Yama Rising

Chapter 49: The living restricted area



Qin Ye's eyes looked at the wine glass, and his vigilance had already mentioned 120%.

Lunatic... Sober lunatic. A sane maniac.

Alsace's words were clearly repeated in his ears: All the evil agents are underworld ghosts, and they are managed by the underworld's high-pressure 'system'. After the 'system' does not exist, these evil agents... will become more terrifying than evil spirits. Dozens and hundreds of times!

For example, Cao Youdao.

"If you're disrespectful, you're just holding your soul, and I'm just a ghost. And I... have seen practitioners who are above the soul of the human world." He deliberated his words and opened his mouth carefully.

Cao Youdao smiled.

He smiled happily, his hand lightly placed on Qin Ye's hand, pale and cold: "So, in this world, only you and I can understand each other."

"Don't talk about impermanence, even if it is a judge-level practitioner, so what?"

His palm lightly patted Qin Ye's hand: "The only one who can see the shadows is the shadows."

"You care about his impermanence judge, or even the ruler of the palace, Yama? No one can see us, only you and I can see you and me. In other words... Humans will never find me, even if I stand in front of them."

"We and those low-end ghosts are always two kinds of existence."

Qin Ye calmly pulled out his hand and said with a smile, "However, the government will always suppress the existence of supernatural beings. As long as enough troops are invested, wherever they appear, they will be cleared away..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Cao Youdao shaking his finger: "No, Xin Ding. You seem to have forgotten something."

His eyes were deep and dangerous, with a fiery bewitchment: "You forgot... There are hundreds of billions of Yin spirits standing behind us! They are countless souls that were rushed to the world with the collapse of the underworld!"

"As long as there is a suitable method to induce them, they will sooner or later turn into resentful spirits and even evil spirits. Do you think... How many people are there in the Special Investigation Department? Can they take care of them?"

"All souls will instinctively gather towards Bao'an City after feeling the aura of the evil spirits. Now we are in the early stage of official positions in the underworld. Once we reach the rank of judges and even princes..."

His body trembled slightly because of the excitement: "The souls of the surrounding provinces will all condense here! Think about it, when tens of billions of Yin spirits gather, even if there is not a single ghost, this is definitely a forbidden area for living people! "

He looked directly at Qin Ye: "In other words, it's... the heaven of the underworld."

Qin Ye took a deep breath.

Crazy is not scary.

A madman with reason and high IQ is scary.

He didn't even know he was crazy.

He understood, even though what the other party was saying was cryptic. But the ambition is clear. He's trying to... rebuild the hell!

Once you follow each other's steps, this... is possible! The only thing they care about is time, but, as people who have no name in the life and death book, do they care about time

In Cao Youdao's eyes, Qin Ye's silence was considered a consideration. He stood up, tapped the glass window lightly, and said hoarsely, "Xin Ding, it's not just me, all the ghosts who are lucky enough to survive now are like this. Do."

"You should have been employed not long ago, a hundred years? Before you could enter the register of the underworld, you encountered the collapse of the underworld. That's why you were not brought to the Pure Land of Bliss by Lord Jizo. That's why... You haven't really had contact with other colleagues, and you don't know anything about today's society. ."

Where his fingers fell, ripples swayed, and the map of the entire Hui Province appeared above.

Bao'an City is one of the biggest red dots. Elsewhere, there are four red dots. Although it is more popular than Bao'an City, its expansion is not as fast as Bao'an City.

"Do you know what this is called?" He looked at Qin Ye leisurely, breaking the opponent's defense a little bit: "This is called the predation area."

"After the underworld collapsed, I have traveled all over the southeast area in the past 100 years. This is the case in every province and every city. The ghosts who are fortunate to not die have divided their own territories. These territories are called predation areas, and each predation area is like this. , there is an evil ghost with the least level of ghost difference. They are waiting, they are afraid, afraid that the underworld evil will burst out of the gate like a tide again. However, time can make people forget too many things. The beginning of these years has been unstable, It's just that some ghosts can't wait."

"Without the pressure of the underworld, in the next ten years of China, the peak of the full confrontation between the world and the underworld will come sooner or later. When that time comes... How will you hide?"

"Wherever you go, there are ghosts all over the place. Do you want to perform the function of a sleuth to kill the evil spirits? It's not because this official looks down on you, can you kill them just because you are a little devil?"

"Those ghosts who survived from the underworld are not many, but not too many. Even... I felt the breath of impermanence in the Pearl River Delta. It is under the Pearl River. The underworld is destroyed, and there is no way to advance. It may reach a higher level. Once the confrontation between yin and yang breaks out, where do you… go?”

Cao Youdao turned around and looked at Qin Ye playfully: "Are you going to the overworld? You violated the rules of the Yin Division, and the Yin Division will never participate in the affairs of the overworld."

"Standing on the side of the yin spirit? Then you also violated the regulations of the underworld. The existence of the yin division is to assist the normal operation of the yang world."

"You... where are you going?"

Qin Ye didn't say anything, Cao Youdao walked up to him and said in a deep voice, "Xin Ding... so you understand? I did this not for my own desires. But now I need someone to stand up and take care of myself. The whole Yin Division."

"The yin spirit is inexhaustible, and the yin division is inactive. Sooner or later, the power of the underworld will overwhelm the yang realm. And in this world, the only one who can revive the yin division is me..."

He tapped Qin Ye's chest: "With you."

"Only us are high above, and are completely different from those vulgar ghosts."

"As a sinister, can you tolerate those evil spirits who are trampled under our feet and flattered and humbled when they see us, becoming the master of one party?"

I have to say, his eloquence is very good, and Qin Ye was almost persuaded by him.

But, just almost.

"Now that there is no underworld record of achievements, how can you reach the judge?" He said calmly: "If you can't reach the judge, your power will not be able to go out of the province at all."

Cao Youdao laughed again.

He stood up and gently stroked the glass window with his hand: "Did you see that thing?"

He was talking about the three-meter hole behind the stage.

Qin Ye nodded.

"So... the collapse of the underworld should have left me with hope..." Cao Youdao's voice was frantic, and then immediately calmed down: "The way... Of course there is."

He did not continue, but turned to look at Qin Ye: "Okay, give me an answer. I sincerely invite you to stand on my side, on the side of the underworld, and return to the old order. New Ding...don't let me down..."

Qin Ye shook the glass gently: "What if... 'No'?"

Cao Youdao smiled and said, "Do you know why I didn't ask your name?"

"Because... dead people don't need names."

Qin Ye finally took a sip of the wine and was surprised that the wine tasted very light and smooth.

The surrounding air was as sharp as a knife.

Without a word, blood spattered five steps.

After a few seconds, he finally put down the glass with a smile: "Then, what reason do I have to refuse?"

clap clap clap! Cao Youdao laughed and applauded: "I knew that you would make the right choice."

He took out a sign made of wood from his pocket. The carving was exquisite, and it was enveloped by the other party's yin qi.

The wooden sign was gently placed on the table, he pressed his two fingers together, raised his eyebrows and said, "With this thing, you can see all the prey areas in Bao'an City. Take it and enter, you can control the Yin spirits in it at will. The level of Yin spirits in Bao'an City is not strong, they are all on the level of ghosts. They dare not go against the will of their officials."

Qin Ye stretched out his hand, but couldn't hold the wooden sign.

"Fellow Daoist... There are some things that are said to be shallow..." Cao Youdao's smile was very mysterious: "So... Should you prove it?"

"Prove that the two of us stand together for the reconstruction of the Yin Division, and have a common ideal, eh?"

Qin Ye also smiled: "How to prove it?"

Cao Youdao stood up with a smile, walked to the window and snapped his fingers lightly. Suddenly, the tempered glass windows were separated, and in an instant, the roaring drum music bomber rushed into the room.

Qin Ye listened to it, and it was actually Faded...

At the moment when the window was opened, he had quietly activated Yan Luoyin.

Yes, just "almost" convince.

He would never stand with this lunatic.

For no other reason, the three views are inconsistent.

He has his own way of living, how it was before and how it is now. It is true that both of them have seen the change of dynasties and the warmth of human affection. However, he has always lived in human society, which is different from all evils!

The other party is commanding the night world from above, and there is a difference in essence.

He is more popular, he is lazy, he does not want to fight for this hegemony, he hates the hypocrisy and greed of human beings, but loves the friendliness and honesty of human beings.

Emotions and six desires are his life.

Miscellaneous tastes are not worth a lifetime.

Why should I stand with you

"Everyone." Cao Youdao's small voice sounded, and within ten seconds, the dance floor below became quiet. All the ghosts looked at him with a fiery gaze.

He cleared his throat and said slowly, "Tonight, we may welcome a colleague who shares the same goals and ideas with us. Of course, it may not be."

"Actually, yes or no, it has no weight in words. Therefore, this officer has prepared a special welcome ceremony."

"Bring it up."

Qin Ye looked at the ambitious man with great interest, but soon his eyes were no longer fixed, but he stood up quietly and looked at the entrance in disbelief.

The ghost group separated like a tide, and the two paper-tie people brought a soul.

The other party's hair was messy, obviously struggling, his soul fluctuated very much, and he had a handcuff on his hands. Chinese character face, Zhongshan suit.

This... turned out to be Zhang Baoguo's soul!

"Look, as long as you hit the knife, you and I will be on the same front." Cao Youdao looked down with a smile and said, "You should know this person, right? The first thing you do when you come to Bao'an City is to see him. But he's hateful, you know?"

"The Special Investigation Division is the mortal enemy that hinders our great progress. And he is an old dog under the mortal enemy. I won't kill him, just because it's not the time to tear our face with Yangjian. We are just staring at him anytime, anywhere, Thanks to him, I discovered you, the only remaining colleague."

I see…

Qin Ye responded with a smile: "What does this mean?"