Yama Rising

Chapter 113: On the shelves tomorrow ~ on the shelf testimonials! ! !


Today's one will be available at 4 pm, tomorrow will be available at 10 pm, and the update will start at 12 noon, one per hour until 10 pm. The V group will be announced tomorrow~ The official account has not been made yet~ I made one before and didn’t take care of it, I will make it after this book is 150w~

100 monthly pass plus one update, but it has to be redeemed the day after tomorrow. At 2 am today, my grandmother passed away. Now I have to rush back to my hometown, so I can only redeem it the day after tomorrow, but it should not be much. Reader~~ very tangled, hope more, and hope not much~

Well, this is the author's family business, and there is no need to affect the work. Now let's get to the point.

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The old fat man has been writing in the vertical and horizontal for five years. From the beginning of a small and transparent, to the revolutionary team that can now be included in the annual meeting, the writing may not be good, but at least the website agrees with my attitude, and I have seen a lot of big, beacon fire, and innocent. , more vulgar, Zhibai and so on are huge, along the way, unknowingly has reached the fourth book.

A newcomer from the emperor superstar training system enters and writes with emotion.

In the super entertainment dynasty, I have some skills, relying on memories and feelings to write.

To the strongest evildoer, he relied on his brain hole and passion to write... To this book, I wrote it with hard work, and when I look back, I find that I have written 10 million words...

Yama is different from the first three books. Before writing it, I thought about what kind of book I want to write. Because of the unsatisfactory grades of Enchanting, many old readers have left. I have no complaints. After all, the author is reading books, and the books are not good. Don't blame them for not being able to keep people. I was just thinking about what kind of book to use to make readers stay and remember me again.

I thought about it a lot, read a lot of books on the market, and finally chose a direction, that is, urban spirituality.

This is a very popular type on the market right now, and it just so happens that I like it very much. I grew up watching horror movies since I was a child, Lin Zhengying, a vampire madman, and in 200X, the original version of The Grudge was found all over the Internet (the most terrifying DV version, I don’t know how many people have seen it, but it should be very few). I was touched when I saw the supernatural beings in the city, and I only wanted to write thoughts in my heart.

I'm good at urban. After all, the books with a slight reputation at the time were all urban, and I liked it very much, so I chose this type.

After that, I wondered what style this book was.

At first, I chose to be serious and supernatural to the city, but the writing was not good. The editor-in-chief came back, and I decided to let go of myself and write my usual character, so I have the current "I want to do Yama". .

I want to make it easy for everyone.

In the joyful complaining, watching the development of the plot without being nervous, what I think is that everyone is already very nervous in this fast-paced society every day, so I will let everyone relax. Easy yet rigorous. Hence the current style.

The style of the book is quite different from the previous books. I don't know if you like it or not. Everything depends on the subscription tomorrow.

Finally, I thought about what to write about this book.

Catch a ghost

There were too many, and I felt that the novelty was not enough, so I chose the construction flow to expand the underworld from scratch, which I found very interesting. I also hope that readers will agree.

In other words, I don't think it is necessary to say much. I have only one hope...

Readers who hope to like this book, please subscribe, one chapter V1 is 3 cents, V2 is 2 cents, a maximum of one ticket per day, please don't take other people's labor results for granted, hundreds of thousands of words, all are author one It is written word by word. I don't want to do any piracy, and please respect the author's labor.

I hope that through this book, everyone will like it more, and I hope that the story of this book can be reminiscent of everyone.

If you don't get paid for work, will everyone feel happy

No way? Save yourself with others, and compare your heart with your heart. Every subscription of a reader is related to the income of the author.

good! Tomorrow at 12:00 noon, "I want to do Yama" will be officially launched. I hope that those who like this book will subscribe! I hope that I haven't bookmarked it yet, but readers who have added bookmarks can click to bookmark it! Thanks!

Sure enough, I still can't write a testimonial, I can't write a hot-blooded leaflet, I can only tell you my heart. I hope everyone agrees, subscribe~ Thanks again!

See you tomorrow! !