Yama Rising

Chapter 13: Arthas Menethil


Aluo Shasuo was silent for a while, probably trying to adjust his mood and organize his language. It took a long time for the Soul Sealing Ball to move, but before he could speak, Qin Ye pressed his eyebrows and said, "The name Aluo Shasuo is too convoluted. In order to make it easier for you and me to address each other, I'll just call you Xiao Ah? The full name is Arthas Menethil, which is catchy, clear and easy to understand, and looks very international. How about it?"

I'm so...

Aluo Shasuo is in the mood to die with the other party now.

This is obviously not an Asian name, and it seems that the gender has changed! Are you serious

"...As you like..." She gritted her teeth and spat out these two words. She took a deep breath and said, "The reason why this soul is important is you."

"Those who have eaten Tai Sui will not live or die, their names will not be recorded in the book of life and death, but will survive in the yin and yang worlds. But in the same way, once one of the yin and yang worlds is out of balance, it will undoubtedly die."

She said quietly: "Originally, this situation would never happen, but no one thought that the great wish of Earth Store Bodhisattva would actually come true. The only way for you to survive is to find a piece of the treasure. But you want to Have you ever…”

She lowered her voice and said word by word, "Once you go to Yan Luoyin, you... can't stop."

"What does this mean..." Before Qin Ye could finish speaking, his mind suddenly lit up and he pondered.

Can't stop... Yes, that's what it is!

Unless he died with peace of mind, as long as he found the first piece, this still undead overture was completely played by him. After that... no one can stop it!

Find the first piece—the attention of the next piece—after passive counterattack, the next piece is in the hand again—and then attract the attention of the next piece… At that time, whether you like it or not, you can’t get out of this vortex at all.

Infinite loop!

Arthas's voice said slowly: "And... any piece of innate treasure is full of endless yin energy in the underworld, and any ghost that gets it, even if it is a year or two, will be as strong as a ten-year-old ghost. Boy... Okay. Pray, if your luck is too bad, and the first piece of debris encounters a D-rank or above Specter, then... three days later is your death."

Qin Ye didn't speak, he closed his eyes and thought carefully. The hand tapped the table lightly, and the soft sound of "嘚嘚" made the hut in the early morning reveal a contrasting tranquility.

This is a Gu basin. Every Gu worm inside is holding a piece of innate treasure, and only the strongest one can survive! However, in it, whether you want to or not, you will definitely participate in this battle of life and death!

Can't hide.


"First strike is stronger." He opened his eyes, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Almost together with Arthas, they said this sentence in unison.

"There is no way to retreat, there is no need to retreat. Either you die, or they die." As a judge who had committed a heinous crime, Arthas looked at Qin Ye unexpectedly, "I can't think of us first. I reached a consensus this time... Don't worry, since I have signed the Heavenly Dao contract, I will not watch you die. And I have seen this Yin spirit in the underworld, the breath of the innate treasure is not strong, you should be lucky. He is by his side I am afraid it will not be long before the ghosts get the fragments."

Qin Ye nodded, looked at his phone, it was already seven ten.

Since it's better to start first, and since you can't summon the soul during the day, let's start with Wang Chenghao of the school!

Within three days, either the other party died or Qin Ye went down to accompany Madam Meng.

… … … … … … … … …

That same night, three in the morning.

Just as Qin Ye was walking down the Yin-Yang Road, in the most upscale community in Qingxi County, a tall boy was lying on the bed with a frown.

He slept soundly. Although it was summer, the most high-end central air conditioner in the house quietly and silently adjusted the temperature, plus the ventilation effect, it cost nearly one hundred thousand.

Canglan Community is the home of Wang Zemin, the richest man in Qingxi County.

There are all single-family villas here. Open the window and look at the past. It is the Daba Mountain, which stretches for thousands of miles. The night wind blows, and the wind blows the bamboo forest on the mountain. It is soft and quiet, making people feel at ease.

The greening of the community is also very good. The price of this community is definitely not equal to the top community in the provincial capital, and there are only three or four small villas. The clumps of green trees even formed a small jungle, but... In the middle of the night, against the background of the lights, it looked a little gloomy.

Wang Chenghao was lying on the bed, sleeping very unsteadily, tossing and turning, frowning tightly. Finally, with an exclamation, he woke up from the dream.

"Heh... heh..." He gasped, rubbing his chest, his heart beating wildly. Even if two days had passed, he could not forget the nightmare that day.

The next second, he suddenly stopped.

His heart almost stopped beating, and a sense of fear spreading from his spine made his scalp tingle!

At his bedside, sat a woman.

Just so quietly, with his back to him, his hair down to his waist, he didn't say a word. Dressed in pale white clothes, sitting on the head of the bed.

"You... you!" Wang Chenghao was so frightened that he retreated to the head of the bed with a thud, desperately holding on to the lamp.

"Don't press, the power is off." The woman's voice was hoarse, as if she was chewing something.

"Aunt Liu..." Only then did Wang Chenghao settle down a little. This Aunt Liu is his stepmother, but he has never been able to call him Mom, and has always been called Auntie.

The stepmother that my father Wang Zemin brought back three months ago.

Wang Chenghao's original mother died after giving birth to him.

Without speaking again, Aunt Liu made a strange "gudu" sound and left slowly.

Wang Chenghao listened to the sound of the door closing, wiped the cold sweat from his head and was about to go to sleep. Just a few seconds after lying down, he suddenly bounced like a needle.

No... No! !

I... I locked the door before I went to bed!

To turn on the air conditioner, the windows are also closed!

She... how did she get in? !

No... There will never be a power outage in this neighborhood! This district has a power outage, and the entire county should have a power outage.

His body shook suddenly, he only felt the blood rushed to the top of his head in an instant, and he pressed the light a few times, but there was no response. He cursed "Fuck!!" and immediately picked up the phone, but just opened it, he closed his mouth all of a sudden, grabbed the cup and wrapped his body, the 18-year-old was so frightened that he almost screamed!

No lights.

The shadows of the trees in the continuous bamboo sea of Daba Mountain are projected by the moon, like shaking ghosts.

There are no traces of people.

The whole room revealed a dead silence that was suppressed to madness, and needles could be heard falling.

Only a pale halo from the phone.

Just under the halo... He clearly saw... From the bedside to the door, there was a series of footprints.

Very neat, but... what footprints can one see

human footprints.

But... stained with blood! At three o'clock in the night, scarlet marks were stepped on in his bedroom!

"Hey..." Wang Chenghao's teeth chattered wildly for no reason. The closed door, the stepmother sitting on the head of her bed at three o'clock, a series of bloody footprints, and the sound of swallowing...

He walked quietly to the door, not daring to make a sound. Just as he was about to close the door gently, he suddenly realized that the door was open!

A seam is left.

"Heh... heh..." He was covered in cold sweat, and just when he was quietly trying to close the door, he happened to see a scene from the crack of the door that made his soul fly out of the sky!

My stepmother... was lying beside the Labrador raised at home, with her head twisted in a very strange position, she was eating something.

At her feet, there were golden retrievers all over the place and blood on the beach.

What is so much/hairy

What large creature... can spew so much blood

"Kazha..." He closed his eyes, bit his lip, and closed the door tremblingly.


There are ghosts in the house!

"Ha...ha..." He was sweating profusely on the wooden floor, leaning back against the door, panting shiveringly. After more than ten minutes, he picked up the phone and planned to take a picture of the footprints in the bedroom.

Ka... After taking the photo lightly, he opened the album, but was suddenly stunned.

what photo is this

Just in his album, I don't know when, there was an extra photo.

That was the classroom he was familiar with, the familiar Zhang Yilong, and... Qin Ye

However, at the moment, Qin Ye was carrying them, a magic weapon with lotus flowers at both ends, withstood a large mass of nothingness behind him. And they were unconscious to the corner.

The angle of the photo is very bad. Obviously, I accidentally turned on the lighted camera when I passed out and took the photo by accident.

Qin Ye... This, is this Qin Ye? !

Is this the day? Didn't he say he passed out!

"Boom!!" At this moment, there was a knock on the door, Wang Chenghao couldn't hold back the fear in his heart any longer, he screamed and backed the door more than one meter.

"Who... who!!"

no answer.

However, the sound of "dong... dong" sounded on time every five seconds!

Death knell.

Wang Chenghao rushed to the door like a madman and held it tightly.

The door knocked and knocked on the back. He wanted to leave this wooden door that isolates fear, but he was afraid that it would be opened as soon as he left. I want to block the door, but there is only one door away from fear.

The fear was so intense that his tears fell.

Never like today, looking forward to the rising of the sun.

All night long, the knocking on the door did not stop. Finally, at five o'clock, a rooster croaked from somewhere, and the knocking at the door stopped abruptly.

Wang Chenghao did not dare to move, although it was five o'clock, although the knocking on the door stopped. But it was still dark, and in summer, it would not light up until at least 5:30. He quietly packed his money. Staring at the phone, at 5:30, I rushed out of the door like crazy.

Get out of this living hell home.

The driver hadn't gone to work yet, so he ran quickly to the street, obviously there was no one there, and it was obviously much colder and wetter than his home in the early morning in summer, but he felt that he had finally let go of his fear.

After waiting for almost an hour, he waited for a rental car, pulled it out, and rushed up: "Go... to the county suburb... a funeral street in the county suburb! There is a shop behind him!"

The car drove fast, and when he reached the funeral street, he threw out a fifty and rushed inside immediately.

Boom... just happened to collide with Qin Ye's bicycle.

"Wang Chenghao?" Qin Ye looked at him unexpectedly: "What are you doing here?"

"Save me!!" Wang Chenghao rushed to Qin Ye's side as if going mad. He didn't care if anyone else got up to buy breakfast, he grabbed Qin Ye's hand and said, "Save me... I know... you can do it. of!"

"My house... there are ghosts... there are really ghosts!!"

Qin Ye calmly withdrew his hand and looked at Wang Chenghao carefully. At a glance, his eyes jumped.

The heart of the eyebrows was pitch black.

Two days ago, his face was still red and full of yang.

What was even more terrifying was that two of the three oil lamps on the top of the shoulders had been extinguished, and only one remained on the top of the head.

Man will die.