Yama Rising

Chapter 41: detection


"Who knows? I heard that some serious criminals escaped. Last month, they said that there was a secret military exercise. I'm afraid that martial law will be more than five or six years. Don't you know? Our local forums are going crazy. There are armed police officers everywhere, and they are very strict."

After asking, after chatting a few words, the young man left.

Wang Chenghao blinked and looked at Qin Ye. Qin Ye lit a cigarette, took a puff, and muttered, "I'm afraid the situation is not very optimistic."

"Now I just found out... Xichuan... It seems that the last paranormal broadcast in the country is broadcast. The curfew is also at the end, after all, it is at the feet of Zhang Daozu..."

He squinted his eyes and looked at Bao'an City: "The curfew was imposed here four months ago, and the ghosts may have been flooded. Whether it is a lonely ghost or a government army, there are probably ten times more than a small Qingxi County. more than."

He could see that in the city of Bao'an, the dark yin was like a lid on a pot!

It's hard to imagine what's going on here.

How much effort has the government put in, and how many people have been mobilized, so that people don't realize it, and can they still live normally

For a moment, he was full of pride in the word country.

"Huh? What are you looking at with your puzzled eyes?"

Wang Chenghao curled his lips: "No... I was thinking, didn't I give you 300,000... Why did you take money from my wallet just now, and it was so natural... "

The traffic finally moved, and thirty minutes later, the toll booth was already in sight. At this moment, Qin Ye's eyes moved slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Wait, don't be nervous. I'll talk."

"What?" Wang Chenghao's body tightened immediately, and Qin Ye patted him angrily: "Calm down, those who achieve great things must have the courage to not be shocked. It's just a routine inspection, just this time. There may be some surprises. You don't show your fault."

Wang Chenghao took a few deep breaths: "Is it... someone from Xichuan?"

They had escaped Xichuan far away, and they must have been discovered long ago. They thought about a dozen countermeasures along the way, but no one stopped them along the way, which is quite puzzling.

"I don't know." Qin Ye leaned on the seat and rested: "If something happens later, be ready to run."

"...Didn't you say that you have the aura of not being shocked when Mount Tai collapses in front of you?!"

Qin Ye rolled his eyes at him: "What is the inevitable connection between not being alarmed and running away?"

Wang Chenghao held his chest in one breath, his face was as ugly as eating SHi.

That is, how fast and how fast do you run with a calm face

You calm yours, I run mine

This Nima... Although there is no problem with the logic, I always feel that there is a strong sense of violation... Is it an illusion

He was getting closer and closer to the door. When he saw the door clearly, Wang Chenghao's eyes jumped, he gasped, and his hands on the steering wheel tightened.


At the entrance of a small prefecture-level city, there were nearly a hundred armed policemen with live ammunition. There were seven or eight red and blue police cars parked in the back, and in addition to the toll booth at the entrance, a large tent was pulled up behind! Occupy the whole country road!

Like the mouth of a giant beast, after eating a car, the entrance of the huge toll booth was silent. The jet-black barrel, with three full rails behind it, makes no one dare to make trouble here.

Their car quickly arrived at them. The first thing to pass is eTC. The soldiers on both sides were fully armed and wore camouflage uniforms and camouflage helmets like rows of poplars, which added a chilling atmosphere to the ordinary entry in the past.

Usually, most of the toll booths are women, but at this moment, they are all replaced by unsmiling black suits. On their chests, a triangular badge with an eye in the center. However, Qin Ye didn't dare to look carefully at what it meant.

After the eTC passed, the fence did not open.

"Uncle, what's going on?" Wang Chenghao rolled down the car window and said impatiently.

Black suits were unheard of, and glanced at the computer: "Xichuan's car?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

The black suit taps the next button: "The first passage on the right."

Wang Chenghao retreated into the car dejectedly and turned to the right. Only then did I discover that all the cars in the passageway were from other provinces!

And here, it's different.

Those who entered the dark tent were surrounded by armed police. But this channel has no troops.

There is an infrared camera every three steps, front and rear, left and right, without any leakage. Record the situation of a car in 360 degrees, and even under the car, there is a scanning device!

"Heh..." Qin Ye also took a deep breath. The country is really moving... As long as a centralized country wants to think about it, there is nothing it can't do.

Each lane is a tent entrance, and as the car slowly opens the tent curtain, it is bright inside.

The dazzling white headlights are lit inside, three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle, and only one car can enter at a time!

"Dear drivers and passengers." In the silence, a melodious female voice rang in reincarnation: "Welcome to Bao'an City. Bao'an City is located in the most southeastern part of Hui Province..."

After a few seconds of introduction, the female voice continued: "... In order to cooperate with Bao'an City's large-scale militarization exercise, Bao'an City has raised the security level to orange. All vehicles and personnel entering and leaving must be thoroughly inspected. Those who do not cooperate will be repatriated. Those who violate the rules will be responsible for the consequences. Thank you again for your cooperation…”

Wang Chenghao and Qin Ye glanced at each other, looked at the large steel railing that descended in front of them, and got out of the car rationally.

A man in a black suit had been waiting outside the car for a long time, nodded to them, and walked towards a temporary small tent next to him.

The tent was very simple. An old man with gray hair and a Chinese face was sitting behind a desk. There are two small chairs in front. In addition to the computer, there is also a crystal ball on the table. Seeing them come in, the old man raised his chin and motioned to sit opposite.

The old man looked at them deeply, his eyes seemed to be able to see through people. After a few seconds, he said lightly: "Why did you come to Bao'an City?"

Did not ask the name and place of origin, specific circumstances. The first question is: purpose.

Straightforward and straightforward.

It doesn't give people a little room for consideration, and it doesn't need to pave the way.

The moment the other party spoke, Qin Ye's hand under the table instinctively tightened.

The breath of a practitioner.

The person censoring on the national road turned out to be a cultivator!

The fluctuation of the breath means that the other party is ready to act at any time!

Although the realm is not high, there is no ghost difference at all, but this side shows how powerful the military in Bao'an City is.

Since Wang Chenghao entered here, his whole body has been tense, and the practitioner's breath of indignation can make him fear mortals with energy. Qin Ye calmly clapped his hand and said nervously, "Go, go to school..."

"What school? It's not the school season."

Qin Ye immediately said, "Deputy Chief Prosecutor Zhang Baoguo. He is a relative of my father. He came to study this year."

"Deputy Prosecutor Zhang?" The old man raised his eyebrows in amazement and took a deep look: "It's alright."

Old Zhang's name really works... Qin Ye was about to stand up. The old man suddenly said, "Wait."

For a while, the examination room was silent.

After a few seconds, he said: "Put your hand on the ball and don't think about anything. Let your mind go, listen to me and let it go."

The two do.

Qin Ye closed his eyes, and at the moment when his mind was just empty, he suddenly felt that the yin energy in his body moved.

Yin gas detector!

He didn't know the name of the ball, but Qin Ye instantly understood its effect.

Ordinary people can't detect anything, but... it can detect ghosts hidden under human skin.

The government... Has it even researched this kind of thing

Xichuan couldn't see it because it was not very necessary at the foot of the ancestral court of the state religion. Walking out of Xichuan, the wind was surging under the calm waves, and he was a little scared to see the leopard in the tube.

Unfortunately, this instrument has no effect on him.

"Okay." After about ten seconds, under Wang Chenghao's restlessness, the old man finally said. The two opened their eyes, only to see the center of the glass ball in front of them, there was a hint of Yin Qi.

It was like a black cloud in a crystal ball.

"Let's go, remember that the first thing you do when you arrive is to go to the street where you are going to register immediately. In addition, you must have a temporary residence permit. There will be a major inspection every 15 days. The same goes for students."

Qin Ye took the lead and left. After they left, the old man quickly operated on the computer. Soon, the hexagonal panorama of Wang Chenghao's car and the scanned images of the two's avatars appeared on the computer.

"License plate: West eC, 43251."

"Passenger: 2."

"Purpose: to go to school."

"Yin qi: 52 yin. Below 100, you may have recently been exposed to supernatural events, which is a controllable level. Ordinary human beings."

Immediately, the old man clicked save. Close your eyes and rest again.

"This is too strict." In the car, Wang Chenghao wiped the sweat from his forehead, obviously he didn't do anything, but in that atmosphere, he almost said how old JJ was.

It's just the door.

Qin Ye didn't speak, and looked thoughtfully at the passing lights above his head. The car drove for a long 1,000 meters, and when the black tent curtain was opened again, the eyes suddenly opened up.

The autumn sunlight filtered through the fine clouds, a little hazy. Next to the national road, the street lamps stretched out in a streamlined shape, and the trees swayed their golden leaves in the cold autumn wind. Traffic rushed into the city one after another. In the distance, you can see dense buildings, tall sky bridges, and TV towers.

Fading the suffocating weather and ushering in a natural picture, seeing this scene makes people feel at ease. There is even a feeling of a vast ocean.

It is much more developed than the small Qingxi County.

Wang Chenghao is young and has not traveled far, and now he is looking at the surrounding scenery with interest. The mood also relaxed: "Let's relax outside and inside, it's not too strict inside..."

"Really?" Qin Ye pointed to the top of his head: "Look there."

Wang Chenghao glanced at it quickly, and was surprised to find... From the national highway to the main urban area... Rows of huge electronic screens were obviously newly erected, constantly changing the screen.

"Drive the window."

The window rolled down, and a female voice broadcast immediately poured into the car: "Dear friend, welcome to Bao'an City. At present, Bao'an City is listed as a national fifth-level military exercise base. What you are seeing now is the Bao'an City garrison. area. Friends, please keep the following points in mind.”

"One, all the red areas in the city are not allowed to enter without a permit. Once found, take care of them immediately."

"Two, after 6:30 is the curfew time. In order to cooperate with the military exercise, please don't go out. Enjoy the scenery of Bao'an City during the day."

"Three, all friends who leave Bao'an City, please be sure to issue a certificate and cancel the temporary residence permit at the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

"I sincerely hope you all have a good time."