son. Unexpectedly, his son moved his hand directly, and he went to the kitchen to pick up a kitchen knife, dazed by his anger. He slashed at his mother more than 20 times in a row, and her mother died on the spot.

But this is not the end.

The son changed into clean clothes and threw the kitchen knife that committed the crime into the sink. That night, the son also answered several calls from his mother, replied to WeChat instead of his mother, and asked the head teacher for sick leave in his mother's tone.

The next day, the neighbor noticed something was wrong and called his son's public door. Even at that time, he calmly said to his grandfather, "My mother went outside and was not at home."

Because there was no blood on the first floor, my grandfather didn't think much about it, and the son and brother went to grandpa's house for breakfast together.

It was not until noon that my grandfather noticed something was wrong and turned into the second floor, only to see the blood all over the ground and the bloody daughter who had been chopped off.

Later, because his son was under the sentencing age, he was acquitted.

The entire Internet was boiling, and this incident affected Huaguo for a year, and he still remembered it fresh.

"This is..." Qin Ye took a deep breath and looked towards the street.

"Tianxi Fourth Street, Li Jiankang's son Li Cheng, and his wife Song Jiafang." The young man bit his lip and said, "Since that day... every night at twelve o'clock, I can hear from Uncle Li's house beating children. The sound of the belt...and the constant scolding, the sound of beating, even...even the sound of a knife slashing into the flesh..."

"But Uncle Li can't hear it, but we can hear it clearly! There are ghosts... there are ghosts! You must not go!"

Qin Ye's thoughts turned extremely fast, and after a few seconds he said solemnly, "Didn't he say that his son died?"

"I don't know..." The young man looked left and right: "This is the most terrifying place... His son... is gone."

"It's not that he disappeared, but that the world really evaporated, like... just like Aunt Song took him away!"

Qin Ye nodded: "The last question."

"You know the bell? A little black cat."

"What little black cat?" The young man was inexplicable: "I haven't heard of it."

Qin Ye looked the young man in the eye: "Li Jiankang's cat."

"Impossible." The young man shivered all over, and an inexplicable chill made him feel cold: "He never keeps cats! Think about it, how to take care of him when he is outside all year round? My son is a left-behind child, who will keep cats! No Cats... I've never seen any black cats in their house!"